Refrigerated storage is one of the simplest of preserving for short time of fish. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of refrigerated storage on the microstructure (change of muscle cells), proximate composition (moisture, protein, fat and ash), physicochemical (total viable bases nitrogen, pH, thiobarbituric acid, free fatty acid, water holding capacity), microbial (mesophillic and psychrotrophic count) and sensory properties of Mangrove red snapper fillet with mean weight 250. 19 g at 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days during storage at 4 º C. According results, fat and protein content of Lutjanus argentimaculatus of fillet significantly decreased and moisture and ash contents of Mangrove red snapper fillet significantly increased during refrigerator storage (p<0. 05). Total viable bases nitrogen, pH, thiobarbituric acid and free fatty acid of Lutjanus argentimaculatus fillet significantly increased (p<0. 05). Water holding capacity of Mangrove red snapper fillet decreased from 86% to 52. 66% (p<0. 05). Mesophillic and psychrotrophic count of Lutjanus argentimaculatus fillet increased from 2. 77 log10 cfu/g and 3. 43 log10 cfu/g to 12. 73 log10 cfu/g and 9. 13 log10 cfu/g during storage at refrigerator, respectively. Cellular tissue damage was observed after 9 days of storage. Sensory analysis significantly decreased during storage. According to microbial, physicochemical and sensory analysis, the shelf life of Mangrove red snapper was approximately 7-8 days.