In Chevron braced frame, due to the buckling of brace on one story, an unbalanced force arrives perpendicularly in the middle of the beam, causing the destroy of the floor and, at the end, causes structural failure. On the lower floor, due to the buckling of the compression member, an unbalanced vertical force has arrived at the location of the upper beam of the braces, which results in a large displacement in the middle of beam. The result is a very strong and uneven beam with other members of the structure. To deal with this situation, Zipper column members are used. In the zipper braced frame, when the zipper mechanism is formed in the frame, the lateral load capacity of the frame is reduced and unstable, which can be remedied by applying a suspended braced zipper frame. In this study, for the comparison of the Chevron braced frame and Zipper braced frame from the 4, 7, 10, 15 and 20 stories of the structures under 7 records in the OpenSees software, a analysis dynamic of time history was performed and the maximum parameter required the drift angle of story and the maximum requirement rotation of story for comparison was selected. At the end, it is concluded that the average records in the index of drift angle in the 4 and 7 story frame are about 30%, in the 10-story frame of about 10%, and in the frame 15 and 20 stories less than 5% of the zipper brace frame is lower than the chevron braced frame on the roof. Also, it is deduced from the angles of rotation, Zipper bracing frame Average records on the roof is 30% in the 4-story frame, 27% in the 7-story frame, 8% in the 10-story frame, less than 5% in the 15-frame frame and less than 3% In the 20-story frame dropped.