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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of organizational intelligence in the relationship between work self-efficacy and social capital in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. The statistical population included 850 top-level, middle-level and low-level managers and experts working in the ministry of Sport and Youth. 265 subjects were randomly selected as the sample. To achieve the research goals, Scherer Public Self-Efficacy MLQ, Albrecht Organizational Intelligence and Putnam Social Capital Questionnaires were used. Validity of these questionnaires was confirmed by 15 experts and their reliability was calculated in a pilot study with 30 subjects as 0. 79, 0. 72 and 0. 73 respectively. For data analysis, the descriptive and inferential statistics including Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Single sample t student test were used. SEM was used to determine the causal relationship between variables using AMOS and SPSS. The findings showed that work self-efficacy and organizational intelligence were not desirable while social capital was desirable in the Ministry of Sport and Youth. Also, organizational intelligence had a moderating role in the relationship between work self-efficacy and social capital and their relationship model had a good fit.

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The aim of this study was to design a model of strategic readiness in sport organizations of Iran. Research method was mixed and descriptive-survey. In the qualitative part, participants included 16 university professors who were interviewed to determine the main components of the questionnaire. The sample in the quantitative section included 145 managers and employees of the department of physical education and health at the Ministry of Education in the departments and province. A researcher-made questionnaire (α =0. 96) (43 items) was used to evaluate strategic readiness in three dimensions of human resources, organizational factors and leadership and management. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient with Atlas-ti, LISREL and SPSS. The results showed that the model of strategic readiness in sport organizations were based on three main dimensions of human resources, leadership and management and organizational factors. Also, the results indicated that the indices of the model had appropriate and acceptable fit (RMSEA=0. 08, CFI=0. 98, NNFI=0. 99). This model can be used as an instruction to prepare sport organizations more to conduct the strategic management process.

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The aim of this study was to prioritize the barriers to the support of Yazd ceramic and tile companies for soccer clubs. This study was application and survey. The statistical population consisted of 352 members of the board of directors of 65 Yazd ceramic and tile companies. According to the Morgan Table, the sample size was determined to be 176 subjects. The barriers to the support for soccer clubs were identified using interviews of the sample and then the data were quantitative collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 10 sport management professors and the reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α =0. 87). Data were analyzed by both descriptive and inferential statistics. In this study, firstly, the barriers to the support of Yazd ceramic and tile companies for soccer clubs were identified and then ranked based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The ranking results showed that the three main reasons why Yazd ceramic and tile companies did not support soccer clubs were governmental (6 barriers), financial (5 barriers) and management (6 barriers) respectively. Thus, it will be useful to pay attention to these existing barriers to realize the support for soccer clubs.

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The aim of this study was to design and validate the scale of support for elite athlete women in championship sport. The research method was descriptive and a survey. The population included all elite athlete women and 200 women responded to the questionnaire purposively. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. Based on the research background and a semi-structured interview with experts, in particular elite athlete women, a list of the most important variables related to the subject was provided and finalized after 46 items had been extracted. Face and content validity were examined by Cronbach's alpha and exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine construct validity. The results of factor analysis showed that the reliability of the scale for all nine factors was between 0. 73 and 0. 89 using Cronbach's alpha. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that 46-item scale of support for elite athlete women was classified in nine factors: need for social support (7 items), financial support (6 items), job requirements (4 items), lifestyle (7 items), medical support (5 items), support for sports (5 items), academic-education support (5 items), government support (4 items), and infrastructure and facilities (3 items). The conclusion showed that social support, financial support and job requirements of elite athlete women were the most important reflectors of support for elite athlete women in championship sport.

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The aim of the present study was structural equation modeling of the effect of constraints on satisfaction with the mediating role of sport tourists’ motivation. The statistical population consisted of all the tourists of ski resorts in Tehran province (Dizin, Shemshak, Touchal, Abali). Due to the indefinite number of the population (N=10000), 370 subjects were selected as the sample by disproportionate stratified random sampling method (due to lack of access to the number of referents to each ski resorts) using Morgan sampling table. The data were collected by the questionnaire of constraints, motivations, and satisfaction of sport tourists (2008). After it was localized and translated, its face and content validity was confirmed by 11 experts of sport tourism and its construct validity was investigated through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The reliability was also achieved by Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient as 0. 84, 0. 87, and 0. 79 for variables respectively. The data were analyzed for modeling with Structural Equation Model (SEM) through Lisrel software. The results confirmed the hypothesized structural relations, that is to say the constraints variable had a reverse effect both directly (-0. 19) and indirectly (-0. 44) through motivation mediator on tourists’ motivation. Besides, the motivations directly affected tourists’ motivation in a positive and significant way (1. 14). Therefore, the results and structural model allude to the fact that reducing and removing constraints increase sport tourists’ motivation and satisfaction to attend ski resorts.

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Today, sport competitions are being held under different titles around the world and have attracted many fans. Team sports like football and volleyball have turned to big businesses and huge amounts of money are involved in the transfer of team players. So, one of the important issues in sports is to search new team members to fill open positions and to enhance the quality of the teams. Single attribute decision has recently been made to select top volley ball players while experts believe that this field requires multi attribute decisions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide a scientific framework to rank volleyball players and to select top players to play their roles in different positions. Firstly, a list of criteria to select players in different positions was provided using literature review and meetings with experts of the field. Then, SWARA method and experts’ viewpoints were employed to prioritize and weigh the mentioned criteria. TODIM method was introduced to finally select top players from the existing options. To assure the accuracy of the research path, the designed framework was used to rank those players participating in 2015 World Cup in Japan and to form the world selected team. This study was application in terms of aims and descriptive – survey in terms of data collection.

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The aim of this study was to model the tangible factors of service quality and behavioral intentions of customers. The method was descriptive-survey. The sample consisted of 193 customers of the bodybuilding clubs in Tehran Municipality. 2 researcher-made questionnaires (44 and 9 items) were used. Their validity was confirmed by 5 sport management professors and their reliability was calculated as 0. 944 and 0. 872 (P

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One of the most reasonable approaches to reach optimal productivity and development in the sport organizations is to have a defined plan and to identify the strategies to catch the organizational targets. The aim of this study was to determine the sport climbing strategies in Iran by the SWOT method. This study was application in terms of aim and nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of strategy. Firstly, the current status of Iran sport climbing was studied and then a questionnaire was designed with reliability of α =0. 95. It was distributed among 97 subjects relating to Iran sport climbing. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency and dispersion and inferential statistics including Chi-square and Friedman test. Finally, SWOT analysis model was applied. The matrix of internal and external (IE) factors revealed that the position of sport climbing in Iran was in weakness and threats (WT) area. 14 strategies were determined by the TOWS matrix, ranked by QSPM matrix and proposed. According to the location of sport climbing in WT position, it seems that operating the proposed strategies can support this sport to leave the current critical situation towards a better place.

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Studying status determination of the employees’ organizational spirituality capabilities in general administration of sport and youth in Kerman province. The present study is descriptive and of applied type. The universe includes employees working in general administrative of sport and youth in Kerman province during 2015 (N=62). All employees selected as the sample considering limited universe. Data collected through infield method and by means of 17-question questionnaire of organizational spirituality. This questionnaire applied by Rigo and Kanha (2008) and validity and reliability of the questionnaire confirmed through research project in 2012 in Iran. Reliability coefficient of the questionnaire obtained as (α =0. 89). The obtained data analyzed by Kolmogorov– Smirnov test, One-Sample t-test, independent t and Manova. The research results showed that there is a significant difference between observed/assumed averages and organizational spirituality capabilities (t=2. 11, P0. 05). Considering the employees’ spirituality in youth and sport departments is of important issues that might be resulted in efficiency. The status of organizational spirituality capabilities in the research sample is a little better than the assumed status.

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The aim of this study was to provide a model to measure the economic role of government in the privatization of the Iran sport. This study used a mixed method with exploratory mixed type. The first stage was qualitative. 20 deep semi-structured interviews were conducted, the data were collected and then coded and analyzed. The codes were categorized and 5 components were identified. The second phase was quantitative which was conducted by structural equation modeling. The sample consisted of 222 subjects who were selected purposively. A researcher-made questionnaire (20 items) was used to collect data. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 15 experts and the reliability was 0. 920. To calculate construct validity and to check structure, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied by SPSS and AMOS. To calculate the reliability of the scales and subscales, Cronbach's alpha method was used. The results showed that the effect of 5 economic factors on the sport privatization was significant. “ Socio-economic development” component (regression coefficient=0. 254) had the highest effect and economic stability (0. 216), welfare system (0. 129), economic power (0. 121), and the market structure and its competitiveness (0. 104) were in the next places. Sport privatization requires solving economic problems, creating a competitive environment and omitting government ownership.

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The pervasiveness of sports and the importance of its position in international events have attracted governments’ attention. Besides the social and economic effects, winning international sport competitions is assumed as a symbol of comprehensive stability and capabilities of countries. This winning is the reason why countries invest in professional and championship sports. So, the policy of detecting talented athletes to participate in an organized training program is of great importance in sports nowadays. This study reviewed the literature of sport talent identification and pointed to challenges, constraints and shortages existing in scientific talent identification process. The articles were searched in well-known databases such as PubMed, SCOPUS, Science Direct and Springer with the following keywords: talent identification in sport, talent identification criteria (innate or acquired) and talent identification patterns. Ultimately, more than 60 articles were reviewed. The studies in sport talent identification are new and a specific and inclusive pattern which covers all dimensions has not yet provided. A few patterns consider the effect of innate criteria such as genetics as suitable for talent identification in sport while most researches recognize those patterns based on skill assessment after training as determinants. Several other studies focus on skill criteria along with physiological, anthropometric, biomechanical and psychological criteria.

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Saffari Lila | JAFARI AFSAR

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The aim of this study was to provide the model of the relationship of the sources of power and coaches’ misconduct with progressive motivation in elite female athletes. The research method was factor analysis and field. The statistical population consisted of all elite female athletes in 2 team sports and 2 individual sports including cycling and rowing who were invited to the camps of national teams in 2016. 190 athletes were selected as the sample. To collect data, Power in Sport Questionnaire by Wann et al. (2000), Blurizadeh (2015) Misconduct Experience Questionnaire, Long and Fries Progressive Motivation Questionnaire (2006) were used. Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to predict changes and factor analysis and t test were applied to examine the fit of the model and to determine the effect by SPSS, Excel and SMART-PLS. The results showed a multiplicity relationship between sources of power and progressive motivation in elite female athletes and the sources of power explained progressive motivation. There was a multiplicity relationship between the components of misconduct and progressive motivation in elite female athletes and these components explained progressive motivation. The goodness of fit indicators of NFI and SRMR along with their interpretations showed that the model does not have a good fit. And in PLS-SMART, indicators should be interpreted with caution.

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