This study aimed at designing a model to measure organizational development of Iran Sport Federations. In this correlation study, 372 participants were randomly selected from the statistical population of employees in sport federations in Iran using structural equation modeling. They responded to organizational development questionnaire (Lok & Crawford, 2000) (35 items) with 7 components (purpose, leadership, attitude to change, reward, relationship, structure, helpful mechanisms). The model parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood. Then, the model of measuring organizational development was examined by fitting indices. The data were analyzed using SPSS24 and LISREL8. 5. The results showed that the data were suitable for factor analysis (KMO=0. 958, Bartlett=8554. 204, sig=0. 001). Also, omitting 14 items increased fitting of the model of measuring organizational development. Fit indexes (x2/df=2. 98, RMSEA=0. 073, NNFI=0. 97, NFI=0. 97, CFI=0. 98, IFI=0. 98) were confirmed. The relationship between components and the conception of organizational development showed that all components could act as worthy predictors of organizational development. Therefore, researchers can use the questionnaire of organizational development (with 21 items) in this study which had proper validity and reliability to evaluate organizational development in sport organizations.