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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Police forces are the organization in charge of ensuring the security of the country and in planning law enforcement policy and public security arenas and social discipline despite having experiences and implicit and explicit knowledge have lacking in codifying the general policy of Iran police. The purpose of this research is to codify general policy of police. Research objective is practical and fundamental. and its method is survey and mixed approach is used. Present research has benefited from some statistical populations therefore the method of determination of sample size accordingly will be different. In review and study of documentations, method of total count was used. Completion of questionnaire and interview with managers were according to listed features in statistical population and according to which sample size was defined. Purposeful method was used. Data collection through documents and method of questionnaire field study and deep interview ) experts view points( were carried out and then the interview were written down and for data analysis, method of coding and for analysis of qualitative data, method of grounded theory by MAXQDA software tools were used. In addition to using experts experiences, the general policy of Iran police by method of Delphi method was counted, regarding the results of T test, in case of the average value of the index in case study was higher than value 3 and the Significance level value was lower than %05 the index under study is desirable. The experts in general have accepted the 27 types of policies but have offered viewpoints and suggestions for correction and compilation of titles in each of 27 types of policies. Additionally analysis and refinement of final results were considered. Consequently 15 policies in the case study were counted.

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Social movements as a security phenomenon directly and indirectly have effected political power. Therefore it is necessary for the purpose of providing possibility of policy making, introduction of consultative viewpoints, decrease possibility of surprise and increase government security system efficiency, required researches for explanation and recognition of dimensions, constituents and influential variables in this domain should be implemented and accordingly present research is intended to achieve informational management of internet based social movements. For recognition of scene approach and headquarters for exit from inflicted problems in this domain as a work requirement, study and acquisition of experts viewpoints are required and since in this regard no similar research has been done domestically, objectives of present research is as follow: introduction of informational management model, recognition and study the dimensions, constituents and indicators of social movements information, optimization and explanation of informational management concepts. This research has no hypotheses because it is exploratory and in regard to research type and absence of adequate literature in this domain, qualitative research approach is used and data based method is used for analysis of research first hand data (interview). Deep and semi-structured interview with elites and experts of information society in the fields of social movements were the tools of data collection. Therefore 36 employed experts in information society were selected for interview. Results of first hand data using MAXQDA software were 1009 codes, 212 concepts, 31 categories and finally 6 main themes)casual, contextual, axial, strategical, phenomenical and strategical(were chosen. Based on these results, informational management has following themes: collection, study, analysis, action, protection, players, management problems and bottlenecks, social media, public notification. Finally as a model, formal model regarding relation between themes and contents were illustrated and introduced.

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Economic crimes, violation of policies and economic plans in countries are challenges that today world societies and specially developing countries confronted. Factors such as globalization and expansion of new technologies have complicated the perpetration and discoveries of these crimes furthermore. The purpose of this research is non criminal prevention of economic crimes in the light of criminal policies of governmental models through descriptive-analytical method and has tried to respond to this final question that what is the favorite model for Iran. The results of this research based on economic systems, conceptology and etiology of economic crimes, cultural conditions and social requirements indicated that enforcement of differential criminal policies against economic crimes resulted in reinforcement and stability of prevention and victory over coming challenges. Combination of preventive model based on differential criminal policies in four main axes) while emphasizing situational prevention( and in regard to indicators of good governance and correspond to theories of economic criminology in addition to establishment of independent organ in charge of economic crimes prevention are further results of this research.

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The purpose of the present research is to study the effect of spiritual Intelligence on job involvement of personnel by focusing on the role of ethical adjustment. The research type in terms of objective is practical and due to its nature and method is descriptive, correlational and survey. In this research for measurement of spiritual Intelligence of statistical population, king spiritual intelligence questionnaire (2008 ), for measurement of employee work ethic, gregory c. patty questionnaire (1990 ) and for measurement of job involvement, kanungo job involvement questionnaire (1982) were used. Statistical population consisted of 150 personnel. Regardless of standardization of questionnaires, the validity of questionnaire confirmed by surveying the experts in the field. For reliability, Cranach’ s coefficient alpha was used. For Spiritual Intelligence variables, job involvement and work ethic, the quantities of 80%, 85% and 87% were obtained respectively. Collected data analyzed using structural equation modeling. Research results indicated that between Spiritual Intelligence and personnel job involvement, direct and meaningful relation are established and work ethic adjusts the relation between spiritual intelligence and personnel job involvement. Spiritual intelligence causes personnel to find ability to behave compassionately, kindly, rationally and sustain internal and external tranquility. Furthermore development of ethics and internalization of ethics in organizations can increase the involvement of personnel to job, the result of which is improvement in their performance to achieve organization objectives. Establishment of efficient execution methods and internalization of ethical behavior in organization can in one hand decrease and remove inequality and dissatisfaction and on the other hand can increase personnel job involvement and result in organization and individual excellency and growth.

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RAJABI FARJAD HAJIEH | Heydarzadeh Namin Maryam Sadat

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The researches done in the field of strategic thinking were recognized using meta-analysis approach. It is a practical research, and for using meta-analysis, it is classified as qualitative researches. Statistical population of this research is consisted of 128 theses and 37 Persian articles and 18 Latin articles which have been collected from iran. doc, civilica, portal of humanities, mag iran, University Jihad Scientific Database, Science Direct Data Base and Emerald. Among them, about 20 studies in which Correlation Coefficients, Significance factor, meaningful coefficients or Correlation Coefficients and the Chi 2 amount were calculated, and were selected and studied on the bases of class inclusion criteria. In section of descriptive statistics, review method is structured and in section of inferential statistics, meta-analysis method has been used and for analysis of data collected, the CMA software tool was used. The results of research have indicated that among 58 variables studied, the most influencial effect on strategic thinking consequences has related to strategic thinking effect on organization intelligence, and in studying the size effect of strategic thinking as related to dynamic capabilities is 96 % and other variables in order of its effect on strategic thinking consequences from most to least are as follow: dynamic capabilities, organizational change capacity, personnel performance, intelectual capital, total quality management, crises management, customer satisfaction, organizational performance, organizational excellence, managers performance, knowledge management, complexcity of organizational structure, competitive advantage. Accordingly the most effective variable in strategic thinking has been dynamic capabilities and the least effective variable has been competitive advantage.

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Every day traffic accidents destroy part of our country human resources. One of the main reasons of such accidents is the attention of drivers to environmental matters other than driving. Environmental propaganda alongside the roads is one of the cases that its main purpose is to attract driver’ s attention at most. In some circumstances that side road propaganda is unsuitable and safety regulations were not observed in its procurement and installation, the possibility of accidents increased. Since overseers of road such as Iran Ministry of Roads & Urban Development and Municipalities are responsible for providing road safety and prevention of any disruption in traffic, in case they do not perform their duties and traffic accidents take place, they are considered as one of the main causes of accidents. In this article, the responsible arising from traffic accidents by environmental propaganda through window of law and religious jurisprudence are analyzed and it will be clear that rules of religious jurisprudence such as causality in a very suitable form will guarantee the benefits of the victims and for legislator to protect the victims will not require obeying foreign countries and it is just enough to use dynamic capacity of religious jurisprudence so that the benefits of the victims will be provided in the best way.

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