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Death is a part of human life, thinking that it has a profound impact on human life and lifestyle. Because life-sciences in the life of consciousness interact in the life of consciousness in death and thought Understanding that Imam Ali (AS) possesses the highest degree of death in personality and intuitive death It is written in the sermons, letters and wisdom of Nahj al-Balaghah, The individual and social effects of Death Thinking have been analyzed with the aim of opening a promising window into the worldly life and the afterlife. From the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah, the most difficult obstacle to human evolution is neglect of death. Imam Ali (as) says: Death does not neglected man. From this point of view, Imam Ali (as) Deaths of individual works such as outgrowth, egotism, the understanding of the value of life, the meaning of life And. . . social effects such as justice, social moralistism, and legalization, and. . . for humans.

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The purpose of this research is to study for the purpose and the right way of praying to GOD in Nahj al-Balaghah's honorable Book and also the relevant knowledge which has been sought from the sermons, letters and speeches of Imam Ali, the righteous Imam. The results of this research, which are organized by descriptive-analytic method, show the viewpoint of Imam Ali, praying to GOD is a kind of Worship and it is always necessary to be with sincerity, confidence, work and effort. And based on speeches and manner of Imam Ali, the style of praying to God, such as peace upon the Prophet Mohammad, thanking God, the mentions of GOD power and the request with joy and humility, can be deduced. based on the Nahj al-Balaghah, the purpose of praying to God is disaster relief, getting the answers of requests, feeling God in your heart to closer than ever and feeling peace as well. In the study of Imam Ali’ s words in Nahj al-Balaghah book, some of the central purposes of his prayes are: attention to the Last day, Gaudiness, Forgiveness, religious.

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Language as a fundamental element in human life includes communicative and cognitive goals, and is considered not only as means of communication but also as an instrument for changing and affecting others' behavior. The functional aspect of language, which enjoys particular position in modern linguistic science, examines speaker and listener's speech in a way to arouse communicative motivation between them. Argumentation as a linguistic-communicative process is conducted based on a specific purpose to change addressees' attitudes and beliefs and to satisfy them. In fact, satisfaction is considered as the final point of every argumentative discourse. In the present study, the authors have attempted to investigate the application of argumentation technique in Imam Ali's aphorisms. The study reveals that Imam Ali(peace be upon him) by regarding language evolution's rules, has applied different types of linguistic-rhetoric strategies in a way to satisfy the addressees and to express the ethical, divine, notional, social and educative concepts artistically in the framework of best words. He uses sensory reasoning to fix religious thoughts in people's mind. In Imam Ali's words, the linguistic and rhetoric intertextualities is noticed, representing his linguistic and pragmatic competence.

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One of the most striking aspects of the aesthetics of metaphor is the "capability of interpretation" (interpretability). Interpretability is the property by which the reader can participate in completing the meaning and image of the metaphor and, as a result, his cooperation with the author. This feature of metaphor is more evident in texts such as Nahj al-Balagha's sermons, because the first characteristic of the addressed texts is the relationship between the author and the reader. The author, using tools such as metaphor, encourages the reader to aquire knowledge about relevant aspects. Thus, in the process of translating, maintaining aesthetic aspects of the metaphor is a prerequisite for the acceptance of the translation. Accordingly, the present study, relying on a descriptive-analytical method and based on the Newmark seven strategies, examined the translation of the metaphor in the third sermon of Nahj al-Balaghah. Results show that in order to maintain aesthetics based on the metaphor's interpretability, the methods which render methaphorical products are more appropriate. Therefore, we suggest literal translation for a metaphor based on almost common shared impressions and experiences between two languages; Translation into a similar and equal metaphor for culture-based metaphor whose aesthetic scope extend beyond the range of the language-speakers of language of origin; and Translation into similitude for an interpreter who is not able to find or make an equal metaphor. The results of the evaluation of translators'' performance suggest that Mr Garmaroudi is more successful in maintaining the metaphor's interpretability, due to the most appropriate and correct adoption of the first to the third methods of Newmark.

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Sobhani Yamchi Mohammad

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The efficiency and creativity of officials and managers are among the important and fundamental factors in the performance of political systems and have always attracted the attention of thinkers in this area. The divine viewpoint taken by Imam Ali (PBUH) towards the structure of a government and the roles that it plays for the formation of behavior and ethics among people as well as material and spiritual fate of the citizens make it necessary to pay attention to a number of criteria and indicators in the selection and employment of human workforce. From a descriptive-analytical perspective, the current article investigates a number of criteria mentioned for efficient workforce according to Imam Ali. If organizations pay enough attention to these features, they would be able to recruit a politically efficient set of employees for themselves. The current article concludes that having such features of being religious, having faith in the gals, having loyalty while performing the job, being qualified with regard to expertise and commitment, being patient and perseverant against problems, being resourceful and skillful, being inexhaustible in performing duties, being loyal to the principles, and having civility can help managers to employ efficient workforce for the administrative system that seeks to follow Imam Ali’ s guidelines.

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The formation of the Safavi government provided the favorable situation and conditions for the attention of the thinkers of that era to the Shia world knowledge. Meanwhile, attention to Imam Ali's thoughts, in Nahj al-Balaghah, is very important. Thus, thinkers who are supporting this government, in their analyzes and explanations, especially in relation to the ruler and its components, have paid attention to these thoughts. One of these thinkers, the Mohagheh-e-Sabzevari, who wrote the book of Rozat Al Anwar Abbasi, in the form of treatises as recommendation letter, used the views of Imam Ali and had a special emphasis on these thoughts. In this approach, Sabzavari, in various parts of his book, has sought to explain the necessary solutions to the rule for the Safavi king. In this paper, which has been used by the library and analytical method, it has been tried to examine the influence of Mohaghegh-e-Sabzavari on the ideas of Imam Ali in his governance and its components. Indeed, this study indicate that Sabzavari has used from the ideas of Imam Ali in his explanation of opinions.

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dekami Mohammad Javad

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The role of cognition in motivating man to act is one of Socrates's most important ideas. He recognizes different degrees and identifies it as the highest level of self-knowledge. Socrates believes in the unity of knowledge and virtue and recognizes the essential function of mankind and knows the origin of moral action. In his opinion, no one is wise to commit a false act. The proper recognition that Socrates knows, leads to human motivation toward verbs, such as sense of responsibility towards society, the impact on man's relationship with God, and the type of prayer and prayer with him and all good acts. If this Socrates view is based on the principles of Islamic ethics in the words of the Imam of the Faithful (AS), some of it can be verified as mentioned, but the most important part of it is the cognitive causation, in order to motivate the moral, is not confirmed. In this paper, Socrates's theory of ethical motivation based on cognition has been criticized using the words of Imam Ali (AS) and the differences between these two perspectives have been explained. The view of Socrates about the different levels of knowing and unequivocating the effect of these degrees on human motivation and causation leads to cognition for the proper conduct of the confirmation of Imam Ali (as), and the inadequacy of knowledge of the moral motivation of man and the special attention to the role of cognition associated with The apparent senses are one of the most important aspects of the viewpoint of Imam Ali (as) in the view of Socrates.

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