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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction participation is the basis of social life and security is the necessary need of the human society. The increasing growth of urbanization in recent decades has created problems for cities such as the increase in social abnormality, identity issues and the decrease in social affiliation, social environmental problems, decrease of security of the citizens, etc. As civil participation decreases, security problems increase. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to examine the relationship between civil participation and urban security in Tehran. Method The purpose of the research is an applied one and its method is descriptive and correlational. To do the research, the sample size is determined through Morgan's formula and 384 questionnaires are provided and distributed in several stages in the districts 2, 6, 10 and 11 and SPSS software is used for the analysis. Findings Although the results of the research show a significant relation between civil participation and urban security in Tehran with the Spearman correlation coefficient, the average components of the civil participation are less than the average value. In fact, only the sympathetic participation accounts for the highest participation among the citizens with the mean value 3. 22, and the approaches that increase. Result Therefore, the participation must be followed in other levels of educational actions, incentive policies, interaction between police and other entities of urban management and using their capacities to create urban security.

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The risk is that an undesirable event may occur. Risk as a constructed reality is both new and has a strong link to social change. In this study, we seek to study the relationship between social trust and security-law and social-cultural risks. The research method of this article was quantitative method with survey technique and questionnaire tool. The statistical population of this study was all persons between 28 and 42 years of age in Tehran who were estimated to be 384 using Cochran formula. The sampling method in this study is multi-stage cluster sampling. The research findings show that the average security-law enforcement and socio-cultural risks are above average. The results of the hypotheses test also showed that institutional trust variable with security-law and social-cultural risk variables, trust in others with security-law risk and future confidence variable with security-law risk, cultural-social risk significant, Negative and indirect.

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Diverse distribution of the population and activity across the country in human settlements, include urban and rural, caused to inequality in the territorial space, Because of external reasons (influencing factors outside of settlements such as incorrect policymaking and unplanned macro-level planning) and internal (within settlements such as environmental-environmental ones); that inequality it is a threat to stability and sustainable security (sometimes strengthening centrifugal and diverging forces, rural migrations to the city, insecurity Food, poverty and unemployment, criminality, alien abuse, etc. ) in the territorial space. This is an analytical-descriptive study and the TOPSIS technique has been used to classify sample Rural Complexes. The indexes that used for classification include three socio-cultural, economic and physical-environmental dimensions. The Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP) method was utilized for the weighting of the indexes( by15 experts of the university faculty members). Evaluation of development situation of the Rural Complexes of Lorestan indicated that over the past few decades, internal and external factors have caused to the uneven spatial development; so that in some areas, development forces and consequently developmental structures and functions have been shaped and In some areas, not only have the necessary structures been formed, but in times, the structural failure has been caused to the inequality of human development and inadequacy on the sustainable security indicators. According to the results, it is worth mentioning that the way out of the imbalances and to achieve sustainable development and security, is structural-functional reform in various aspects of human settlements development and in the macro and local levels.

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    4 (پیاپی 48)
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مقدمه: در تفکر غربی، امنیت اجتماعی بر «عینیت» استوار است و بعد ذهنی در این تفکر نمودی نداشته و بالعکس در تفکر اسلامی امنیت اجتماعی بر پایه «حقیقت» استوار است که علاوه بر بعد عینی، بعد ذهنی آن، یعنی احساس امنیت، در آن ظهور دارد. در این راستا، هدف این پژوهش طراحی و ارائه منظومه فکری مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله العالی) در حوزه احساس امنیت اجتماعی است. روش: این پژوهش از نوع کاربردی و همچنین از نوع توسعه ای بوده و روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، تحلیل محتوای کیفی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش، تمام بیانات مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله العالی) و همچنین مصاحبه با خبرگان، و حجم نمونه، شامل فرمایشات مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله العالی) در حوزه امنیت اجتماعی و احساس امنیت، گردآوری داده ها از طریق جستجوی تخصصی کتابخانه ای، سایت اینترنتی ایشان و مراجعه به بانک های اطلاعاتی مانند حدیث ولایت به دست آمد. یافته ها: در مدارک و فرمایشات معظم له مفاهیمی از قبیل احساس امنیت در مال، اخلاق، جان، حقوق شهروندی، ناموس، وحدت، عفت و پاک دامنی، حیا و شرم عرض، ایمان، خشونت (کاهش ظلم و خشونت)، فساد (فساد ستیزی)، اغتشاش (مبارزه با اغتشاش)، قانون شکنی (اطلاعت از قانون)، عبادت، ترویج مواد مخدر (مبارزه با مواد مخدر)، تضمین امنیت جوانان، تضمین امنیت فرزندان، فقر (فقرزدایی و محرومیت زدایی)، هنجارشکنی (احساس امنیت بر اساس جلوگیری از بروز عوامل ناامنی) به عنوان مولفه اصلی احساس امنیت شناسایی و به دست آمد. نتیجه گیری: احساس امنیت در منظومه فکری مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله العالی) دارای مقوله های گوناگون است که مقوله های مورد تاکید در منظومه فکری معظم له در حوزه احساس امنیت اجتماعی عبارت اند از: احساس امنیت و عدم احساس خوف و تهدید در هویت، حفظ مال، حفظ جان، حفظ ارزش های اخلاقی، حفظ عرض، حفظ حقوق شهروندی، حفظ وحدت، تضمین امنیت جوانان و فرزندان، عدم فقر و بیکاری، حفظ نوامیس، حفظ ایمان، امنیت واقعی، عدم ترویج مواد مخدر، عدم قانون شکنی و حفظ امنیت روح و روان.

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    4 (48)
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Introduction Recognition of occurrence factors of a crime is a complex and multi-dimensional process that has a different path and way of dealing with each crime. Many studies have been done on common crimes in societies. In this case, occurrence of the insurgency crime against the government officers in terms of condition that perpetrator has a crime, is more to contemplateThis is much important when the government officer in police uniforms is on duty and dealing with crime of society. In this study, the study of citizen behavior toward employees and law enforcement force officers is one of important aspects of the management process and pathology of law enforcement force function. Undoubted, effective management practices on the police require insight into the behavioral complexities of audience and visitors, and adoption of appropriate measures and methods of conduct and use of appropriate skill patterns to control them. The purpose of the study is to identify effective factors affecting the occurrence of rebellion crime against police officers in Fars province in order to facilitate scientific planning to reduce frequency of this crime. Method the present study is applicable in terms of purpose, practical and in terms of qualitative method and using documentary review of 82 of the rebellion cases in the law police headquarter of Fars province and done deep interviews with internal and external organizational elites and criminals and victims of rebellion crime. Findings The courante of rebellion should first be studied within the context of a social interaction between the people and the police, what has begun to happen in the ventricle of a social interaction between people and part of society is law offender, which is highly qualified for individual, social, economic and political factors. The arrival of law offender to intended interaction can be followed different dimensions and effects. In this regard, occurrence of violence in the interaction is probable for law offender that legislator has named a rebellion and imposed sanctions on it. Individual, psychological, social and environmental factors are the most important factors that can be discussed in occurrence of violence and rebellion against police based on the factors. Conclusion The most important factors of rebellion occurrence against law enforcement officers are individual, psychological, social and environmental factors that primarily lead to law offender and then violence against police. Thus, removing some of problems associated with the factors can greatly reduce the incidence of violence against police.

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    4 (48)
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Background and Aim Organizational health is one of the policies pursued by most organizations and planning is done. The purpose of the present study was to "compare the effectiveness of reality therapy and logotherapy on tolerance of distress, self-control and cognitive flexibility in police headquarters staff". Method The research method was quasi-experimental or quasi-experimental (pre-test, post-test with control group) and the statistical population consisted of all police command staff (about 2300 people) in the year 1979. Purposefully 60 staff Two experimental groups (Experiment 1 and Experiment 2) and one control group were selected as the study sample. Participants were assessed with three Simmons and Gahr stress tolerance questionnaires, tangent self-control, and Denis and Wenderval cognitive flexibility. Then, two treatment protocols (reality therapy and logotherapy) were administered to the two experimental groups. Then the post-test was performed and compared with the results of the control group. Results The results showed that there was a significant difference between the scores of the effect of groups (reality therapy, logotherapy and control) on pretest and posttest, which was 0. 90. The mean score of control group (3. 59) was significantly different in flexibility between two groups (3. 67 reality therapy and 3. 62 logotherapy). Also the mean score of control group was 4. 26, reality therapy was 4. 56 and the mean of therapy was 4. 22 in self-control variable. Conclusion The results of this study indicate that reality therapy and logotherapy were effective on tolerance, self-control and cognitive flexibility of police command staff. In addition, the results showed that the effect of the reality therapy variable was more than the meaningful treatment.

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Introduction This paper deals with the aspects and manifestations of judicial security during the Proceeding in Criminal Law and Legal Precedent and Its Challenges. Judiciary security is one of the fundamentals concepts in citizenship law in the judiciary proceeding steps. The fundamentals questions investigated in this research is that to what extend the judiciary security components are considered in proceeding in Iran criminal law and what the challenges are for realization of judiciary security? Method This research is a descriptive one conducted on a librarian based method Finding The research outcomes reveal that the judicial security such as: fair proceeding, open proceeding, the judge neutrality, the right for summoning witness, the right for having access to attorney and depriving the right for referring the case from public prosecutor to the judge and independent refer are among the most important components of judiciary security which are considered in Iran criminal law and its legal precedent. Result The finding also shows that some matters such as proceeding prolongation, lack of efficiency and lack of responsibility by the justice administration are the appeared to be judiciary security challenges in Iran criminal law Key words: judiciary security, proceeding, legal precedent, fain proceeding, open proceedin. Bailiffs.

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Introduction In criminal law, balancing individual and social rights is a kind of justice that must be taken into account in criminal proceedings. In modern criminal law, requirements such as avoiding violations of physical rights, etc., are governed by ways and means of obtaining and collecting evidence, all of which are rooted in the principle of the legitimacy of reason. But in the meantime, there are a number of contexts that influence these requirements and cause authorities to take advantage of methods that more likely to depart from the norms of principle of the legitimacy when collecting evidence of crime. The present paper examines the aforementioned contexts. Methodology Documentary and library methods were used to study the subject. Accordingly, the criminal law doctrines that have been written in the field of proof of the criminal case in various books and articles which surveyed the principle of the legitimacy of reason and the legitimacy of reason have examined; They were analyzed and described without using statistical indices with descriptive-analytic method. Findings Despite the use of illegitimate reasoning methods and incompatible practices with our ethical, religious and legal foundations, but existing facts, such as the lack of specialized crime discovery facilities, lead reason gaining to use these methods; In a way, the criminal prosecutor knowing that the police have used unauthorized methods to obtain evidence and cites the evidence presented in this way. Conclusion In criminal law, the principle of the legitimacy of reason gaining is one of the most important and fundamental principles of protecting, guarding and supervising criminal proceedings in order to fulfill their individual and social security. however, there are a number of contextual contexts in the criminal justice system that lead reason obtaining authorities, including the police, to depart from the principle of reason legitimacy. Predicting systematic and systematic laws for the study of the cause will remove the problem of personal and social security.

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    4 (48)
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Crimes against chastity and public morality are one of the most common crimes in cyberspace. The police, by organizing and managing their tools as one of the most prominent activists in the field of prevention, need to design an appropriate pattern for preventing and combating this crime in cyberspace. Method This research is an applied-development research in terms of survey method. The data of this research is qualitative. Accordingly, 25 experts were selected through purposeful semi-structured interviewing. Used to extract data. Also used to analyze data using open, axial, and selective coding. Found: By conducting interviews with the participants in the open coding operation of the researcher to clarify the concepts, the categories were identified by analyzing the content of the checklists obtained from the interview, 108 indicators were identified, and by exploratory factor analysis in the form of 28 sub-categories. They were categorized and finally classified into 9 main categories (later) Conclusion The present study has concluded that the cyber crime prevention strategy model requires an interconnected process of elements and components in cyberspace. Therefore, police success in preventing crime requires proper strategic planning in nine dimensions of intelligence. Optimal human and organizational productivity, coordination, organizational structure design, prevention planning, information technology application, laws and regulations, monitoring the financial interests of illegitimate businesses and social prevention.

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