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Aim: Nowadays marriage is considered the most important pillar of a stable family and as such is quite a big concern for the average youth. Therefore reaching a successful marriage requires paying attention to different variables of this crucial subject. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to reveal a template for a successful marriage and all of its strengthening and endangering variables, considering the Iranian culture. Methods: The research method for this study was super compositional, and the statistical population included all local research in this field between the years of 2009 to 2019 that were acquired following a systematic selection criteria, that yielded 21 articles. Results: The result of this research showed that the most important factors of a successful marriage can be divided into 4 themes and 16 main factors with 146 strengthening and endangering factors, which include individual factors, environmental factors, couple factors, and criteria for mate selection. The main factors include moral, personal, or identity characteristics, religious and spiritual beliefs, including problem solving skills, parenting, effective relations with spouse, family ties with spouse, financial issues, sexual issues, cultural factors, societal factors and family, knowing the expectations, needs and wants, same mindedness, general maturity and general, physical, and mental health. All of the above mentioned main factors all have their own sub factors within themselves. Conclusion: It is expected that this project will be of use to researchers and family and marriage specialists.

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Aim: Students are one of the most talented and promising segments of society and future builders of their country, and their level of health and psychological well-being will have a significant impact on learning and increasing their scientific awareness and academic success. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate a structural model of psychological well-being based on negative life events and mindfulness with emphasis on the mediating role of coping styles. Methods: The method of conducting the present study was descriptive correlational of structurequational type. The statistical population of the study were the undergraduate students of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, 365 of whom participated through cluster sampling. They responded to questionnaires on negative life events, mindfulness, coping styles, and psychological well-being. The reliability and validity of the instruments were confirmed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze the data, structural equation method was used with Amos software. Results: The results showed that the effect of negative life events on the problem-oriented style and psychological well-being is negative and significant. The effect of mindfulness on the problem-oriented style and psychological well-being is positive and significant. The effect of problem-oriented style on psychological well-being is positive and significant. The mediating role of problem-focused coping style in the relationship between negative life events and mindfulness with psychological well-being is meaningful. Conclusion: The results showed that the model presented among the students of Shahid Beheshti University has a good fit and confirmed the role of the variables of negative life events, mindfulness and problem-oriented coping style in psychological well-being.

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Aim: The purpose of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of self-differentiation training on improving family process and content in demanding couples with contested divorce. Methods: A quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and two-months follow-up with control group was used. The statistical population included couples who mutually consented for divorce, and had referred to the counselling clinic of Behravan in Qazvin in 2018. Ten couples (20 participants) were selected through purposeful sampling and assigned in experimental and control groups. Research tools included Samani’ s (2008) family process and content questionnaire. Self-differentiation was administered for the experimental group in 10 weekly 90-minute sessions. The changes of family process and content was measured in posttest and follow-up and data were analyzed by repeated measurement. Results: Results indicated that self-differentiation significantly have promoted family process (P<0. 01, F=21. 14) and family content (P<0. 01, F= 23. 32). This effect was observed in follow-up, and four couples gave up the divorce requests (P>0. 01, t= 0. 01). Conclusion: self-differentiation training, thorough empowering couples, helps in moderating between reason and emotions; while differentiaton of self from original family, affects the functions of family process and content. Therefore, it can be used as an efficient psycho-educational package for improving the functions of family process and content in divorce demanding couples, and may helpprevent divorce.

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Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of reality-based and emotionally focused couple therapy (EFCT) interventions on the happiness and resilience of couples. Methods: The method of the present study was a single case experimental design of multiple simultaneous baselines. The statistical population of the study were maladapted couples referred to Talieh Mehr Couple Therapy Center in Tehran (149 couples), in which 6 couples were selected as a sample by purposive and voluntary sampling method. Then, the approaches were performed in pairs for reality therapy and EFT for each couple with a two-month follow-up. The standard Oxford happiness (Argyle, Martin, Crossland, 1989) and Conor-Davidson resilience (Conor-Davidson, 2003) questionnaires were completed as data collection tools. Data were analyzed by visual mapping, stable change index, and recovery percentage formula. Results: The results showed that reality therapy-based couple therapy increased the happiness and resilience of couples (61. 06% and 49. 31% recovery, respectively) and its effect was maintained until the end of the two-month follow-up period (60. 05% and 51. 88% recovery). Also, EFCT increased the happiness and resilience of couples, respectively (28. 06% and 28. 87% recovery) and its effect was maintained until the end of the two-month follow-up period (26. 81% and 29. 73%, recovery). The index of their change in reliability also indicated that these changes were significant (p <0. 05). Conclusion: The results showed the effectiveness of couple therapy interventions based on reality therapy and EFT on increasing the happiness and resilience of incompatible couples and the mentioned approaches can explain the desirable degree of variability of happiness and resilience of incompatible couples

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Aim: Intimacy among couples is an important factor in sustainable marriages. If couples' intimacy fades, it will affect their tendency toward extramarital relations. Individuals' style of attachment form during childhood and exert a notable influence on the formation of their marital intimacy during adulthood. Therefore, the goal of the present research was to study the mediating role of marital intimacy in relation between attachment styles and attitude. Methods: This research is a descriptive-analytic study of correlational type. The statistical population is comprised of all married men and women of Tehran in the Iranian year of 1396. The study's sample was chosen from the population using the convenient sampling method. Data collection tools included Mark Whatley (2006) Q Attitude Toward Transnational Relationships Questionnaire, Collins & Read (1990) Attachment Style Questionnaire, and Thompson and Walker (2002) Marital Intimacy Questionnaire. The total population size of the sample was 650 couples, consisting of 357 women and 293 men. Data analysis was done using the path analysis method and the AMOS statistical software from SPSS company. Results: Analyzing the correlation coefficients and their standardized values, in addition to the related t-test values, indicated that the direct effect of the anxiety-driven attachment style on marital intimacy is meaningful (P≤ 0/05). Furthermore, the indirect effect of marital intimacy on tendency toward infidelity is meaningful (P≤ 0/05). Conclusion: Since marriage and choosing a partner is one of the most important decisions in life, considering the predicting role of unsafe attachment style and the role of marital intimacy in individuals' tendency toward infidelity, the necessity of analyzing these two variables as it applies to premarital counseling and parental training about child education and attachment styles, must be emphasized.

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Aim: Conflict of mothers and daughters-in-law is a common issue, especially in Asian countries characterized by a collectivistic culture and a patrilineal society. The main purpose of this research was the development and validation of quality of mother and daughter-in-law’ s relationship scale, including construct validity, convergent validity and internal consistency. Methods: This was a correlational research. The research's statistical population included all students' mothers in city of Ahvaz. Two samples were used in this study. In the first sample, 411 subjects were selected for exploratory factor analysis; and in the second stage, a random sample of 211 subjects were selected as a multi-stage cluster sampling for confirmatory factor analysis. Subjects completed the Quality of Mother-in-Law and Daughter-in-law Relationship Scale (QMDRS) and Miller Social Intimacy Scale (MSIS). Results: The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that this scale consists of four factors, including kindness and empathy, control, communication, and interference. The confirmatory factor analysis results confirmed the four-factor structure of this scale. Convergent validity of QMDRS is calculated by correlating it with the Miller Social Intimacy Scale. The correlation coefficient of mean in subjects in QMDRS was significant (0. 20 to 0. 46). According to Cronbach's alpha, the internal consistency of the QMDRS and four factors kindness and empathy, control, communication, and interference was 0. 68, 0. 62, 0. 72, 0. 78, and 0. 90. Conclusion: According to the results the Quality of Mother and Daughter-in-law’ s Relationship Scale (QMDRS) has sufficient validity and reliability in Iranian families.

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Aim: Dyspareunia and vaginismus are important issues in the lives of women with these disorders and have adverse, damaging consequences for the individual, the family, and the couple's intimacy. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the lived experience of women with dyspareunia and vaginismus. Methods: The method of this study was descriptive-phenomenological psychological in which nine female participants suffering from dyspareunia and vaginismus were selected through purposeful sampling and data collection was continued through semi-structured interviews until data saturation was reached. After collecting the data and transcribing them, the researcher used Giorgi’ s five-step phenomenological data analysis method. Results: Analyzing data led to 12 contributing components of the lived experience of women with dyspareunia and vaginismus which included: lack of awareness, experiencing the physical symptoms of anxiety, fear, predicting pain, feeling of inadequacy and inferiority, feeling of shame, hatred of sex and of spouse, a feeling of suffering, feeling of anger, feeling of guilt, decreased emotional and sexual intimacy, and regret about marriage. Conclusion: The results of this study also enrich the previous research literature on the lived experience of dyspareunia and vaginismus. Also, the structure of the lived experience of dyspareunia and vaginismus derived from this study is widely used to develop and apply preventive and therapeutic programs for this condition and its consequences.

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Aim: This study was done to investigate the effect of home-to-school transition program on social-emotional readiness of preschool students. Methods: For this study, semi-experimental design with pretest-posttest and control groups were used. The population included all preschool students in Isfahan during the 2017-2018 academic year who entered kindergarten for the first time. Data collection for this study included voluntary participation of two kindergartens from the city’ s 5th district, and each was randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. Seventeen students who were qualified to enter the interventional phase were included in the treatment and control group. The transition from home to school program was performed on the experimental group during 3 months and the control group did not received any interventions. The scale of the Social-Emotional School Readiness (Bustin, 2007) was used to collect the data. Findings: The data was analysed with one-way and multivariate analysis of covariance and the results showed that the home-to-school transition program was effective to promote social-emotional readiness of preschool student (p <0/003). Conclusion: Therefore, we can use this program for preschool student to increase their social-emotional readiness.

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sed on school connection, family emotional atmosphere, motivation, self-efficacy, and academic engagement of students. Methods: This research was of descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study included all first and second grade high school students in Isfahan in 2018-2019. From among them, a sample of 375 people were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling. The tools for data collection included the following questionnaires: Dehghanizadeh and Hosseini Chari Academic Buoyancy Scales (2013), Panaghi et. al School Connection Questionnaire (2011), Razavieh Vesamani Family Emotional Atmosphere (2000), Patrick, Hicks and Ryan (1997) Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, Reeve, Agentic Engagement Scale (2013), and The Harter Academic Motivation Scale (1981). Results: The results showed that at 95% confidence level, the direct effect of school connection on academic buoyancy was confirmed with an impact factor of 0. 207. Also, academic engagement has an effect on academic buoyancy, with an impact factor of 0. 356, and self-efficacy has an impact on academic buoyancy with an impact factor of 0. 202. Conclusion: Findings showed that the indirect effect of school relationship on academic buoyancy mediating academic engagement is confirmed, so that the intensity of the indirect effect is equal to 0. 206, the indirect effect of family emotional atmosphere on academic buoyancy mediated academic engagement was also confirmed, and that the indirect effect is equal to 0. 055. Furthermore, the indirect effect of academic motivation on academic buoyancy is mediated by self-efficacy, the intensity of the indirect effect is equal to 0. 084 (p <0. 05).

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Aim: The purpose of the present study was to explain the human interactions affecting the psychological preparation of airline pilots. Methods: Qualitative approach and thematic analytical method was used to conduct this study. The study population in this research were the pilots of an airline company in Tehran in 2019. In order to gather the necessary data, pilots were selected through purposive sampling criteria. Then, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each pilot and this process continued until theoretical saturation was reached. In this study, a total of 10 pilots were interviewed and the obtained data were classified and coded. Results: The analysis of the findings led to the identification of the influences of human interactions on the psychological preparation of pilots in the form of interactions between the flight crew, interactions between teams related to flight, and interactions outside the work environment. Interactions between the flight crew were extracted as interactions between pilots and other flight personnel and topics such as respect for the job position. Interactions between flight-related teams were inter-sectoral interactions and were identified in the form of relationships between pilots with air traffic controllers and other non-flight sectors. Finally, most of the interactions outside the work environment were related to the pilots' family issues. Conclusions: This study showed that there may be many undesirable interactions in different occupational and family areas of pilots that may lead to their psychological unpreparedness. This demonstrates the need to improve the quality of in-service training for pilots in relation to issues such as flight interactions and interactions between pilots and their families.

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Esmaeel Talaie Fatemeh | BORJALI AHMAD | BORJALI AHMAD | | Shariatmadar Asieh | Hosswein Khavanin Zade Mohammad

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Aim: The purpose of the present study was to discuss the implications of the lessons from the Quran in managing the roles and relationships in couples. Methods: Using the qualitative method and applying content analysis, all verses related to couples from Quran were explored. Results: According to the results of the study, the main identified themes for the stage of marriage included romantic relationships, couples’ roles, boundaries, distribution of family management, financial relationships, sexual relationships, and conflict resolution in couples’ relationships. Conclusion: Based on the lessons from the Quran, the religious attitude can be considered a powerful tool in order to decrease marital conflicts and eventually in increasing marital satisfaction.

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