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Present research was performed to investigate the relationship between theory of mind with negative emotions (anxiety, depression, stress) with the mediating of cognitive emotion regulation strategies. The statistical population was all parents of exceptional children in Mashhad daily physical, dynamic, mental rehabilitation centers in 1396-97 year. A sample of 196 people was selected based on the Krejcie and Morgan table. The research questionnaires included Cognitive Emotion Regulation, Mind-Reading test through eye image and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Data were path analysis using Pearson correlation coefficient. Correlation results showed that theory of mind had a significant negative correlation with anxiety and depression but no significant relationship with stress was confirmed. And there was a significant negative correlation with cognitive emotion regulation maladaptive strategy (blaming others) and no relationship with other maladaptive strategies was confirmed. And it has a significant positive relationship with cognitive-emotional regulation adaptive strategies (positive re-focusing, viewpoint-taking). Relationship with other strategies not confirmed. Maladaptive strategies (blaming self, blaming others, rumination, catastrophical) have a significant positive relationship with anxiety, depresion stress. Adaptive strategies (positive re-focus, taking viewpoint) have a significant negative relationship with anxiety, depression, and stress. Reappraisal strategies with stress and acceptance with depression have a significant negative correlation. The results of the path analysis showed that the proposed model has a good fit the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation in relation to the theory of mind with negative emotions and Others’ blaming strategies, taking-viewpoint, positive refocus, in addition to the direct relationship, have an indirect and mediating relationship between theory of mind with negative emotions (anxiety, depression). According to the research findings, it is concluded that there is a significant negative relationship between theory of mind and negative emotions (anxiety, depression). In addition, cognitive emotion regulation strategies (blaming others, taking viewpoint, positive re-focusing) play a mediating role. And this is a new step toward formulating theoretical models for predicting negative emotions (anxiety, depression) of parents of exceptional children.

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The purpose of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of logotherapy based on Rumi’ s thoughts and acceptance and commitment therapy on the elderly’ s autobiographical memory. The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design and the follow-up period. The sample consisted of 66 older people (46 females and 20 males) referred to daily rehabilitation centers of Sari city, who were selected by available sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental and one control group. The semi-structured autobiographical memory interview was used to collect data. For the first experimental group, logotherapy based on Rumi’ s thoughts and for the second experimental group, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, each was provided for 8 sessions of 75 minutes, during which the control group received no intervention. The results of the repeated measures analysis of variance showed that logotherapy based on Rumi’ s thoughts and acceptance and commitment therapy improved autobiographical memory and its components in the elderly. The results also showed that there was a significant difference between the effectiveness of the two groups of logotherapy based on Rumi’ s thoughts and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, so that logotherapy based on Rumi’ s thoughts was more effective on the autobiographical memory of the elderly.

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The purpose of this study was the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on logical memory and problem solving skill in people with multiple sclerosis. The research design was a quasi-experimental type with pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population included all the individuals with multiple sclerosis of Ahvaz in 2018. Thirty of the patients with mild disability that diagnosed by Expanded Disability Status Scale were selected through purposive sampling and randomly divided into experimental and control groups, each congaing 15 subjects. They were then tested using the Wechsler Memory Scale – III and The ProblemSolving Inventory. Participants in the experimental group received ACT protocol in 6 sessions at 120-minute. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance and SPSS-21 software. The results showed the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy to improve logical memory and problem solving skills in the experimental group. Therefore, clinical MS specialists can use this treatment to enhance logical memory and problem solving skills in patients with MS.

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The purpose of the this study was to compare the effectiveness of emotional working memory training and neutral working memory training on improving cognitive functions and decreasing test anxiety symptoms in a group of university students. 60 students with high test anxiety were selected with Spielberger test anxiety inventory. Subjects were divided into three groups: emotional working memory training, neutral working memory training and control. Subjects in the experimental groups received 15 minutes of 45 sessions of emotional and neutral working memory training, while the control group received no intervention. All participants were assessed before and after training using spielberger test anxiety inventory, Wechsler Digit Span Test, and continuous performance test. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS-22. Result showed that the subjects in the emotional working memory and he neutral working memory group had a significant improvement in the symptoms of anxiety, direct and inverse Digit Span Test, ommission error, commission error and reaction time compared to the control group. The results also showed that the subjects in the emotional working memory group had higher improvement in Emotionality (emotional component of test anxiety) and presentation error compared to the neutral working memory group. Based on the results of the present study, the use of working memory-based computer training, especially emotional working memory, can be suggested as an effective intervention to reduce test anxiety symptoms and improve working memory and sustained attention.

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Weak cognitive skills such as Visual-auditory perception perception lead to learning disability. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a test to identify these students in preschools and sooner the therapeutic-educational measures are given to them, The purpose of this study was construction of learning disability diagnostic test for preschool children and evaluation reliability and validity. In order to achieve this goal, a test on theoretical literature was prepared. The researcher-made test consisted of thirteen factors, consisting of two parts, audio and visual; its content validity was confirmed by psychology professors and was performed on a sample of 206 preschool students using multistage random sampling. According to the calculations, Pearson’ s correlation coefficient between the two-part test was r = 0. 81 in the auditory perception section and r = 0. 79 in the visual perception section. This coefficient of validity indicates that there is a significant correlation between the two and a half of the test. To determine the validity of the constructs and components of the test, the principal component analysis was performed using the varimax normalized method. The most important factor in visual perception is symbolization and in auditory is memory. Independent t-test was used to assess the discriminant validity. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of students with learning disabilities and normal students in the learning disability test. To assess concurrent validity, we used a learning disability checklist completed by mothers at the same time. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the two tests: Considering the reliability and validity, the test of learning disability is a tool that can be used by learning disorders centers and counseling centers.

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The aim of current research was to study digit span in students with and without nonverbal learning disorders. In this ex post facto research, the sample included the students with and without nonverbal learning disorders. For this purpose, sixty preschool children ageing 10/83 years included 30 students with nonverbal learning disorders who screened by the Goldstein Nonverbal Learning Disabilities Scale by means to fulfill the stated goal sampling and 30 typical male students by simple random sampling who live in the city of Tehran in the years 2014 and 2015 were selected and the digit span subtest in working memory index in WISC-IV were used to gather the data. The Mann-Whitney U test revealed that there is a significant difference between two groups in forward and backward digit span, thus the typical children have an outstanding performance rather than nonverbal learning disorders. In comparison of two groups, a t-test’ s statistical significance revealed that the typical children have an outstanding performance in digit span as well. The training of short-term and working memory strategy are needed to children with nonverbal learning disorders. The significant difference between the two groups of children with nonverbal learning disabilities and normal children in digit span in both in forward and backward digit span memory provided sufficient psychological evidence in support of research findings related to working memory deficits among individuals with developmental disabilities and nonverbal learning disorders as well

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The aim of this study was to compare the absolute threshold of readability among ten commonly used Persian fonts in set of word recognition rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task at three reading speeds (100, 300 and 500 words per minute). RSVP is a cognitive task design method that is also used in speed-reading technologies for over four decades. This research had two goals: First, determine the optimal Persian font from a visual ergonomic perspective and other investigate the effect of demographic variables (age, gender and education degree) and some cognitive abilities (working memory and processing speed) on total number of reading errors during tasks. In this study, for the first time, the concept of absolute threshold of readability was introduced as an objective indicator in comparing fonts. Twenty subjects participated in this study with ages from 11 to 79 years old and degrees from undergraduate to PhD. The results indicated that Iran Sans 5. 5 is the optimal Persian font from visual ergonomic perspective. Also, Findings showed that age and total number of reading errors were positively correlated r = 0. 870, p <. 001 and Longest Digit Span Forward (LDSF) and total number of reading errors are negatively correlated r =-. 474, p <. 05.

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