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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Human resources are the key elements to improve organizational performance. Among other aspects, in particular, this factor plays an important role in accelerating business agility in organizations. This study is aimed to investigate effective individual factors on the performance of accelerators. Due to research that, a Systematic Review has been implied as to the method, and pertaining this technique, coordinate and deep surfing has been done on the literature; so that, relevant qualitative and quantitative research works have been integrated together. The final examined results of this study are based on the finding of 35 papers. 39 open codes as the sum of the components of individual capabilities are extracted and from this, five main core codes are detected as demographic characteristics, psychological characteristics, job recruitment merits, personality dimensions, and Individual dynamics factors. Literature surfing has been done with more accentuation about psychological characteristics more than the other ones. As a result, it has been suggested that in order to improve the performance of accelerators, a keen eye must be kept on these three individual variables.

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Public pension funds in Iran will encounter serious crises in coming years. These crises could be due to elder population, accumulation of government debts, increasing the number of pensioners in comparison with the current employees, inefficient management of investments, and lack of good investment policies. One of the solutions to tackle this problem is scientific and right asset allocation of pension funds. According to the strategic nature of these decisions, in this research, scenario planning was employed to identify the possible scenarios pension funds encountering with. In order to identifying the most important and relevant uncertainties and scenarios, a combination of Fuzzy Delphi Method, Wilson Matrix, and Morphological analysis were used. Findings depicted five scenarios of oil Inflation, currency inflation, non-oil inflation, and resistant economy are the most probable scenarios and pension funds will have to allocate their assets according to the characteristics of these scenarios. This research, proposes a new strand towards a better asset allocation and strategic planning for pension funds which should be followed by policy makers and decision makers.

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Today, pure tools for creating and improving customer value are considered in the waste elimination process. Elimination of fundamental losses is considered to achieve economic, environmental and social sustainability. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to discriminant analysis of supply chain stability clusters based on lean tools. In this study, data collection tools are two types of questionnaires designed to assess the stability of supply chain sustainability and assessment of lean manufacturing tools in small and medium industries of East Azerbaijan Province. To determine the validity of the questionnaires, construct validity based on factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to determine their reliability. The statistical population of this study is all the small and medium industries in East Azerbaijan Province. To analyze the data, the analysis of the cluster analysis and audit analysis has been used. The results show that based on cluster analysis, firms can be grouped into three clusters, one of which is not known as stable cluster because of low scores. The results of discriminant analysis showed an audit function that shows the contribution of each of the lean tools in the separation between sustainability clusters and classified in two groups: complete and stable sustainability. It should be noted that the accuracy of this function is 98. 1%.

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Financial and tax incentives are considered as one of the most important and effective tools for countries to innovate in private enterprises. In order to analyze this hypothesis, the financial facilities and tax exemptions under the law for supporting knowledge-based firms will be considered and its impact on the performance of small knowledge-based firms in the ICT category will be evaluated. The Iranian “ Knowledge-based Institutions” Act certifies selected high-tech firms as “ knowledge-based” firms and offers them policy incentives (e. g. a fifteen-year sales tax exemption and low-interest financing for technology development and commercialization). With the approval of the law for supporting knowledge-based firms in 2010, a new wave in Iran’ s science, technology and innovation system began with a focus on the knowledge-based economy and innovation-based. The impact of input and output additionality on these supports will be analyzed by examining changes in R&D manpower, new product, and sales of knowledge-based firms, before and after receiving different combinations of policy tools in Small-sized knowledge-based firms (with fewer than 50 employees). The 2k Factorial Design approach has been used to evaluate the impact of policies and the interaction of tools. The results show that the significant effect of facilities on R&D employees and the interaction effect of facilities and tax exemptions on new products. Therefore, it can be concluded that although the knowledge-based firms have been able to use the incentives to increase the R&D manpower and produce new products, they have not been very successful in selling these products in the market.

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The increasing impact of innovative marketing strategies on the competitive advantage and business performance has led organizations to constantly apply new digital technologies for innovation in marketing mix. The advent of Internet of Things technology has made many innovations in businesses and marketing. Experts believe that IOT will revolutionize marketing by 2020. On the other hand, the development and diffusion of IOT is heavily influenced by market forces, legal conditions, technological infrastructures and interactions among them. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to prioritize the implications of IOT for innovation in marketing mix using these conditions. In this research, prioritization has been done using the opinions of experts familiar with the IOT technology and marketing. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used for weighting the critera and Fuzzy Topsis method is used for prioritizing. The research results indicate that market factors are more important than other factors and secondly, IoT implications in different marketing mix domains based on the mentioned criteria respectively include product, promotion, physical equipment, processes, locations, Price and people that have a higher priority for Iranian businesses. finally, it is suggested for developing IoT applications in the country, business executives should focus on business model design, ecosystem development, and the development of user-friendly services and policymakers should pay particular attention to implementing demand-side policies.

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The main mission of universities and higher education centers is education and research that have a major impact on the growth and development of the country. Universities and higher education institutions are increasingly interested in evaluating the performance of their educational units in terms of educational performance and research performance, because performance evaluation, in addition to complexity, plays a major role in improving the quality of the university. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the educational, research and entrepreneurship performance of educational departments of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences in University of Mazandaran during 1394-1397. Best-Worst Method Used to determine the input and output weights. The results show that the most important dimension of academic performance is the educational dimension, and the research and entrepreneurship dimension are almost equally important for the performance of educational departments. Also, given the functional nature of the university in development, there is a need for focus departments to maximize output. The results of the Wilcoxon test show that the performance ratings of each of the training departments are not independent in performance dimensions and emphasize the relevance of these dimensions. Using the proposed method in this study can be effective for evaluating the performance of educational departments in universities to identify weaknesses and improvement points.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational antecedents and factors on platform performance in environmental turbulence and considering the role of Platform competency mediation in knowledge-based firms active in the field of ICT and computer software in Tehran province. In terms of purpose this research is an applied study and in terms of data gathering to test hypotheses is descriptive-analytic. To collect the data, standard questionnaires were distributed among senior executives and experts of these companies, out of 250 distributed questionnaires, 150 were returned and of these, 141 were usable and analyzed by PLS software. The results of the data analysis show that organizational factors positively and significantly affect platform competency, except for the continuity of the platform development team, and also affect the performance of the platform through mediating role of platform competency. The results also indicated that the environmental turbulence dimensions moderated the relationship between organizational factors-platform competences. The positive and significant impact of platform competency on platform performance was also confirmed.

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Today, the existence of media and social networks is the basis for the emergence of social interactions and the exchange of information between customers, as well as with businesses. These interactions, which include EWOM communication, can provide the basis for knowing the needs and demands of the customer, thus creating a common value between the customer and the service provider. The tourism industry, especially the tourism start-ups, is one of the most important issues that need to take advantage of this capacity. Therefore, the main question of this research is What does the effect of EWOM marketing on social networks on value co-creation among the startups of tourism customers? Accordingly, 390 customers of this industry in Tehran were selected through simple random sampling. This research has been carried out with a quantitative approach and in terms of purpose, an applied research and a descriptive-survey method in terms of collecting research data. To analyze the data, in analytical statistics, structural equations modeling technique with Partial Least Squares Approach were used. The results of the research showed that the EWOM marketing has a positive and significant effect on the value co-creation, new service concept innovation, new service process innovation and technological system innovation. Also, the new service process innovation and the technological system innovation have had a positive and significant impact on the value co-creation in the start-ups of tourism.

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According to the key role of human resources in creating competitive advantage and necessity of planning for managing these assets, this research wants to identify the strategy of human resources management and other deputies of the company based on strategic reference point approach (SRP) and determining organizational structure of company and units as one of effective factor in implementing strategy. The innovation of the present study is to identify a structure in line with human resource strategies between the existing units in Mazandaran Power Distribution Company. Research method Is descriptive and survey and on goal point of view it is fundamental and functional. In this research we used three check lists to identify difference and cost management variables, variables of recruitment from domestic and foreign labor market, and to determine human resources strategy and organizational structure used. For analyzing data, we used statistical methods. Results show human resources strategy has desired state and organizational structure matches for implanting it but some units should be modified in terms of structure and strategy.

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Ethics and its determinants are of the most important factors influencing the fate of firms and entrepreneurial businesses. Nowadays, the growing attention to ethical issues in workplaces has caused the organizations tend to set ethical codes. However, the results of recent studies show that the ethical organizations will obtain more benefits over a long period and will gain better performance. So this issue has caused the ethical values of organization be an important part of the organization’ s culture. So, the purpose of this study is identifying factors affecting entrepreneurial ethics in small and medium-sized businesses in Iran. The study is done using exploratory mixed method. The sample in qualitative part composed of 10 excellent national entrepreneurs acclaimed by Ministry of labor and social Affairs and in quantitative part includes 147 excellent entrepreneurs. Data collected by reviewing the literature and interviewing for qualitative purpose and by researcher-made questionnaire for quantitative part. Content analysis is done to analyze the qualitative data and quantitative data is analyzed using structural equation modelling software. The results show that ethical factors in Prophetic Sirah and narrations, professional ethics in individual and organizational levels and in micro and macro business environments are the main factors affecting entrepreneurial ethics.

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The aim of this study is to conceptualize novel aspects of the "types of resilient organizations". The research philosophy is based on the interpretive approach. The strategy of this research is the grounded approach based on the Glaserian emerging approach. The study population includes executives and experts from companies that manufacture in the construction industry and are located in Mazandaran province, Iran. In this regard, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with industry managers and experts. According to the analysis, using Glaser coding approach, and two actual and theoretical encodings, At the end of the theoretical coding stage, four types of resilient organizations were identified according to the Glaser's "Types" family. According to the research findings, these organizations are in a two-way spectrum at one end of which are survival-oriented organizations, and at the other end are growth-oriented organizations. Between these two ends are resistance-oriented and opportunistic organizations. Growth-oriented organizations are more effective and looking for opportunities, while survival-oriented organizations are more passive and looking for problem solving. Each of these organizations is at a certain continuum of resilience. they have a certain strategic position. These position can be changed. so They can plan and work to reach higher resilience type of organization in their strategic views and plans.

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The aim of this study is to investigate the structural model of factors affecting survival and growth of startups in Iran. The method of this research is descriptive survey. The research population was Managing Directors and Board Members of the Startups in Tehran that includes 129 startups and 370 members. 182 people were selected as samples based on Cochran's formula. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by Cronbach alpha coefficient and the composite reliability. Validity of the questionnaire was verified using confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity and divergent validity. The structural equation modeling was used for data analyzing with SMARTPLS software. The results showed that financial resources, market opportunities, customer recognition, business intelligence, innovation, investment on research and development, marketing capabilities and technological capabilities had a positive and significant effect on survival and growth of startups but the effect of market knowledge and networking capabilities on survival and growth of startups was not confirmed. The final achievement of the paper is to provide guidelines for the survival and growth of startups.

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