The aim of this study is to investigate different style of emotional expressiveness, affective empathy, material satisfaction by the mediation of attachment styles of the mothers of children with ADHD. The research method was descriptive and correlational. The sample includes the total numbers of mothers of children with ADHD in Tehran who referred to one of the counseling centers, specialized clinics, counseling centers of municipal association and counseling centers of Tehran and Shahid Beheshti Universities in the fall and winter of 2016-2017. 150 people were selected as subjects by availability method. The research tool was emotional expressiveness questionnaire (EEQ), Davis empathy questionnaire, Enrich marital satisfaction scale, 15-item scale of Hazen & Shaver to evaluate the attachment style. Tables, charts, frequency, mean and percentages were used in the descriptive method and Pearson correlation coefficient and variance analysis were used for inferential statistics. The result of the study suggested that there is a (correlational) relationship between different styles of emotional expressiveness and attachment styles, between different styles of emotional expressiveness and affective empathy, and between different styles of emotional expressiveness and marital satisfaction of the mothers of children with ADHD, consequently, hypotheses of the present research were confirmed. . .