The right in the present manifestation relies on the state and discriminating of modern society from the tranditional one. The right and the government are also alive. Creating the right, exclusivity and continuity depends on the goverments guarantec. rights and diverse based on the charactevistics of their rules. we are going to study a part of a different domain of law, which is unique to the rules of the law. the recent realm is the context of criminal law. criminals law is a set of rules that define a crime, determine its punishment, and determine the method of proving the crime and the execution of the punishment in the realm of criminal law, we have also come to the writing systems, in order to quantify the rational criminal low in their study of their claims. our approach to written systems is formal and positive. in our explanation of our hypothesis, we chose coherence and explained the reasons for our reversal. rational criminal law is an interdisciplinary approach that follows the examination of the criminal law and the legalization of the judicial process derived from it through the logic of knowledge. Logical criminal law in the aftermath of military creation is a conditional and homogeneous proposition of self-substanted, positive coherent, deductive and qualitative propositions in our view, the logical rules of criminal procedure are also fundamental, formal, constitutional, disconnected from the origin of the law and are foreseeable. k. w: criminal law, writing systems, logic, logical legislation.