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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (30)
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This study aims to show the reflection of fitra in the cultural theory of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli with an anthropological approach and in relation to the duality of "nature and culture" in Western theories with the duality of "nature and fitra". The analysis of his views made it clear that culture is the manifestation of human abilities in individual and social life. Human abilities are also shown in two areas of human existence, namely nature and fitra, and the rule of each of these two existential forces forms a culture appropriate to itself. The manifestation of human nature in individual and social life forms the culture of Mastur or Mutedani (covered or mutually approaching) and the manifestation of nature creates the famous culture and transcendental culture. In this regard, fitra culture has divine-made, formative-credit, realistic, unified, pluralist, flourishing, universal, and rusty characteristics.

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    2 (30)
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Authority, in the sense of legitimate authority, is an issue that has been examined from different aspects and has many types. One of these types is educational authority. Thinkers and schools of thought have discussed this issue, and one of the drawbacks is that the authority of the teacher may eliminate the learner's independence. The present study has tried to investigate the concept and nature of authority in Nahj al-Balaghah moral education to examine the goals and types of education in Nahj al-Balaghah, as well as the principles and methods of moral education, teacher authority, and learner independence in Nahj al-Balaghah. This research has been carried out on Nahj al-Balaghah through using qualitative content analysis method with Mayring (2000) inductive approach. The sampling method was non-probabilistic and purposeful or standard, which was done by text-studies method and Silverman's rethinking credibility and, quality improvement strategy was used. The findings of the study suggest that the principles and methods of moral education in Nahj al-Balaghah do not indicate the relationship of dominance in education and are planned with the aim of giving freedom and independence to the learner, and the goal of its freedom and reason is to achieve voluntary perfection.

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    2 (30)
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Achieving an ideal model of the communication conduct of the Holy Prophet depends on the logical analysis and understanding of the components, the elements, the effective variables, and the process undergone. Because the communication process, no matter how it is established, includes at least three elements: sender, message, and receiver (audience). All three elements have features that, if not considered, serve as barriers to communication, reducing the successful presentation and effectiveness of the message. In this regard, identifying the characteristics of the audience is of great importance, which is done in various fields and domains. The current study tries to identify the factors and characteristics that affect the audience's personality, the type of exposure to the prophetic message in the communication process by referring to historical data and adopting communication elements, using the documentary method and qualitative analysis approach. Getting affected by ethnic-tribal structure, influence of tribal mental idol, economic poverty, authority and domination, tribes' sheikhs and leaders, and influence of alliances and tribal ties in the communication process are among the personality traits of the audience in the era of the Prophet. The priority of cognitive structure, its requirements and challenges are also among the components and general personality traits of the audience that have always been considered by the Holy Prophet in the communication process.

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    2 (30)
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The emergence of women in society to play a role-individual or social-is a topic for many thinkers to express their opinions, and any response to it can affect making decisions and political, economic, and cultural orientations of society. Based on verses and hadiths, this study has explained the necessity and manner of women's presence in society with regard to the natural circumstances and conditions of the family and society, in a descriptiveanalytical method and based on library sources and has concluded that for social activities the woman and her presence in society can be imagined in two ways. One is "presence" and the other is "emergence" which are not always related to each other, and, its recognition by the woman herself is directly related to piety. The "presence" of a woman in society is always associated with "good marriage" and "proper upbringing of children", and her emergence in society depends on its necessity, influence, and observation. In this way, a woman appears as a "necessity" in society to gain science, skills, art, or employment, as well as to use social services and she has an effective emergence in matters such as political participation, emigration, economic activity and participation in jihad and then, she appears "observantly" in society by focusing on enjoining to good [Ma’ ruf] and forbidding from evil [Munkar] as well as advising the right and patience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (30)
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The examination of traditional phenomena by modernity has led to the formation of new types of phenomena. The phenomenon of childhood was also examined as one of the most important stages of human life. In the modern concept of childhood, this phenomenon based on the theoretical foundations of modernity was considered from four dimensions: The natural or social nature of childhood, childhood identity in relation to adulthood, childhood in relation to agency and structure, and the dimension of childhood value-Innocence or evil. This examination has led to a rethinking of the concept of childhood in practice. The empowerment of the modern concept of childhood and the practice based on this examination can also be seen in various societies, including the Iranian society. In such a situation, the absence of a child phenomenon based on the theoretical foundations of Islam as the ideal culture of Iranian society, has made it necessary to examine this concept based on the teachings of Islam. Based on the method of "Izutsu semantics" as well as the question "What does it mean to be a child culturally and socially in the teachings of the Qur'an? ", The present study seeks to find the answer to this question examining the verses related to the concept of childhood, along with analyzing the narrations and referring to the views of the commentators.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (30)
  • Pages: 

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The study has aimed to recognize the role of Instagram social network in the reproduction of religious culture among Iranian youth. To achieve this, the theory of social construction was chosen as the theoretical framework with an autonomous definition of religion and with reference to Giddens's views. The research method is applied in terms of purpose, and survey in terms of implementation. The statistical population of the current study was all 19-29 year olds in Tehran, Ardabil, Gorgan, Shiraz, and Kermanshah in 2019. The number of samples was determined based on Cochran's formula 384 people. The sampling method was multi-stage cluster sampling. Factor analysis and path analysis with the help of Amos software were used for statistical analysis of data. The findings suggested that the Instagram social network has a significant effect on the reproduction of religious culture among Iranian youth. In fact, based on Giddens and Tyler, it can be argued that the more people are active and involved on Instagram social network, and the more reflective this activity is, the more they contribute to the production of meaning, and therefore their religious culture is more likely to be influenced by this reflective atmosphere. However, the less active and involved people are on Instagram social network, and the less reflective this activity is, the less they contribute to the reproduction of meaning. Therefore, they take less influence from the Instagram social network and are more likely to keep their religious culture more traditional.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (30)
  • Pages: 

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The present study has been carried out to investigate the prediction of family efficiency through the dimensions of Islamic lifestyle in teachers of Qaen City. This research is considered a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, one-stage cluster random sampling method was used. Thus, among the teachers of Ghaen city, 250 people were randomly selected. Necessary data were collected using Kaviani Islamic Lifestyle Questionnaire (2009) and Houshyari, Taghian and Safouraei Family Efficiency Questionnaire (2016) and the results were analyzed through SPSS software using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression test. The findings suggested that there is a positive and significant relationship between the four dimensions, social, intrinsic, devotional, and altruistic characteristics with family efficiency, and a negative and significant relationship between the four dimensions of worldliness, committing sin, hedonism, and lack of ambition with family efficiency and finally, there is no significant relationship between the negative intellectual dimension and family efficiency. The results of regression analysis showed that three dimensions of social, intrinsic and altruistic characteristics can predict the efficiency of the family (R2adj = 0. 32).

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