The massification of higher education is a phenomenon that quickly swept the world after World War II. Iranian higher education has also faced this phenomenon in the last two decades and its statistical evidence can be cited in various dimensions of higher education. Research shows that various crises such as the crisis of quality of higher education, reduction of financial resources, little expansion without regard to the necessary infrastructure, unemployed graduates, social change and such factors are among the consequences of low expansion policies in Iran with concerns about improving access to education. It had a great start. A review of global studies also shows that the current crisis of higher education in Iran is not different from what happened after the massification in many countries. But it is important to note that different countries, while experiencing similar crises, have used different strategies to overcome the challenges of mass higher education, and these differences in strategies are rooted in the differences in the context of higher education in each country and its characteristics and requirements. Therefore, in the present study, the researcher, using the combined Swat-TOPSIS model, first obtained strategies appropriate to the Iranian context, to overcome the crises resulting from the quantitative expansion of higher education, and in the next step, using the TOPSIS technique, the strategies obtained Has been prioritized. Findings show that the mission-orientation of universities, the dominance of systems thinking in the higher education policy-making system and financial independence are the three main strategies among the eight strategies obtained in the present study to overcome the crises of higher education in Iran.