Background and Objective: The revision of educational programs is part of the educational reform program that adapts educational programs to the rapid advances in research and technology and leads to entrepreneurship, productive employment and wealth generation. The mission of higher education in the field of health is the training of committed, expert, human resources based on native and national needs. This paper attempts to develop a roadmap (process) for reviewing training programs for the implementation of evolution and innovation programs of medical education Analysis method: To achieve this, the task force on reviewing educational programs was established at the Secretariat of the Council for Education of Health and Basic Medical Science (Undergraduate and Postgraduate), then the executive steps taken to carry out the review process by reviewing the literature and studies of specific experts and through meetings with review groups And members of the Dissenting Hat or Workshop. Findings: After establishing the review group and determining its pattern in the first stage, the needs assessment of the faculty members, the managers of the group, the experts of the training units, the graduates and, if necessary, a case study of the professors of other fields of communication, entrepreneurship and. . . . . was emphasized. Then, compare the existing curriculum with the programs at the international level or similar disciplines. In the third stage, information organization is determined by focusing on the application of course syllabuses and the sociological approach of the subject field curriculum. Then, with field studies, the initial draft, by refreshing the previous lessons in the panels, is to prepare a new syllabus based on the practical skills and professional practices of the graduates. At the last stage, applying the comments and comments, and going back from the opinions of the experts, a final review of the curriculum and program editing is carried out. Conclusion: The proper implementation of these processes can play an important role in achieving the goals of the review in order to transform education.