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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Crocus flower, which belongs to Iridaceae family, is one of the most important ornamental bulbous plants. The propagation of Crocus vernus L. by corm is not commercially affordable due to transmission of fungal and bacterial diseases as well as the long dormancy period which takes 4 to 5 months. Thus, in vitro culture of Crocus vernus is a suitable solution for commercial reproduction. Plant tissue culture technique would be a better alternative for improving quality and production. Materials and Methods In order to micropropagate ornamental saffron, the effect of different culture media on direct organogenesis experiment was conducted in factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design with 3 replications in the tissue culture lab of the Department of Horticulture at Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan from 2015 to 2016. The explants used in this experiment were latheral and terminal buds which were evaluated in 10 hormons treatments and control in the Murashige and Skoog medium (MS). To eliminate surface contamination, the explants were first immersed under water for 30 minutes after placing the corms. Next, they were placed in high temperature Benlate fungicide solution (55° C) for 30 minutes. Then, they were put in 70% ethanol (ethyl alcohol) for 30 seconds and 15% Sodium hypochlorite solution for 6 minutes. The explants were finally washed three times with sterile distilled water under the air flow bench. The effects of plant growth regulators including BAP (0. 5, 1. 0, 2. 0 mg/l), TDZ (0. 5, 0. 75, 1. 0 mg/l), Kin (0. 5, 1. 0, 2. 0 mg/l) and 0. 1mg/l IBA in direct regeneration were investigated. Results The results showed that the kind of plant growth regulators (PGR) and the explant type are very important in regeneration of Crocus vernus so that we can not secure any shoots without PGR. In direct organogenesis experiment, the maximum number of multiple shoots (15. 84) was obtained from apical bud explant in MS medium supplemented with 5/0 mg/l TDZ along with 5/0 mg/l BAP, 5/0 mg/l KIN and 1/0 mg/l IBA, after 10 weeks, that had a significant difference with other treatments at 1% Duncan test. We observed 2. o mg/l BAP along with 1/0 mg/l IBA had the greatest effect on the number of corms. Discussion The results showed the shoot regeneration is controlled by the ratio of cytokinin with auxin. It should be mentioned that cytokinin plays a role in the synthesis of RNA, stimulation of the production of protein, and the activity of some enzymes. The results also indicated that the use of cytokinin along with auxin has a beneficial effect on shoot regeneration.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Culture medium and growth regulators type can influence the growth traits and for determining the most effective medium and hormone compositions an extensive studies are needed; otherwise the culture medium may have a negative effect on the growth traits. In this research the effects of two culture media (B5 and MS) supplemented with two growth regulators (IBA and BAP) with different concentrations (0. 5, 0. 9, and 1. 5 for IBA and 0. 4, 0. 8, and 1. 2 mg/l for BAP) alone or in combination was evaluated. Studied traits were number of leaf per shoot, shoot length, number of regenerated shoots based on completely random plan with 5 replications. Materials and Methods Explants provided in the beginning of spring from mother plants growing in open environment. Shoot tips and axillary buds (0. 3-0. 4 cm long) used as the explants. After washing with tap water, explants were immersed in ethylic alcohol for few seconds (3-4 seconds) then immersed in mercuric chloride (0. 005 W/V) for 5 minutes which supplemented with few drops of tween 20 and finally washed three times with sterile distilled water. Disinfected explants cultured on medium under air laminar flow bench. Growth chamber was adjusted to 16 hours light and 25 to 27ᵒ C. Results The results of variance analysis demonstrated significant differences between media, hormone level and interaction between hormone concentrations for traits studied. The results showed the longest shoot (6. 39 cm) and the highest shoot number (13. 65) obtained in MS medium supplemented with 0. 8 and 0. 4 mg/l BAP respectively. In this experiment the highest root number (8. 41) and root length (14. 75 cm) was observed in B5 and MS medium containing 0. 9 and 1. 5 mg/l, IBA. Discussion Overall the most shoot proliferation of this rootstock occurred in MS medium. New shoots in MS medium showed normal and better growth comparing to shoots obtained in B5 medium, that can be one of the results of higher amount of nitrogen (ammonium nitrite) in MS medium. In B5 medium with all hormone treatments weak growth observed for this plant. In fact this medium was made for herbaceous plants and this is one of the main reasons why penta rootstock did not showed good growth symptoms on this medium.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch. ) is one of the most popular soft fruits worldwide. It is a rich source of health promoting compounds such as essential macro/micro-nutrients, polyphenols, anthocyanin, vitamins and amino acids, while showing a high antioxidant capacity. Preharvest applications of calcium lactate and potassium sorbate have shown to be promising as a tool to improve the quality and extend the shelf life of various fruits. To our knowledge, however, little information is available regarding the effect of calcium lactate and potassium sorbate on strawberry fruits. Thus, the objective of the present study was to determine the effect of foliar application of calcium lactate and potassium sorbate on important quality characteristics and antioxidant properties of ‘ Armas’ strawberries. Materials and Methods This research was performed at a commercial orchard on 2-year old strawberries in Marivan, Iran in 2015. The experiment was arranged as factorial based on randomized complete block design with two factors and four replications. The first factor included different levels of calcium lactate (0, 0. 5 and 1%) and the second factor included different levels of potassium sorbate (0, 0. 5 and 1%). Foliar spraying was performed in three stages: three weeks before commercial harvesting, at initial coloring, and one week before harvest. Fruit were harvested at commercial maturity and immediately transported to the laboratory at University of Zanjan and subjected to physicochemical analysis. Differences among means of data were analyzed by Duncan’ s test at p ≤ 0. 05 (n = 3). All statistical analyses were performed with SAS version 9. 4. Results The results showed that the combination of calcium lactate and potassium sorbate (0. 5 Percent concentration) treatment significantly (P  0. 01) increased the total anthocyanin content of the whole fruit, reuslting into further attractive fruit color and market than the control. It also increased antioxidant properties up to a level of 57. 07%. On the other hand, the application of this treatment (calcium lactate and potassium sorbate 0. 5 Percent) significantly increased the total flavonoid content, total soluble solids, flavor index (1. 1 Percent) and calcium lactate (1 Percent). Potassium sorbate increased total phenol, total acidity, and fruit acidity significantly compared to other treatments and control (P  0. 05). Discussion In general, the results of the present study showed that a preharvest application of calcium lactate and potassium sorbate increased firmness, nutritional quality, and antioxidant potential of strawberry fruits. Thus, the use of these two materials is recommended to improve the qualitative and antioxidant properties of strawberry fruit.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives An important requirement of agronomic planning is to evaluate different plant nutrition systems in order to achieve high yield and quality, especially in medicinal plants. With the correct method of increasing soil fertilization and plant nutrition, it is possible to reduce the erosion and conservation of biodiversity, preserve the environment, and increase the efficiency of inputs. This research was carried out with the aim of improving the quantitative and qualitative performance of lemon balm with bio fertilizers such as mycorrhiza fungi, biophosphate fertilizer, and vermicompost. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted in spring and summer of 2016 in a field covered by Agriculture Jihad of Guilan, located in Khoshkabijar District of Rasht, Iran. In this research, the experiment was conducted considering three factors: factorial contains mycorrhizal inoculation (M1 = noninoculated and M2 = inoculated), phosphate biofertilizers (P1 = 0, P2 = 50 and P3 = 100 kg ha-1 ) and vermicompost (V1 = 0, V2 = 5 and V3 = 10 tons ha-1 ) layout based on a randomized complete block design with 18 treatments and three replications. Also, one plot was allocated to control in each replication and only chemical fertilizers (use of 90 kg ha-1 of fertilizer of urea, triple super phosphate 90 kg ha-1 and potassium sulfate 90 kg ha-1 ) and data obtained from control plot, mycorrhizal, phosphate biofertilizers, and vermicompost were used based on a randomized complete block. Results According to the results of this experiment, the highest number of leaf yield, essential oil percentage, biological yield, essential oil yield, total chlorophyll and carotenoids in inoculation with mycorrhiza was obtained. The application of 100 kg of phosphate biofertilizers had a significant effect on all measured biofertilizers. Fertilizer treatment of 100 kg ha-1 had the best result in all measured traits. Also, the best result was obtained with the use of 10 tons of vermicompost per hectare in biological yield (4808. 2 kg ha-1 ), essential oil (0. 13%), and total chlorophyll (1. 54 mg gr-1 FW). There were positive and synergic interactions between factors. For example, positive interaction between inoculation of mycorrhiza and phosphate biofertilizers on leaf yield and essential oil yield, and synergic interaction between mycorrhiza and vermicompost on biological yield were obsereved. Discussion The results of this study show that the treatment of inoculums with mycorrhiza, consumption of 100 kg of phosphate biofertilizers and 10 tons of vermicompost per hectare could provide the best situation to achieve the highest quantitative (5290 kg ha ) and qualitative yield (0. 26% essential oil) of lemon balm in a sustainable agricultural system.

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Khajavi Taj Mohammad | avarseji zeinab | Gholam Alipour Alamdari Ebrahim | BIYABANI ABBAS


Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Nowadays, herbicides are crucial for modern agricultural systems. Yet, improper application of herbicides will have dangerous consequences. For example, there will be crop damage due to long lasting herbicide residue or herbicide drift on neighbor crops if applied on non-target species. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the sensitivity of wheat and barley to pendimethalin residue by using bioassay. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate soil residue of pendimethalin, experiments with completely randomized designs were carried out in the greenhouse at Faculty of Agricluture and Natural Resources of Gonbad Kavous University. In this experiments, different doses of pendimethalin (0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75 and 100 % of recommended dose) were applied on wheat and barley in order to measure the dry weight of root and shoot of crops. The concentration of herbicides was made by dilution of stock solvent. Three/four-parameter log-logistic curves were used for fitness of the data. Results Results indicated that almost all data followed the three-parameter logarithm logistic curve. Results of separate fitness of data showed that the residue of pendimethalin always caused reduction of dry weight of the evaluated crops. Fifty percent reduction of shoot dry weight of wheat and barley was obtained from 400. 5 and 623. 05 g. a. i. ha-1 of pendimethalin and the ED50 values of root dry weight of wheat and barley were 65. 88 and 269. 66 g. a. i. ha-1 of pendimethalin, respectively. Discussion Generally, the results of simultaneously fitted data shows that wheat is always more sensitive to pendimethalin rather than barley. Based on results, even the very little portion of herbicides can cause damage to crops, thus, considering the sensitive crop in rotation is so important since this residue can stay active even in two-season crops and make crop injuries. The selection between 3 and 4 Logarithm logistic model was based on: 1. Lack of fit test significance 2. Significance of estimated parameters, especially the parameters and the way of distribution of data around the curve (graphical observation).

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives The effect of different physical and chemical treatments on quality of pomegranate fruit at postharvest has been studied, but little information is available in the case of pomegranate fresh aril postharvest as a ready-to-eat product. Coating is one of the treatments to preserve the postharvest quality of the pomegranate fresh aril. Since consumer health is impotant in the selection of postharvest treatment, the use of compounds extracted from plants as wax or coating agent is a safe treatment for fresh arils. Extracted gel from leaf tissue of Aloe vera L. is an herbal gel that can be used as coating agent. The objective of the present experiment was to evaluate the effects of Aloe vera gel on the postharvest quality of pomegranate fresh arils. Materials and Methods Pomegranate Fruits (known as ‘ Malas Poost Zard’ ) were harvested from a commercial orchard located in Baghmalek, Khuzestan. Fresh arils were removed manually from fruits and treated with Aloe vera gel (0, 2. 5, 5 and 10%). Fresh arils were stored at 7 o C, RH = 90% for 4, 8 and 12 days. Some biochemical characteristics including ascorbic acid, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, total phenolics, color intensity, anthocyanins and browning index were evaluated. Results Results showed that the interaction of Aloe vera gel concentration and storage duration had a significant effect on ascorbic acid, titratable acidity, total phenolics, color intensity, anthocyanins and browning index. All concentrations of Aloe vera gel decreased total soluble solids. The highest concentration of Aloe vera gel (10%) significantly increased anthocyanins/browning ratio. The quality of pomegranate fresh arils significantly decreased with the increase in the duration of storage. During storage condition of fresh arils, Aloe vera gel (2. 5 – 5%) improved the color intensity of fresh arils after 4 days. Also, results showed that all concentrations of Aloe vera gel helped to preserve higher ascorbic acid after 8 and 12 days. Discussion Aloe vera gel improved the quality of pomegranate fresh arils. Aloe vera gel contains the different antioxidant and nutrients which may be responsible for the positive effects on quality of pomegarnate arils. Results showed that Aloe vera gel is a promising herbal product for coating pomegranate fresh arils. More research needs to be undertaken on the efficacy of Aloe vera gel on postharvest quality of pomegranate fresh arils and other minimally processed products.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Melissa officinalis is a medicinal plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The essential oil of this plant is used in many fields. Although more than 100 types of chemical substances have been identified in this plant, the most important compositions of its essential oil include citral, citronella, geraniol and linalool. Heavy metals are one of the main causes of non-biotic stress for living organisms due to increased use in the field of industrial and agricultural development and its high accumulation and toxicity. Cadmium is an unnecessary heavy metal, which, due to its high mobility and low concentration, easily enters the food chain from the soil. Cadmium induces oxidative stress by stimulating the synthesis of free oxygen radicals in the plant. In this study, the effect of cadmium chloride on oxidative stress induction in lemon balm was investigated. This experiment was carried out in 2016-2017 at Shahrekord University. Materials and Methods This research was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications in vitro condition. We investigated the effects of different concentrations of cadmium chloride (0, 10, 20 and 40μ m) on the biochemical parameters of the lemon balm. In this study, sterile stems of lemon balm propagated on the medium (1/2 MS) were used. After 60 days, seedlings were removed from solid MS medium and the roots were cut and cultured in liquid medium of 1/2 MS with different concentrations of cadmium. The cultivation was carried out in Erlenmeyer flask (250 cc) and was kept in an incubator shaker device. Sampling for the experiment was conducted one week after the growth of the stems in the medium. Results Based on the results obtained in this study, fresh weight of shoots grown in 10 and 20μ M of cadmium chloride increased compared to the control. This heavy metal significantly reduced the amount of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids, while the total chlorophyll content decreased only at 40μ m concentration relative to control. Cadmium significantly increased hydrogen peroxide levels in all treatments. Also, it increased the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase enzymes. Malondialdehyde increased in all treatment concentrations, but this increase was not significant at 40μ m of cadmium chloride. Chloride cadmium reduced the absorption of molybdenum and iron, yet increased the adsorption of manganese and zinc. Discussion The results of this study revealed that the cadmium chloride in lemon balm shoots may have the potential to accumulate compounds such as hydrogen peroxide which, as a messenger molecule, produces antioxidants and can help the plant tolerate stressed conditions. It seems that two concentrations of 10 and 20 μ m of cadmium chloride have no toxic effects for the stems and the plant has managed to withstand this tension with defense mechanisms.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Induced mutations have been used in a wide range of horticultural crops for more than half a century. This approach has opened up great opportunities for biotechnologists and plant breeders to produce new varieties with several new traits including resistance to disease, and tolerance to adverse environmental conditions or even produce new horticultural characters in some crops. The optimization of dosage of the physical and chemical mutagenic agents for inducing mutations is the first step in using this technique in plant breeding. This study was thus conducted to determine the optimum dosage of two mutagenic agents including gamma radiation as a physical agent and ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) as a chemical agent in kiwifruit callus in invitro conditions. To that end, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to detect the mutations in the regenerated plantlets. Materials and Methods Having induced the callus in tissue culture media containing naphthaleneacetic acid, 6benzylamino purine and meta-Topolin, the produced calli were exposed to different dosage of gamma radiation (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 Gy) or different EMS concentrations (0, 0. 4, 0. 6, 0. 8, 1, 1. 2 % for 60 min). Then, the callis were transferred to the shoot regeneration media. The number of dead calli, and the size of live calli as well as the number of shoots generated in live calli were then recorded. Afterwards, the regenerated shoots were transferred to elongation media, and the DNA was extracted. The SSR markers analysis was followed on the randomly selected plantlets to detect the SSR markers using a Genetic Analyzer. Results As expected, with increasing the dosage of gamma radiation, the number of dead calli increased and the callus growth was thus retarded. The lowest number of dead calli was, indeed, detected in the control and the 50 Gy dose resulted in the highest number of dead calli. The morphology of shoots generated in the treated calli and the SSR marker analysis showed that 50 Gy dose could be used as the optimum radiation dose to produce an acceptable mutation rate in kiwifruit callus. In turn, EMS as a chemical mutagenic agent showed a different pattern in increasing the number of shoots regenerated with increasing dosage, however the same trend happened with gamma radiation in the number of dead calli and live callus size. Considering the effect of EMS on callus and the number of shoots regenerated per callus, a treatment with 1% EMS for 60 min can be used to produce a high density mutant population in kiwifruit. The highest mutation rate (12. 5 %) was observed in the 50 Gy gamma ray treatment with changes in 12 pairs of SSR markers among 25 loci. For EMS, this value was 2. 6 % in 1% concentration treatment. Discussion To detect the induced mutations using Gamma ray and EMS, the SSR markers can be applied. However, for the EMS mutation detection, more studies are needed to evaluate the efficiency of other techniques such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs).

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives In recent years, dust has been identified as a major source of adverse environmental and agricultural effects in west and southwest of Iran. Reducing light penetration, decreasing photosynthesis, changing stomatal performance, and reducing flowering are some of the adverse effects of air pollution on plants. Strawberries have a shallow root system, high leaf area, and are sensetive to drought stress. Kurdistan province is the major producer of strawberries in Iran. Since in Kurdistan dust occurs mostly in the spring and during the strawberry flowering and fruit production, we investigated the interaction effect of dust and drought stress on some physiological characteristics of two strawberry cultivars (cvs. Paros and Queen elisa) during 2013-2014. Materials and Methods The experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with four treatments (control,-1. 2 MPa soil water potential as drought stress, dust and dust + drought stress) and three replications. In this experiment, leaf relative water content, membrane stability index, proline, soluble carbohydrates, lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide, peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase activity were evaluated. Results Results showed that relative water content and membrane stability index decreased in response to dust and drought in both cultivars. Also, the amount of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and activity of antioxidant enzymes increased by dust and drought treatments. Most increase was obsereved in the proline and total soluble carbohydrates, hydrogen peroxide, malondialdehyde, and the activity of antioxidant enzymes was obtained by dust + drought stress. Drought stress + dust had the highest levels of POD and APX. There was a significant difference between the two cultivars, so that Paros cultivar had higher activity of POD and APX compared to queen elisa. Dust and drought treatments reduced shoot and root dry weigth in both years and both cultivars. Discussion Probably due to the stress caused by dust, the total leaf soluble sugars increased in the first year. In this condition, the plant can continue to absorb water from the soil by increasing the soluble carbohydrates through osmotic regulation. In the second year, the long-term reduction in photosynthesis led to a reduction in total soluble carbohydrates, due to prolonged exposure to dust or damage to light absorption pigments resulting from dust accumulation and its negative effects on stomatal function. Dust and drought stress decreased relative water content (RWC) through decreasing water absorption by the strawberry plants, and the decrease of water led to the increase of H2O2. With the increase of H2O2 in dust and drought stress, membrane lipid degradation increased and led to the increase of malondialdehyde (MDA). The increase of MDA indicates cell wall destruction, which is accompanied by the decrease of memberan stability index MSI). MDA increased in all treatments in Queen Eliza cultivar, which could indicate the higher sensitivity of this cultivar to dust and drought stress. In this study, Paros showed higher antioxidant enzyme activity accompanied with lower H2O2 content and consequently a lower MDA, thus, more resistance to drought and drought stress. In conclusion, dust had negative effects on evaluated characteristics, and drought stress exacerbated these effects. Adverse effects of dust and drought were observed on dry matter production in both years. Reducing the dry matter of the roots and the shoot might be due to increased free radicals, reduced leaf water content and, consequently, loss of photosynthesis of the leaf.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Rice (Oryza sativa L. ) is the staple food of more than half of the world’ s population and has an important role in feeding, income and job creation in the world, especially Iran. Yield gap analysis provides little estimation of increased production capacity which is an important component in designing food-providing strategy in regional, national and global scales. The existing heated discussions regarding food security have increased the number of necessary studies that estimate the quantity of yield gap and the reasons behind it through appropriate statistical methods in Iran and the rest of the world. It seems that by defining the effectiveness of each management parameter regarding the amount of presented yield gap and, consequently, the farmer’ s knowledge on that matter the distance between actual yield and attainable yield can be reduced. In this research, estimation of potential yield, yield gap, and determining yield restricting factors and each of their portions in creating rice yield gap have been investigated. Materials and Methods Research was done in 100 paddy fields in Amol and Rasht regions in 2016 and 2017. All managerial practices from nursery preparation to harvest for local rice cultivars were recorded through fields monitoring. Field selection was done in a way that included all main production procedures with variation in management viewpoint. To define yield model, the relationship between all measured variables and the final model was designed by controlled trial and error method, which could quantify the effect of yield limitations. The average yield was calculated by placing the observed average variables (Xs) in the fields under study in the yield model. Thereafter, by putting the best observed value of the variables in the yield model the maximum obtainable yield was calculated. The difference between these two has been considered yield gap. Different procedures of the software SAS version 9. 1 were used for analysis. Results Data analysis revealed that from 155 variables under study, the final model in Amol and Rasht regions with seven and six independent variables was chosen. In Amol yield model, maximum and average yield were 4798 and 6505 kg ha. In Rasht yield model, maximum and average yield were 4443 and 6377 kg ha-1, respectively that estimated yield gap was 1707 kg ha-1, respectively, which estimated that yield gap was 1934 kg ha-1. In Amol region, the amount of increased yield related to transplanting date, top-dressing and nitrogen after flowering variable was 364, 292 and 416 kg ha-1-1 which equals to 21, 17 and 24 percent of total yield increase. In Rasht region, the yield increase related to the effect of potassium and nitrogen before transplanting, and N after flowering was 644, 325 and 730 kg ha-1 which equals to 33, 17 and 38 percent. Discussion According to the findings, we suggest that the model precision is appropriate and can be applied for both estimating the quantity of yield gap and determining the portion of each constraints yield variables. Furthermore, considering the fact that the calculated yield potential is reached through actual data in each paddy field, it is suggested that this yield potential is attainable.

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Plant Productions

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Background and Objectives Studying phytochemical changes of fruits is very important for plant physiologists and pomologists. Date is an important horticultural fruit in Iran mainly produced in southern regions. Barhee is considered one of the most important date palm cultivars. The fruit of cv. Barhee can be harvested and consumed at different maturation stages including Khalal, Rutab and Tamar. In the present study, the biochemical alterations of date fruit cv. Barhee during development and ripening stages were studied. Materials and Methods The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Sampling was done at Date Palm Research Institute Collection Orchard located in Ahvaz. First, fruits were harvested in five different developmental stages including late Kimri, Khalal, mainly Khalal, mainly Rutab, fully Rutab and Tamar. The fruits were then transferred to Quality Analysis Lab of Department of Horticultural Science at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Selected uniform fruits were used for the analysis of different phytochemical compounds. Chlorophyll, carotenoid, starch, soluble sugars, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity were analysed using spectrophotometric methods. The type and concentration of sugars, organic acids, and phenolics were assessed using HPLC. Also, vitamin C content was determined by titration againt DCIP dye. Results The results showed that soluble sugars increased significantly during ripening stages, and glucose and fructose were the main detected sugars for Barhee cultivar. The amount of sucrose was negligible. The acidity of the fruit increased at initial growth stages and then decreased gradually till Rutab stage. At the end of ripening process and at Tamar stage, the amount of organic acid content increased to 2. 45 mg/g FW. Among the detected organic acids, acetic acid was dominant in Tamar stage, while in the earlier stages malic acid was considered the main organic acid. Other major investigated compounds, including flavonoids, chlorophylls, carotenoids, starch and vitamin C decreased during the development. Different compounds including p-cinamic, gintistic, gallic, chlorogenic, vanilic, caffeic, syringic and p-cumaric acids were detected by HPLC evaluation of phenolic acids. Among them, gallic acid was the dominant, and the trend was incremental during the development of fruit. Discussion Comparing the current results with published data for other date cultivars shows that there are considerable differences in biochemical compounds among different cultivars. In this cultivar, the increasing trend of accumulation of soluble sugars, organic acids, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity during ripening stages from late Kimri to Rutab and Tamar stage makes the fruit an important source of essential nutrients.

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Background and Objectives Olive (Olea europaea L. ) is one of the every green trees that tolerance to Drought. Olive is an economically important species of the Mediterranean area, so understanding the mechanisms by which olive plants face drought stress under environmental conditions is essential for the improvement of olive yield and oil quality. Olive (Olea europaea L. ) is one of the fruit trees which become important in the Iranian fruit industry at the near future. It seems that olive tree has potential for resistance to drought conditions of semi-arid regions of Iran. There is a high production potential for olive tree in many regions of Iran. Regulated deficit irrigation is an optimizing strategy under which crops are allowed to sustain some degree of water deficit and yield reduction. During regulated deficit irrigation the crop is exposed to certain level of water stress either during a particular period or throughout the growing season. The main objective deficit irrigation of is to increase water use efficiency (WUE) of the crop by eliminating irrigations that have little impact on yield, and to improve control of vegetative growth (improve fruit size and quality). The resulting yield reduction may be small compared with the benefits gained through diverting the saved water to irrigate other crops for which water would normally be insufficient under conventional irrigation practices. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of regulated deficit irrigation regime on vegetative and pomological characteristics and yield of table olive konservolia cultivar in field condition. Materials and Methods This experiment was conducted in Dallaho Olive Research Station (Geographical characters was longitude of 45˚ , 51΄ E and latitude of 34˚ , 30΄ N and the height of sea level 581m) located in Kermanshah province. An experiment was used based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. Adult table olive Konservolia cultivar was uesd. Each experiment unit consists of Three trees. Vegetative and reproductive traits were evaluated according to I. O. O. C. descriptors. Six irrigation regimes including of full irrigation (as control), regulated deficit irrigation (100% of full irrigation during growing season plus 25% irrigation during pit hardening, regulated deficit irrigation (100% of full irrigation during growing season plus 75% irrigation from Start pit hardening to harvesting), irrigation in three stage (before flowering, pit hardening and before Harvesting, 60% of full irrigation (continuous deficit irrigation) and no irrigation (Rainfed). To elevate the effect of irrigation regimes, some growth vegetative traits measured at the end of growth season including current-season shoot growth and current-season shoot diameter as well as some fruit traits including fruit and oil yield, fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, pulp fresh and dry weight, fruit moisture percent, pulp percent were measured. Collected data were analyzed with SAS program. Results Obtained results showed that the highest fruit yield, oil yield, fruit weight, fruit diameter, pulp fresh and dry weight, pulp percent were observed at full irrigation and regulated deficit irrigation (100% of full irrigation during growing season plus 25% irrigation during pit hardening, but the lowest one found at Rainfed. There was no significant difference between deficit irrigation in three stage and 60% of full irrigation (continuous deficit irrigation) in fruit yield, oil yield, fruit weight, fruit diameter, pulp fresh and dry weight. The water use efficiency of fruit yield of T4 and T2 was higher than 100ETc and other treatments. Overall, the results showed that RDI during fruit pit hardening could increased water use efficiency, whitout reduce fruit yield, oil yield, fruit weight, fruit diameter and pulp fresh and dry weight. Discussion In the arid and semi arid as well as sub-tropical regions, water shortage is a normal phenomenon and seriously limits the agricultural potential. Therefore, under irrigation or rain-fed conditions, it is important for the available water to be used in the most efficient way. Regulated deficit irrigation is an optimizing strategy under which crops are allowed to sustain some degree of water deficit and yield reduction. During regulated deficit irrigation the crop is exposed to certain level of water stress either during a particular period or throughout the growing season. The main objective deficit irrigation of is to increase water use efficiency (WUE) of the crop by eliminating irrigations that have little impact on yield, and to improve control of vegetative growth (improve fruit size and quality). According to the results of this research, it can be concluded that that RDI during fruit pit hardening could increased water use efficiency, whitout reduce fruit yield, oil yield, fruit weight, fruit diameter, pulp fresh and dry weight.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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