This research was carried out to determine nutritive value of Medicago polymorpha and Malva parviflora in various growth stages. The study was conducted at three rangelands during December 2013 to May 2014. The samples of plants were randomly taken in three stages including vegetative growth, flowering and maturity (seed production). Samples of each stage and place were analyzed for DM, CP, EE, NDF, ADF, ADL, GE, Ca, P, K, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, DMD, OMD and DOMD determination. Randomized Completely Blocks design was used with three treatments (growth stages) and three blocks (studied rangelands). Results showed that NDF and ADF content of plants increased with the growth but their CP, Ash, P, K, Cu, DMD, OMD, DOMD content and Ca content of M. parviflora decreased. Ca, K, Mg, Na, Fe and Mn content of studied plants at different growth stages were higher than those critical limits for Dashtestani sheep with average weight of 50 kg and native goat with average weight of 35 kg, but P content of M. polymorpha at flowering and maturity stages, P content of M. parviflora at maturity stage, Cu content of plants at maturity stage and Cu content of M. polymorpha at maturity stage were less than those critical limits. Totally, these plants are good enough for grazing ruminants specially at vegetative and flowering stages and if possible, it should be increased in the same ranges.