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Background and objectives: The heavenly books have presented many of their educational messages and teachings by telling the story of the prophets and the tribes of the past, including the story of Prophet Ayub (PBUH), which is told in detail in the Old Testament and in the Holy Quran. This article seeks to deduce educational teachings from these stories. Methodology: This article, using "descriptive and analytical" method, first tells the report of the Old Testament and the Holy Quran from this story, then compares them under four headings: 1) Life before affection, 2) Quality of affection, 3) How Ayyoub interacted with affection, and 4) God's answer to Ayyoub; and finally the story has obtained 3 common teachings between the Qur'an and the Old Testament and 4 specific teachings in the Holy Qur'an. Findings and results: 1. Being exposed to affection of all human beings, even the prophets, 2. Not associating human beings with their sinfulness and the need to avoid blaming the affection, and 3. Not to despair of calling God in times of difficulty and the need to hope for divine mercy and openness are common teachings of the Qur'an and the Old Testament. In addition, a) observing politeness before God in times of hardship, b) patience in times of hardship, c) worshiping and turning to God in times of hardship, d) contentment with divine destiny and not being ungrateful are also specific teachings of the Holy Quran.

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Background and objectives: With the martyrdom of General Soleimani in December 2017 at the hands of the Americans, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized the need to look at the school of this dear martyr, and in his various statements on this occasion, he mentioned some of the characteristics of this school. Accordingly, the present study intends to first identify the characteristics of this school in his thought and then present it in the form of a network of themes. Methodology: This research is of qualitative type and content analysis method has been used to collect data. Its statistical population includes all the non-confidential statements of leadership from 14 June 1989 to December 2020 on issues related to the present study. The method of data collection is a library method with note-taking tools and reference to first-hand documents. The research findings have been analyzed and presented using a network of themes. Findings and results: The research findings show that a total of 114 key points (basic theme) about the characteristics of the school of Shahid Soleimani can be extracted from the orders and messages of the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution. These points fall into a network of interconnected themes at two levels of all-encompassing themes (pure monotheistic faith) and organizing themes (martyrdom, struggle, piety, sincerity, courage, resourcefulness, revolutionary, cooperation, self-sacrifice and enmity).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objectives: Looking at the cultural developments of the current era in which the enemies of this country, using cultural ambush, are trying to diminish the spiritual values in the thoughts of police officers in various ways and create an indifferent state to the goals and ideals of the holy system of the Islamic Republic, there is a need for an in-depth study of the attitudes and thoughts of police officers, especially those who have attended Quranic classes, to determine whether this type of training has had a training effect on staff or not. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate and identify the educational consequences of translation classes and comprehending the concepts of the Holy Quran based on the lived experience of the participants. Methodology: The present study is a qualitative research. For this purpose, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 participants using criterion-based purposive sampling method, which was also based on full participation in classes. To determine the validity of the instrument, the opinions of expert professors and experts in the curriculum and educational sciences were used. During the interviews, the participants shared their experiences about the classes, which were analyzed using the thematic analysis method of the 7-step data of Klaizi (1987). Findings: Some of the main concepts that all participants mentioned during the interview about the educational impact of Quranic classes are: strengthening man's relationship with himself and God (individual morality), creating a clear and observable way of life (humanity), self-scrutiny and thinking about oneself (self-scrutiny), the ability to work effectively with others (social ethics), creating more spirituality in the family environment (family ethics), feeling good and more desirable about the job (organizational ethics). Results: Based on the research findings, it can be said that holding classes on the concepts of the Holy Quran can provide suitable grounds for educators so that employees can use its content to achieve a degree of good life. Of course, the right move in this direction requires the removal of existing barriers, it seems that paying attention to the suggestions made by employees, can lead to qualitative and quantitative improvements in this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objectives: The position and role that the police force have in building power has caused the Supreme Leader to demand from this force the achievement of the level of the Islamic Republic, the level of the Islamic State and the level of the Quranic and Islamic society. This article seeks to answer the following questions: a) Where is the Islamic State in the view of the Supreme Leader? B) What are the characteristics of the desired police based on his views? Methodology: The type of this article is of an applied research type. An attempt has been made to encode the data extracted from his statements using MAXQDA software and to analyze it in the framework of qualitative method (qualitative content analysis technique). The statistical population of the research includes the collection of the statements of the Supreme Leader until December 2016. Findings: The two important findings of this article are the explanation of the Islamic State in the view of the Supreme Leader and the achievement of the characteristics of the police in this style, taken from his orders. Attempts have also been made to identify the characteristics of the armed forces in the Islamic style and the obstacles to human construction in this style. Results: Outlining the desired future for the armed forces, including the IRGC, the army and the police, is one of the topics to which the Supreme Leader pays special attention. Although a good progress that has been made in the police force in various dimensions since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, his demand is for this force to reach the level of the Islamic State.

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Background and objectives: One of the most important needs of human beings is the need for security and the establishment of discipline in society. Security is established and sustained by the armed forces, of which law enforcement is an important part. If there are shortcomings in the training of these forces or training is not done on a uniform basis, there will be weakness in the organization, which will lead to weakness in the security of society. The present study was conducted with the aim of developing a model for the education of the Islamic police based on the essential movement of transcendent wisdom. Methodology: This research is a qualitative research which has been conducted using analytical-inferential method the method of philosophy of Islamic education based on transcendent wisdom of educational principles and propositions and using Franken reconstructed model and model of Islamic police education based on human essence movement in the transcendent wisdom of Sadr al-Muta'allehin. . Findings: The findings of the study indicated that the model of police education can be classified into four dimensions: individual, social, political and organizational. Accordingly, in the individual dimension with the aim of nearness to God, six educational principles include: convergence, believing in resurrection, succession, self-belief, continuity, sustainability, and universalism, and with four methods including: simultaneous training of body and soul, essence transformation, gradual shaping and bestowal of insight; in the social and political dimension, with the aim of perfectionism and twelve educational principles, including: legalism, justice, prophecy and guardianship, practical commitment to guardianship, dignity, honor, being influenced by circumstances, reforming conditions and relations, responsibility and duty, kindness, beauty and thought. And eleven educational methods including: punishment for error, task for as much as possible, setting the background, neglect, expression of abilities, confrontation with the results of actions, speech decoration (benevolence and aesthetics), adornment of appearance, teaching wisdom, changing position, and modeling; also, in the organizational dimension, with two goals, gradual departure from power to action and three educational principles, including: gradual education, realism of education and freedom, and three educational methods, including: moderation in the forces of anger and lust, learning science and teaching logic for education and the training of the Islamic police were inferred and then a model was designed. Results: The results of this study will include theoretical and practical achievements for the police of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, the results and some aspects of the model in comparison with the research were presented. Research proposals were categorized and presented as practical suggestions in 15 cases.

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Background and objectives: Islam is the only religion that can bring man to ultimate perfection and complete happiness. Modeling, which is especially important in Islam, is a good way to educate human beings and achieve these sublime goals. This research seeks to answer these questions: How to design a model of religious and moral education of children in the period of SIADAT based on Islamic teachings? What are the appropriate doctrinal and moral educational models for the child in the first seven years in Islam? Methodology: The verses of the Holy Quran, the narrations and biography of the infallible Imams (PBUT) as well as the authoritative religious books have been considered as a statistical community and the verses and hadiths related to raising a child that the researcher has had the scientific ability and position to achieve have been identified and studied as a statistical sample. Data were collected using note-taking sheets and analyzed qualitatively. Findings and results: The results obtained from the research show that educators and parents need to pay attention to use Islamic educational methods to educate children in the period of SIADAT (first seven years) and to the issue of modeling with various methods that exist in the Qur'an and the biography of the Infallibles, including imitation of adults, greetings, practical invitations, keeping promises, being kind to children, and obeying God's commands.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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