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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: The revision of educational programs is part of the educational reform program that adapts educational programs to the rapid advances in research and technology and leads to entrepreneurship, productive employment and wealth generation. The mission of higher education in the field of health is the training of committed, expert, human resources based on native and national needs. This paper attempts to develop a roadmap (process) for reviewing training programs for the implementation of evolution and innovation programs of medical education Analysis method: To achieve this, the task force on reviewing educational programs was established at the Secretariat of the Council for Education of Health and Basic Medical Science (Undergraduate and Postgraduate), then the executive steps taken to carry out the review process by reviewing the literature and studies of specific experts and through meetings with review groups And members of the Dissenting Hat or Workshop. Findings: After establishing the review group and determining its pattern in the first stage, the needs assessment of the faculty members, the managers of the group, the experts of the training units, the graduates and, if necessary, a case study of the professors of other fields of communication, entrepreneurship and. . . . . was emphasized. Then, compare the existing curriculum with the programs at the international level or similar disciplines. In the third stage, information organization is determined by focusing on the application of course syllabuses and the sociological approach of the subject field curriculum. Then, with field studies, the initial draft, by refreshing the previous lessons in the panels, is to prepare a new syllabus based on the practical skills and professional practices of the graduates. At the last stage, applying the comments and comments, and going back from the opinions of the experts, a final review of the curriculum and program editing is carried out. Conclusion: The proper implementation of these processes can play an important role in achieving the goals of the review in order to transform education.

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Background and Aim: Employees are constantly in need of training, which by comprehensive evaluation can be aware of effectiveness of the educational outcomes. The purpose of this study was assessment of the Effectiveness of Staff In-Service Training System, Tehran Taleghani Hospital with Kirickpatrik Approach, which would ultimately be a guide for hospitals by producing a guideline. Methods and Materials: This is a descriptive-survey research. The statistical population was operating room staff about 50 people. The sampling method is Convenience sampling and the sample size is 48 people. Data analysis was performed in accordance with four level of the Kirkpatrick model including reaction levels (researcher-made questionnaire and face-to-face interview), learning (pre-post written tests and skill tests such as OSCE), behavior (360-degree evaluation), and outcomes (Change of indicators) and data were analyzed by SPSS software Results: Findings showed that mean scores in the reaction stage (136. 35) and in the learning stage, t-test statistics of the pre and posttest in writing exam (12. 93), and OSCE (8. 45) and, in behavior stage the mean score of 360 degrees from the viewpoints of head nurses (55. 83 ± 7. 96) and colleagues (44. 29 ± 6. 92) And junior colleagues (39. 85± 4. 75) self-assessment (57. 5± 3. 01) patients (13. 25 ± 0. 001) and in the result stage hospital indices were significantly different and change. Conclusion: At the reaction stage, the participants were satisfied and significant changes in the mean score of the pre-posttest of the written and OSCE shows that learning occurred. Based on the analysis of 360 degrees evaluation from the perspective of five sources of assessment about 50% of the learning transmit to the work place and that cause changes in the hospital’ s indicators.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objective: The main focus of transformation and innovation in medical sciences is the development of infrastructures and decentralization. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the dimensions of university autonomy in pursuit of transformation and innovation in Mazandaran Medical Sciences Universities. Methods and Materials: This study was applied in terms of purpose with an exploratory mixed approach, and the research strategies were descriptive survey in quantitative section. The statistical population, in qualitative section, was the faculty members of Mazandaran Medical Sciences Universities, among whom 10 persons were selected through targeted sampling method based on theoretical saturation, and was 434 faculty members among whom 204 ones were selected using stratified random sampling method based on academic rank in the quantitative section as a sample. Data were collected using a researcher-made questionnaire containing 75 questions. The face and content validity of the tool was confirmed by the experts, and its reliability and Cronbach’ s alpha with more than 0. 7 were corroborated, too. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis tests were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that the academic autonomy had two dimensions: “ structural and content” . The structural dimension had four components of autonomy (organizational, financial, policymaking, national and regional), and the content dimension had three components of autonomy (scientific-educational, research and technology). The structural and content dimensions with factor loading of 0. 990 and 0. 961 had the most and least dimensional effect, respectively. Conclusion: Considering the findings, it is necessary to pay attention to scientific freedom and autonomy in the universities to maintain the scientific quality and validity.

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Naghavi Alhosseini Solmaz Sadat | MEHRDAD NEDA | POURABBASI ATA | YAZDIZADEH BAHAREH | Adibi Hossein

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Background and Objective: Considering the potential importance of knowledge management (KM) in research centers, as a productivity tool for knowledge creation and innovation, as well as the significance of employees’ commitment and motivation as an important factor for successful implementation of KM, the present study aims to investigate the association between KM and organizational commitment among the researchers working in research centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). Analysis method: Data gathering tools were knowledge management questionnaire developed by Lawson (2003) and Organizational Commitment questionnaire introduced by Mowday, Steers and Porter (1979), respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (version 25) and descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were extracted by the Pearson’ s correlation coefficient test. Results: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between KM and organizational commitment among researchers of research centers affiliated to TUMS and the researchers were enjoying a relatively desirable KM level and high organizational commitment. Also the Pearson’ s correlation coefficient showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between the production, acquisition and organization of knowledge with organizational commitment, but there was no significant correlation between the storage, dissemination and utilization of knowledge with organizational commitment. Conclusion: The results of the research showed that the level of commitment and motivation of employees is critical due to its infrastructural role in implementing KM and increasing the efficiency of the organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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At the beginning of the age of wisdom, knowledge-based companies have been created to enhance science and wealth, develop a knowledge-based economy, commercialize research, and develop high-value-added technologies. Despite advances in recent years, one of the challenges for these companies is the creation of wealth and the commercialization of research findings. The purpose of this study was to present new technology commercialization strategies in information technology startups based on a qualitative study with an exploratoryapplied approach. The statistical population of this study consisted of academic experts and knowledge managers active in IT startups and the statistical sample was selected by purposeful judgment method with snowball approach. In terms of data gathering, both library and field studies are conducted using semi-structured interviews with experts and qualitative data analysis through the six-stage content analysis model (Clark and Brown). In order to assess the validity and reliability of the interview, the reliability and validity of the interview was also assessed by a test-retest method. Information technology consists of five key strategies, including: reforming the management system in startups, improving knowledge-based companies’ relationship with industry, effectively managing intellectual property rights, enhancing the effectiveness of government governance and culture, and 16 sub-strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Public-private partnership reduces the project fund. Besides, it focuses on utilizing private-sector capacities such as knowledge and specialized experience. The aim of this study was to match the public-private partnership models in medical education in five continents to choose a suitable model for the medical education system. Methods and Materials: This study has compared the public-private partnership models in higher education. The valid databases and websites of major universities across five continents have been searched by proper keywords of public-private partnership. The sampling of universities was done based on strategic choice, purposefulness, and access to information. Results: One of the good models of the partnership was to use private sector resources to train trainees in the real work environment that has benefited both public and private partners. The private sector partner had cheaper labor and the public sector partner saved money. There were furthermore, another appropriate model was consulting and knowledge transfer services for the private sector by the public sector. Conclusion: It seems that using private-sector resources for clinical education as a public-private partnership in universities of medical sciences are suitable. On the other hand, the public sector lays education policy and regulation and monitors the quality and quantity of education. Correspondingly, the private sector will be responsible for providing learning space, transfer of knowledge and specialized experience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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