Diverse distribution of the population and activity across the country in human settlements, include urban and rural, caused to inequality in the territorial space, Because of external reasons (influencing factors outside of settlements such as incorrect policymaking and unplanned macro-level planning) and internal (within settlements such as environmental-environmental ones); that inequality it is a threat to stability and sustainable security (sometimes strengthening centrifugal and diverging forces, rural migrations to the city, insecurity Food, poverty and unemployment, criminality, alien abuse, etc. ) in the territorial space. This is an analytical-descriptive study and the TOPSIS technique has been used to classify sample Rural Complexes. The indexes that used for classification include three socio-cultural, economic and physical-environmental dimensions. The Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP) method was utilized for the weighting of the indexes( by15 experts of the university faculty members). Evaluation of development situation of the Rural Complexes of Lorestan indicated that over the past few decades, internal and external factors have caused to the uneven spatial development; so that in some areas, development forces and consequently developmental structures and functions have been shaped and In some areas, not only have the necessary structures been formed, but in times, the structural failure has been caused to the inequality of human development and inadequacy on the sustainable security indicators. According to the results, it is worth mentioning that the way out of the imbalances and to achieve sustainable development and security, is structural-functional reform in various aspects of human settlements development and in the macro and local levels.