Folklore consists of two separate words, "folk" and "lore". "Folk" means people and "lore" means knowledge. Generally, the folklore expressions consist of culture and traditional knowledge. On the other hand, we can define folklore as a collection of works and creations of a certain group or ethnic that may belong to a nation, consist of tangible and intangible elements, such as, literature and artistic works, folk beliefs, practices, knowledge, technology, folk medicine etc. Principally, the characteristics of folklore are longtime, special domain and approach of behavior. The scope of the low of folklore, generally, consists of artistic folklore, traditional technology, folk literature and folk practices. The role of folklore law is identification and protection of expressions of folklore. However, in this article we try to offer a suitable definition for folklore and expressions of - folklore. Then, we examine the national, regional and international. Efforts in relation to folklore, for example, "Model Provisions"(1982) made by UNESCO and WIPO and Copyright Law of Iran (1348).