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Rainfall may be considered as the most important source of drinking water and watering land in different areas all over the world. Therefore, simulation and estimation of the hydrological phenomenon is of paramount importance. In this study, for the first time, the long-term rainfall in Rasht city was simulated using an optimum hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) model over a 62 year period from 1956 to 2017. The gene expression programming (GEP) and wavelet transform (WT) were combined to develop the hybrid AI model (WGEP). Firstly, the most effective lags of time series data were identified by means of the autocorrelation function (ACF); then eight various GEP and WGEP models were defined. Next, the GEP models were analyzed and the superior GEP model as well as the most influenced lags was detected. For instance, the variance accounting for (VAF), correlation coefficient (R) and scatter index (SI) for the superior GEP model was calculated to be 0. 765, 0. 508 and 0. 709, respectively. Additionally, lags (t-1), (t-2), (t-3) and (t-12) were the most influenced. Then, the different mother wavelets were examined, indicating that the demy mother wavelet was the most optimal one. Moreover, analyzing the numerical simulations showed that the mother wavelet enhanced the performance of the GEP model significantly. For example, the VAF index for the superior WGEP model was increased almost three times after using the mother wavelet. Furthermore, the R and MARE statistical indices for the WGEP model were computed to be 0. 935 and 0. 862, respectively...

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Agricultural water management studies require accurate information on actual evapotranspiration. This information must have sufficient spatial detail to allow analysis on the farm or basin level. The methods used to estimate evapotranspiration are grouped into two main groups, which include direct methods and indirect or computational methods. Basics of the indirect methods are based on the relationship between meteorological parameters, which impedes the use of these data with a lack or impairment. On the other hand, this information is a point specific to meteorological stations, and their regional estimates are another problem of uncertainty of their own. To this end, the use of remote sensing technology can be a suitable approach to address these constraints. Real evapotranspiration can be estimated by satellite imagery that has short and long wavelengths and is estimated using surface energy equations. Examples of such algorithms include SEBAL, METRIC, SEBS. Among the above mentioned algorithms, SEBAL and SEBS have been used. Among the factors of superiority of the SEBAL and SEBS algorithms, in comparison with other remote sensing algorithms, is a satellite imagery analysis algorithm based on physical principles and uses satellite simulation and requires minimum meteorological information from ground measurements or air models...

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Drought, as one of the most complicated natural events, causes many direct and indirect damages each year. Hence, single variable identification and monitoring of drought may not be appropriate enough for decision-making and management. In this study, in order to monitor the meteorological-agricultural drought in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Multivariate Standardized Drought Index (MSDI) was calculated using precipitation and soil moisture variables. In addition, to evaluate the performance of MSDI in drought identification and monitoring, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSI) were used for meteorological and agricultural drought monitoring, respectively. MSDI was calculated based on the soil moisture and precipitation joint probabilities. We used the Gringorten probability as an empirical method and Archimedean copulas as the parametric method to calculate the joint probability between soil moisture and precipitation time series. The results indicated that MSDI was twice more capable of detecting drought as SSI and SPI. Furthermore, the MSDI-based drought monitoring results showed Charmahal and Bakhtiari province had experienced severe meteorological-agricultural drought in 2000, 2008, 2011 and 2014...

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Surge tanks and air chambers are the most useful solution to deal with water hammer in water transmission systems (WTS). The optimal design of these protective devices can be effective in reducing the costs of constructing and operating a water transmission system. In this article, some software with the capability of simulating and optimizing these protective equipment is presented. To simulate the behavior of the system in the transient condition, the characteristic method was used. To optimize the number, dimensions and location of the surge tanks and air chambers, the genetic algorithm was employed. Constraints of the problem included the control of negative and positive pressures within the permissible range to prevent the cavitation and water hammer. To test the performance of simulation and optimization models, a well-known water transmission system in the previous research was selected as a case study. The results indicated that the critical heads were damped to a safer and allowable range; also, the total cost of the surge tanks and air chambers was reduced by 17% by the proposed method...

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The main purpose of the study is the operational simulation of main irrigation canal and evaluation of water delivery and distribution locally, regionally and overall using adequacy, efficiency, and equity indicators and “ Desirability of water delivery and distribution” indicator. To achieve this goal, the hydrodynamic model of Roodasht irrigation network’ s main canal was developed. The results of the calibration and validation of the hydrodynamic model showed that the two processes were satisfactory. All available scenarios including normal, water shortages and fluctuations were considered for water delivery and distribution in different conditions. In the local assessment, the adequacy varied from 7 to 85%, and the efficiency in all scenarios was 100%. The adequacy, efficiency, and equity indicators in the regional evaluation varied from 6 to 89, 91 to 100, and 13 to 46%, respectively. The overall evaluation of the canal showed that the most desirable situation is related to a harsh fluctuation increasing with the adequacy, equity and efficiency indicators equal to 82, 23 and 91%, respectively. Calculation of the “ Desirability of water delivery and distribution” indicator showed poor performance in all operational scenarios except harsh fluctuation scenario with 82% of which, the canal performance was estimated in fair level...

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Lopac gates, with the benefits of easy installation, automation and the ability to pass sediments and floating objects, are among the new structures considered for water level regulation and flow control in the irrigation canals. Converting the shape of the gate from a rectangular one to an elliptical one allows the flow rate to be increased by the same water level. In the present study, the effect of the sudden transition on the discharge and energy dissipation of the elliptical-lopac gate (ELG) in the submerged flow conditions was evaluated in the laboratory. The results showed that the dimensionless discharge and energy dissipation of the ELG with sudden transition to channel width conditions was decreased by 28 to 86% and increased by 11 to 35%, respectively. Finally, the statistical equations were presented to estimate the dimensionless discharge and energy dissipation of ELG by sudden transition under submerged flow conditions with a maximum error of 16%...

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Given the fact that the DRASTIC index is ineffective in addressing the saltwater uprising issue in coastal plains, in the present study, three factors including land use, distance to shoreline, and differences between groundwater and sea level were added to the DRASTIC index. The proposed modification to DRASTIC was validated using the measured electrical conductivity (EC) data gathered from groundwater monitoring wells throughout the Talesh Plain. The results showed that the coefficient of correlation between the map of EC over the region and the modified DRASTIC was 0. 52, while for the original DRASTIC, the coefficient was 0. 45, thereby implying a stronger relationship between EC and the modified DRASTIC in the Talesh Plain. Sensitivity analysis also showed that DRASTIC and the modified DRASTIC were the most sensitive to, respectively, depth to groundwater (D) and land use (Lu). According to the single-parameter sensitivity analysis results, depth to water table and net recharge were the most effective parameters in DRASTIC, whereas the modified DRASTIC was the most sensitive to land use and depth to groundwater. It could be concluded that modifying the DRASTIC index would result in decreasing the area of very high and high vulnerable classes, and the area classified as low and moderate vulnerable could be increased...

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In order to investigate P acquisition efficiency (PACE) and P utilization efficiency (PUTE) of the corn in the presence of phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs), a factorial experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in the greenhouse. The factors were including P sources (tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and rock phosphate (RP)) and microbial inoculation (control, soluble P as KH2PO4 (Ps), inoculation with bacteria (PSB), inoculation with fungi (PSF), co-inoculation of PSB + PSF). At the end of growth period, plant dry weight and P content in plant and soil available-P were measured and then PACE, PUTE and phosphorus efficiency (PE) indices were calculated. The results showed that, the interaction of phosphate source and microbial inoculation was significant with respect to shoot P content, soil P, PUTE and PE. PSF-TCP treatment increased 7 times shoot phosphorus content compared to cont-RP treatment. PUTE in Cont-TCP treatment was 2. 35 times higher than the TCP-PS. The inoculation of PSF increased the PACE 1. 61 times compared to co-inoculation of PSB + PSF tretment. Also, the highest PE index (99%) was obtained from SF-TCP treatment. In general, in calcareous soils with low P availability, inoculation of PSM with insoluble phosphorus sources can meet the phosphate needs of the plant...

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This study aimed to investigate the vulnerability of Sistan plain to fluctuations and Water Scarcity in Hirmand River using the vulnerability framework, by applying the resilience approach. The socioeconomic and biophysical components presented in this framework were embedded in a set of subsystems of the System Dynamics (SD) model. According to this, four levels of reference resilience were defined based on the annual flow from the Hirmand River, and the system attributes of concern were identified under the existing structure until 2050. Then, the proposed strategies to the socio-economic structure of the model were applied under two critical conditions of water scarcity and fluctuations of the river flow. The values associated to the system attributes of concern of the two mentioned conditions were compared with the reference resilience levels. The results showed the efficiency of the policy option in reducing water scarcity and the importance of the environmental impacts of the biophysical component. For example, the two modes of water scarcity and water inflow fluctuations had the revenues of 9490 and 5100 billion IRR (annual income according to the base price of 2011), but they had the same population and resident's utility, which was related to receiving 117 and 600 MCM of the environmental demand, respectively. Management, development and continuous support of the industrial sector can provide a "Success to the Successful" archetype for the socio-economic section of Sistan Plain...

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In the present study, the effects of different levels of irrigation, organic mulch and planting method on the mungbean yield in Badjgah were investigated. The experimental plan in the first year was full randomized block, while in the second year, it was full randomized split-split plot block design, in three repetitions. The results showed that in the FI treatments, the yield was increased up to 2% for the first year and 5% for the second year by changing the planting method from on over-ridge planting method to the in-furrow planting one. Also, the results of the first year showed that there was no significant difference between the yield in the fully-irrigated treatments without mulch and the treatment with mulch and 0. 75 FI. The amount of the irrigation water could be decreased up to 25% by adding organic mulch in both planting methods, as compared to the fully-irrigated treatments without mulch. The maximum water productivity equal to 0. 4 kg/m3 was observed in 0. 5 FI, in-furrow planting method with mulch treatment. It can be, therefore, concluded that the water productivity may be maximized with the application of both deficit irrigation and mulching strategies...

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The interaction of population growth, technological improvement and climate change have impacted severely on agricultural and environmental sustainability. In Iran, conventional tillage practice has resulted in soil erosion and loss of soil organic matter. In this regard, Conservation Agriculture (CA) forms part of this alternative paradigm to agricultural production systems approaches and can be regarded as a means to enhancing food productivity, reducing poverty, and mitigating the consequences of climate change in rural households. The objectives of this study were to examine the determinants and impacts of CA technology on wheat yield, poverty gap and water use. To this end, an endogenous switching regression (ESR) model was employed to estimate the impacts of CA technology on continuous variables such as wheat yield, poverty gap and water use. A sample of 260 farmers from Zarghan district was selected for interview collection of necessary farm level data. The results indicated that in the select equation of ESR model, ten coefficients (out of 12) are significant at the 5% level or higher. Knowledge of soil quality, access to credit, access to information, education, farm size, ownership of machinery, participation in agricultural extension activities and farmer’ perception have positive and significant effects on the probability of adopting CA. In contrast, variables such as the distance to shopping center and number of land parcels have negative and significant influence on adoption. Also, the results of ESR model and counterfactual analysis showed that wheat yield would increase by 1. 05 tons and poverty gap and water use would decrease by 20% and 910 cubic meters per hectare respectively if farmers adopt CA technology...

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Today, one of the biggest challenges facing the world is the lack of water, especially in the agricultural sector. In this research, we investigated the effects of irrigation method and deficit irrigation with the urban refined effluent on biomass, grain yield, yield components and water use efficiency in single grain crosses 704 maize. This research was carried out in a randomized complete block design with two irrigation systems (furrow irrigation (F) and drip irrigation (T)) and three levels of deficit irrigation treatments of 100 (D1), 75 (D2) and 55 (D3) percent of water requirements in three replications, in 2017, at the collage of Abourihan Research field, University of Tehran, in Pakdasht County. The results showed that the highest yield of biomass was 2. 426 Kg m-2 for full drip irrigation treatments; also, there was no significant difference between D1 and D2 treatments. The highest grain yield was 1. 240 kg m-2 for the complete drip irrigation treatment. The highest biomass water use efficiency was obtained for the treatment of 75% drip irrigation, which was equal to 5. 3 kg per cubic meter of water. Therefore, a drip irrigation system with 75% water requirement is optimal and could be recommended...

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The construction of irrigation network and the water transfer from Karkheh Dam to Dashte-Abbas, due to neglecting the groundwater resources has increased groundwater level and waterlogging of the agricultural land in the recent years. The aim of this study was, therefore, to optimize the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources in Dashte-Abbas to minimize waterlogging problems and achieve the maximum net income. For this purpose, the behavior of groundwater was simulated using the system dynamics (SD) approach. The conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources was then optimized using the Vensim multi-criteria optimization method with the objective function of maximizing the net income of the plain. The SD model calibration was done using climatic, hydrological, agricultural, and environmental data from the 2001-2009 time period; then it was validated based on the information from the 2009-2016 period. Evaluation of the developed SD model showed that the model had high accuracy in simulating key variables such as groundwater levels (ME=60cm, R2=97%, RMSE=47cm) and groundwater salinity (RMSE=100μ S/cm, R2=74%, and ME=123μ S/cm). Furthermore, the results of the optimization model showed that the optimum use of surface and groundwater resources for the agricultural demand was 65% and 35%, respectively. To sum up, it could be concluded that with the optimization of the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resource, s about 10 MCM of water consumption could be annually saved to irrigate almost 800 ha of the new lands...

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Wind erosion is known as one of the most important land degradation aspects, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. Soil properties, by affecting soil erodibility, can control the wind erosion rate. The aim of this study was to attribute the soil physical and chemical properties to the wind erosion rate for the purpose of determining the most important property. To this aim, wind erosion rates were measured in-situ at 60 points of Kerman province using a portable wind tunnel facility. The results indicated that wind erosion rates varied from 0. 03 g m-2 min-1 to 3. 41 g m-2 min-1. Threshold wind velocity decreased wind erosion rate following a power function (R2=0. 81, P<0. 001). Clay and silt particles, shear strength, mean weight diameter (MWD), surface gravel, dry stable aggregates (DSA<0. 25mm), soil organic carbon (SOC), calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) and the concentrations of the soluble Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+ were inversely proportional to the wind erosion rates following nonlinear functions. On the other hand, Wind erosion was significantly enhanced with increasing the sand fraction, soluble Na+, electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). According to the final results, among the studied soil properties, SAR and MWD were s the most effective properties controlling wind erosion in the soils of Kerman province. Therefore, it is recommended to consider suitable conservation practices in order to prevent the sodification and degradation of arid soils...

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Dusts contain heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd and As that can threat human's health and environment. Therefore, the spatial distribution of heavy metals concentration and soil pollution monitoring and environmental quality protection seem to be essential. To assess heavy metals pollution level in Ahvaz street dust, 115 street dust samples were collected from main pedestrians. The samples were analyzed by Atomic Absorption (AAS). The pollution level was estimated based on the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF) and the enrichment factor (EF). The average concentration values of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd and As were found to be 197. 6, 150. 1, 179. 7, 101, 5. 6 and 14. 2 mg/kg, respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficient also indicated that Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr had a significant correlation showing similar possible anthropogenic sources. On the other hand, Cd and As showed a lower correlation with other metals, indicating that they belonged to the geogenic sources. The results of contamination factor, enrichment factor and geo-accumulation index also indicated that Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd had a high contamination level. Also, areas with high population density, heavy traffic volume, and industrial activities exhibited a high level of heavy metals contamination...

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The occurrence of wind erosion and the spread of dust particles can be regarded as one of the most important and threatening environmental factors. Climate change and the frequency of droughts have played an important role in exacerbating or weakening these events. The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the trend of changes in four important climatic elements (precipitation, temperature, wind speed and relative humidity) and dust storm index (DSI) in Qazvin city using the Mann-Kendall pre-whitened test and to determine the relationship between them based on the multiple linear regression method. Assessment of the meteorological drought status based on two standardized precipitation index and standardized precipitation, as well as the evapotranspiration index and analysis of their effect on activity level of dust events, was the other objective of this study in the study area. For this purpose, after preparing and processing the climatic data and calculating the dust storm index, the trend of changes and the relationship between climatic parameters and dust events were investigated. The results showed that the changes of trend in the annual precipitation and relative humidity in Qazvin city were increasing, while the trend of annual changes in the wind speed and the mean air temperature was a decreasing one. Investigation of the monthly changes in the dust events also showed that there was a sharp decrease in the occurrence of wind erosion and the spread of domestic dust particles only in July. On a seasonal scale, with the exception of winter that has been reported without trends, in other seasons, the intensity of these events was significantly reduced. The effect of the meteorological drought on wind erosion was estimated to be 11% at the confidence level of 99%. In general, these findings indicate a decreasing trend of land degradation and desertification caused by wind erosion in Qazvin...

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In this study, we used the ARIMA time series model, the fuzzy-neural inference network, multi-layer perceptron artificial neural network, and ARIMA-ANN, ARIMA-ANFIS hybrid models for the modeling and prediction of the daily electrical conductivity parameter of daily teleZang hydrometric station over the statistical period of 49 years. For this purpose, the daily data for the 1996-2004 period were used for model training and data for the 1996-2006 period were applied for testing. In order to verify the validity of the fitted ARIMA models, the residual autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions and Port Manteau statistics were used. PMI algorithm were then used to model and predict electrical conductivity for selecting the effective input parameter of the neural fuzzy inference network and the artificial neural network. The daily parameters of magnesium (with two days delay) and sodium (with one day delay), heat (with one day delay), flow rate (with two months delay), and acidity (with one day delay) were obtained with the lowest values of Akaike and highest values of hempel statistics as the input of the neural fuzzy inference network and the artificial neural network for modelling daily electric conductivity predictions; then predictions were made. Also, models evaluation criteria confirmed the superiority of the ARIMA-ANFIS hybrid model with the trapezoidal membership function and with two membership numbers, as compared to other models with a coefficient of determination of 0. 86 and the root mean square of 29 dS / m. Also, the Arima model had the weakest performance. So, it could be applied to modeling and forecasting the daily quality parameter of the tele Zang hydrometer station...

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Selection of the appropriate distribution function and estimation of its parameters are two fundamental steps in the accurate estimation of flood magnitude. This study relied on the concept of optimization by meta heuristic algorithms to improve the results obtained from the conventional methods of parameter estimation, such as maximum likelihood (ML), moments (MOM) and probability weighted moments (PWM) methods. More specifically, this study aimed to improve flood frequency analysis using the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (ABC). The overall performance of this algorithm was compared to the conventional methods by employing goodness of fit statistics, correlation coefficient (CC), coefficient of efficiency (CE) and root mean square error (RMSE). The study area, Babolrood catchment located in southern bank of Caspian Sea, has been subjected to annual flooding events. A total of 6 hydrometry stations in the study area were delineated and their data were used in the analysis of 6 distribution functions of Normal, Gumbel, Gamma, Pearson Type 3, General Extreme Value and General Logistic. This analysis indicated that Gamma and Pearson Type 3 were the most appropriate distribution functions for flood appraisal in the study area, according to the ABC and conventional methods, respectively. Also, the results showed that ABC outperformed ML, MOM and PWM; so, Gamma could be recommended as the most reliable distribution function for flood frequency analysis in the study area...

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Public health of common waters in protecting the human's health is considered as "human delinquent" and environmental and natural health as "green offender" (silent offender) due to the terrestrial nature and the lack of the monopoly of works; so, the consequences of violating it in the territory of a particular state are of particular importance in the international public law. Therefore, protection of the harm caused by the breach of the public health of common waters is imperative by international institutions and States members of the international community. The supportive policy is a branch of public policy that "puts" various legal protections from the perpetrators of the violations of norms and regulations "in the form of coherent policies using its principal principles. These principles are a set of doctrines and coherent strategies that determine the policy and consequently, the way in which laws and regulations are imposed; as with the qualitative measure, it provides for the monitoring of rules and regulations. To make the present study, a review of the principles that underlie the principles of public health policy in international treaties and procedures is presented. The principles outlined in these sources are categorized into three categories: "justice-oriented", "cooperative-oriented" and "fair-minded". These principles can be used in protecting Iranian water health rights...

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of land use change (forest and rangelands to agriculture) on some micromorphological indices of soil quality in part of Rakat watershed, southwest of Iran. Accordingly, intact soil samples from 0-15 and 15-30 cm depths were collected from the above-mentioned land uses, and microstructure, type and abundance of voids, redoximorphic features, and humic substances were compared. The results showed that in the natural forest use, most of the voids are in the form of macropores, whereas after their conversion to agriculture, these types of voids have little development. In natural rangelands uses, voids were mainly oriented channels and of macropore type, but after switching from pasture to agriculture, they were mainly of vughy type. The results showed that natural forests (27. 73%) and natural grasslands (22. 28%) had more abundance of voids than forest to agriculture (19. 01%) and grassland to agriculture (18. 62%) land uses. In both natural forests and pasture land uses, various types of iron and manganese nodules, coatings, hypo-coatings, and quasi-coatings were significantly higher than agricultural land uses...

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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