In regard with the relationship between space and policy making. This article deals with the
spatial effects of tourism policy in pre and post Islamic Revolution in Iran, with a comparative
approach. It studies Babolsar as a major ecotourist region in north of Iran, on the southern coast of
the Caspian Sea.
The research is analytical/ descriptive done by the Panel technique with the help of library,
documentary, and field study methods. Using SPSS package, analysis of the data was done by both
qualitative and quantitative methods, such as logical analysis and Chi-square, T-test, etc.
The results show that the difference in dominant values and ideology in pre and post
revolution have affected the tourism policies in Iran. On the one hand, jobs and spatial elements,
directly or indirectly related to tourism, enjoyed a boom, specially in the recent decade. On the
other, shores and coastal environments have been increasingly polluted in the Post Islamic
revolution period.