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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The aim of this study is to identify the indicators and evaluate the expected competencies of a military academy graduates, a short time after their graduation. This study is an applied one done through descriptive method and the target population of the study consists of 300 authorities from all levels of the military-educational centers, with direct contact with the graduates of the academy. The statistical samples of the study were selected through stratified-random sampling, in which 73 questionnaires were completed. The data collection tool is the graduate competency questionnaire, including eight dimensions of the graduates’ competencies in the fields of science, information, organization, management, personality, belief, ethics, and value. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by content and construct validity and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient (0. 89). To analyze the questions, descriptive statistics (including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (multivariate Student t-test) were calculated through SPSS statistical software. The results show that the graduates’ performance is in good condition and significantly higher than the average. In addition, the ranking of the eight performance competencies shows that the ‘ personality competency’ of the graduates in the military academy in 1396, in their specialized branch of educational-cultural centers, holds the highest rank and their ‘ scientific competency’ holds the lowest rank among the other competencies of their performance indicators.

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The proper location of military centers is one of the most important issues in defense planning and it can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of these centers in times of crisis and military threats. This study evaluated the impact of important geographical factors on passive defense in the border regions between Iran and Afghanistan and identified potential areas for deployment of military units. Various topographic, geological, satellite and climatic data were used for this purpose. Climatic data such as the number of frost days, days of rainfall, days with dust, and wind speed were obtained from the Iran Meteorological Organization. In order to identify sensitive and important military areas along the Iran and Afghanistan border, maps and information layers of 21 geographical parameters such as topography, slope and slope direction, distance from settlements, distance from industrial centers, soil type, land use were evaluated through the AHP model using an integrated approach with GIS. The final map of suitable locations for military centers in the border regions of Iran and Afghanistan was accordingly drawn. The results show that moving from east to west of the study area increases the amount of the land suitable for military centers, whereas, based on the geographical parameters, the areas close to Iran and Afghanistan border are completely inappropriate for choosing locations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the current age called the Information Age or the Age of Knowledge, the importance of knowledge is no longer hidden to anyone, but what matters is knowledge management. This study investigates the influence of the organic structure on knowledge management processes and the mediating effect of experience sharing groups on their relationship. The study is an applied correlational survey and the statistical population of it is from a company in the defense industry. The whole population were 300 staff members and experts, and from them 90 ones were selected as the sample. Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient and divergent and convergent validity were used to test the questionnaire reliability and validity. The convergent validity of the mean variance index was extracted using SmartPLS2. 0 software. The divergent validity is also confirmed because the AVE value for each structure is higher than the correlation of that structure with other structures in the model. Structural equations have been used to measure the conceptual model of the study. The results show that the effect of the organic structure on both the knowledge management processes and on the experience sharing groups are significant and positive. In addition, the experience sharing groups, in turn, have a significant and positive effect on the knowledge management processes. Finally, the organic structure through the mediation of the experience sharing groups has a significant indirect and positive effect on the knowledge management processes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article aims to investigate the importance of physical education in the health and lifestyle of Aja employees based on the Supreme Leader’ s viewpoint. The study was a qualitative research based on grounded theory. Regarding the subject of the research, the data gathering tool is based on the Supreme Leader’ s statements, which were extracted, coded, and investigated based on the three components of physical, mental, and spiritual health. According to the Supreme Leader’ s viewpoint, 17 indicators are Physical Health, Reinforcement, Strength, Prosperity, Happiness, Affection, Evolution, Physical and Spiritual Growth, Faith, Piety, Dignity, Spirituality Collectivism, Personality Development, Self-confidence, Determinism, Individual and Social Value, Spiritual Power. The points of subscription among these components were identified and classified in the form of six concepts as Mental Ability, Well-being, Mental Health, Personality Excellence, Transcendental Will, and Spiritual Excellence. Finally, these concepts were formulated in three areas of Physical Health, Mental Health, and Spiritual Wellbeing, leading to the extraction of the conceptual model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the field of organizational performance, different methods have been proposed and the literature is rich. However, the research on this field is still attractive, considering the fact that the situations of organizations are in constant change, the appraisal of this change is challenging, and most of the indices are mental. The aim of the present study is to propose a military performance excellence model based on the EFQM framework. Since the study includes both qualitative (meta-synthesis) and quantitative (grey weighting), it is exploratory mixed-method research. This study used all printed articles concerning the indices of military performance appraisal in scientific journals from 1995 to 2017. Through meta-synthesis, 43 articles (sample) were finally selected, and from these 158 codes, 29 components, and 9 categories were extracted. Military readiness criterion and its sub-categories ̶ human resource readiness, equipment readiness, unit readiness, and operational actions ̶ received the highest references. In addition, the extracted questionnaire from the conceptual model was given to six experts, who found the military leadership (with weights of 0. 81 and 0. 63) as the most significant index. In addition, the extracted weights (reference percentages in the investigated articles) were compared with the ones by the experts and analyzed. The findings of grey weighting concerning the military leadership, beneficiaries’ satisfaction, and key performance results as the most significant organizational indices were also investigated. Finally, some suggestions were made for the performance excellence of the military units.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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KARBASI MANSOOR | MANSOURI SAEED | ghahremani nejad shayegh bahaoddin

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The humanitarian rights, also known as rights in war, is referred to the responsibilities and rights of the parties involved in war and the neutral states especially with regard to civilians, war casualties, prisoners, women and children, and the environment. Today the enemies of Islam pursue to distort the face of Islam and its Great Prophet through imposing doubts on such issues as being militant and racist through forming terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaida. However, Islam firmly insists on observing humanitarian rights as requisites and necessaries, and the Great Prophet was himself committed to respect them. Today, despite the importance of humanitarian rights among all nations, the fundamental principles of human rights are still being violated. Accordingly, this study is conducted to perform a comparative study of the fundamental principles of humanitarian rights observance in the military tradition of Great Prophet and the contemporary world (the twenty-first century). This study is qualitative-applied concerning the aims and considering the method it is descriptive-analytical. Data compilation is done through library research and note taking from valid resources of the Great Prophet’ s tradition. The findings show that military tradition of the Great Prophet was completely based on the fundamental principles of humanitarian rights, but there are significant contradictions with its implementation in the contemporary world.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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