In many parts of the world, the formations of sinkholes are reported by many researches. In the past few years. several sinkholes have formed in the northern part of Hamedan, between Hamedan and Famenin cities. The geotechnical results evaluation indicates that collapsible sandy soil and Karstic bedrock contribute to the formation of those sinkholes. It is understood that the simultaneous role of those factors significantly affects the size of sinkholes. In the previous researches, the mutual role of solubility of bonding material and the presence of collapsible sandy soil are not taken into account. In the current research with consideration of this point, a series of odometer testing performed. The artificially added sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate, and carbonate calcium made possible to consider the effect of chemical bonding on the behaviour of collapsible sandy soils. It is shown that the collapsible behaviour of sandy soil having calcium carbonate as its bonding material is very sensitive to the pH of soil pore water. It is concluded that in the area susceptible to collapsible behaviour, the presence of soluble bonding may significantly affect the size and development of sinkholes.