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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

KALHOR REZA | Abdari Robabeh

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There is no clear evidence of national schools of policing in different countries; but obviously every country has selected methods, strategies and doctrines for policing, on the basis of its problems, structures, upstream documents and other components, to develop its police organization, and tires to carry out its policing activities in this framework. Studying the evolution of various schools of thought, philosophy and science can be helpful in analyzing the issue of schools of policing. Although the question is whether or not anything has been said regarding the existence of such schools. Therefore, we should explain the components that have such an influence on formation theoreticians thinking framework to invigorate a theory to evolve in its historical course to a school of thought. The present study, has explained the seven essential components of development of a school, and then, using the descriptive_ analytical method, assessed the common theories of policing in developed countries on the basis of these seven components to explain the current schools of policing. The purpose of this article is to review and receive police schools in the police of countries in order to provide appropriate guidance for modeling and localization of theories and compiling the law enforcement and security school of the Islamic Republic of Iran so that thinkers can have a wider view of give action to their long-term and medium-term strategies.

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Creating and developing security, installing order and providing public welfare is one of the most important concerns of human societies; In this regard, modern cyber societies are not considerd on exception, and relevant institutions are trying to offer strategies to attain this important goal. The present paper is based on the study to provide the strategic model of countering cyber crimes in Iran, as well as identification. Explanation and developing concepts, dimentions, components and desired charateristics of countering these crimes in Iran. This study has been, in terms of its objective, a fundamental one, and the method used to create and analyze the data, is a compound of qualitative and quantitatve methodes; so that in the qualitative phase, documents and library sources regarding criminal policy, cyber space, cyber crimes and criminalizing as well as response to these crimes in national and international levels were reviewed to form the conceptual framework of research. There after targeted sampling through snowball technique, in which the know elites of the scientific circle in the field of cyberspace were identified and selected was carried out Interviewing the selected elites was carried _ out using a semis tructured tool and production of final data was done through open and axial encoding. In order to measure the finding and prioritizing and validating them, another group of elites and specialists of cyber crimes detection (60 persons), as the sample volume completed a questionnaire to express their views, in the quantitative phase. The results reveal what the strategic model of countering cyber crimes in Iran should be and what are its dimentions, vectors and identifiers.

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Qalavand Korosh | Karimi Ghahroodi Mohammad Reza | HAJIMOLA MIRZAIE HAMED

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Appearance of virtual space is one of the greatest symbols of global evolution in current times and its evolution making technologies have had a great impact on every aspect and dimension of human life, namely cultural, social, economical, political, security, defense and law enforcement. Now adays, regulation of the virtual space is one of the most important challenges facing governments. Establishment of order and providing for public and individual welfare is the main mission of the police Force of I. R. Iran, and given the complex interrelationships of peoples life in the real and virtual space, establishment of security and order in the virtud space is assigned to the police force. To carry out this mission would not be possible through traditional methods. Evolution making technologies of virtual space, because of creating new policing capabilities, can be a new approach to problem solving. The present study, which is a descriptive _ survey seeks to measure the impact of evolution making technologies on regulating the national cyberspace, and its statistical society includes directors and senior experts of cyber crimes police department, specialty police officers, and directors of the police center for strategic studies. The objective is to determine the most important areas and positive effects of cvolution making technologies on the mission of regulating the virtual space. some of these are: increased police interaction in the form of new regulatory platforms and data _ sharing, intelligent monitoring of accident scenes and policing environment, developing and facilitating crime detection through digital evidence and expansion and deepening the community based information network.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Police is the first step and structure in administering the criminal justice, and surely, occurrence of critical conditions due to natural and social crises is inevitable to involve Police force; hence, determining the limits of police involvement in critical conditions and extra ordinary situations has a significant impact of its performance. lack of recognition of these cond: tions and the relevant rules and regulations, and the rerfore lack of appropriate action, will resuit in defacing the citizen_ centered asoect of police. Given that, it is necessary to understand the concept of exigency in police activities and to explore the models of police approach to these situations. The present paper tries to evaluate this point in the Iranian police Force descriptively and analytically, and also the situation in developed countries, comparatively. the results show a defect in the constitutional law regarding the concept of critical and extra ordinary situations, however, there are articles in ordinary lows and regulations that can delineate the framework of police performance in critical Conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There is a long history of interaction of the military with national economy, and a multitude of positive and negative experiences can be mentioned in this regard. However, the economic role of the military, mostly performed with justifiable aims and motives, has nowadays become an accepted fact in many countries. Funding the required defense budgets in order to pursue military goals, has been the most significant reason of development of economic roles for the defense sector. Self reliance motivations have always been promoting a lot of economic activities in military organizations, and finally, those secondary roles that have often been mandatory for the military or given to them out of necessity, have had a significant impact on prospering of military trading. The relevant fields in the national economy, such as national construction, as well as defense, have made a wide range of economic riles a necessity for the defense sector. The present paper includes a review of literature about global military trade and introducing its opportunities for the defense sector in I. R. Iran, as well as two models suggested for assessment of the impact of these activities, and as an example, a method of assessment in the second model is shown for Khatamolanbia construction camps activities plan.

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From among the five essential approaches of resistance economy, arms exports highly match with at least three of them, namely endogenicity, extroversion and knowledge-based. In the present era, emphasis on exporting high _ tech products, has become increasingly more significant. some of the countries with high _ tech products, realize a major part of their exports through arms exports. I. R. Iran has had a notable growth in development of arms industries and military products, since the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The main objective of this research is formulating a strategic model in the international level, that exploit the grown national capabilities in the field of arms, as high _ tech products, to export these products and benefit the nation in the future. The present research is an applied _ developmental, and compound one and has a descriptive _ analytical nature. Given that the researcher is seeking to design and develop the model of exports development in a specific field(arms), its methodology is case _based and contextual. In order to gather the required data, an identification matrix was introduced and strategic issues were categorized, also, variaus other methods such as literature review, documents review, elite interviews, theme analysis and Hsing researcher – made questionnaires, were used. The identified themes were validated using structural equations modeling, in 4 dimensions, 13 components and 57 indicators, and a research model is introduced. On the basis of the resultin weights, the researcher has provided the international model of endeavor and made suggestions based on the present research for the future ones.

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