The hepatoid glands or the perianal glands in canidae are transformed sebaceous glands found in the subcutaneous tissues around the anal region in male and female dogs. In Comparison with adenomas of the hepatoid glands, carcinomas of these glands occur with less frequency. In addition, tumors of these glands are occasionally observed ectopically on the outer surface of other organs such as tail, perineal area, prepuce, flank, thighs, back, lumbosacral area, midline of the abdomen, chin, head and neck. This report describes histopathological features of two cases of ectopic hepatoid gland carcinomas in two breeds of Terrier and German shepherd dogs. The first case was a Terrier dog, male, 18 years old with the tumor having a relatively hard consistency on palpation, without pain and ulcerative appearance along with hemorrhage which had grown on the flank region and the left hand ectopically. The second case was a German shepherd dog, male, 10 years old, which was referred to the clinic due to existence of a large and ulcerative mass with hard consistency in palpation on the back of the neck. The dog was febrile and anorexic because of ulcerative and infectious nature of the tumoral mass. In histopathological examination of the lesions in both cases, proliferation of hepatoid cells, mitotic figures, congestion, hemorrhage, necrosis and infiltration of inflammatory cells, especially neutrophils was observed.