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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Creative tourism goal is achieved through tourist’ s memorable experiences. Creative tourism has positive influence on local society integrity and is effective on tourist and host interaction and at last leads to tourist’ s re-traveling purpose. There are different influential factors in this type of tourism. The current study aims at investigating the effect of environmental-behavioral factors on creative tourism achievement in tourism target villages of Isfahan Province with structural equations analysis approach. Also clustering method has been used to separate target villages. Target villages tourists were statistical population of this study that 192 of them selected through convenience sampling method and questionnaires distributed among tourists randomly. Results were demonstrative of positive and significant effect of both factors on creative tourism achievement and environmental factor has had more influence. Also clustering results demonstrate that villages in plain area with hot climate had higher average in creative tourism variable rather than mountainous area.

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The Shopping Tourism is one of the attractive types of tourism that has always attracted tourists at various national and international levels. But each of the shopping destinations has its strengths and weaknesses depending on the Spatial-locational. the Identification and scientific guidance about it can be the first step in the sustainability of that tourism destination. The city of Dargahan on the island of Qeshm is one of the tourist destinations of shopping in Iran. The purpose of the present study is to understand the Spatial-locational conditions of this tourism destination by qualitative research. The research has been conducted using two approaches, the Emic model (measuring local or indigenous stakeholders) and the ethic model (measuring the views of tourists or non-natives). The Purposeful sampling and theoretical sampling of two groups of local stakeholders (n = 16) and shopping tourists (n = 12) were conducted through semi-structured interviews, field data and documentary studies. The interviews continued until theoretical saturation logic was achieved. Based on the analysis of data collected in the form of scientific coding, 11 nuclear categories were extracted.

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Tourism is a place-base phenomenon that may change place components of destinations and influence the sense of place of local residents. Whereas tourism industry success needs the support of the host community, host society must have positive perception, so this issue recently has drawn attention of the researchers. Therefor this paper intends to achieve understanding of tourism impacts on the sense of place in Lavasan as a case study. In order to achieve this goal, interpretivism paradigm, qualitative methodology and theoretical and Snowball Sampling were used and also grounded theory was used for analyzing data. 36 people selected from host community for interviewing. Analysis of obtained concepts showed 21 concepts and 10 categories which led to the final grounded model. Results show that rapid growth of tourism because of Lavasan specific location has changed place and perception of it’ s semantic dimensions especially symbolic, emotive and values meaning rapidly and has made the adaptability with troubles for residents. These matters in the context situations cause the negative reaction and attitude toward tourism and missing linkages with the place that overall has most negative impacts on the sense of place and consequently reduction of tourism support.

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In today’ s highly competitive markets, tourism destinations marketers and managers increasingly seek to influence tourists’ behaviors. In recent years, the extensive development of social media, location based services and mobile technology, has given rise to the concept of SoLoMo that has provided new opportunities for destination managers. the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of SoLoMo marketing on tourist’ s behavioral intentions and destination brand equity. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlation in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study consists of tourists who have visited one of the cities of Isfahan, Shiraz and Shush, in the last 5 years. Data collection carried out using online questionnaire by available sampling method. The research hypotheses were analyzed by structural equation modeling using the Smart-PLS3 software. The research findings show that SoLoMo marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand equity of tourism destination and tourists’ behavioral intentions. It was also revealed that, destination brand equity has a positive and significant effect on tourists’ behavioral intentions. Also, the mediating role of destination brand equity was confirmed on the relationship between SoLoMo marketing and tourists’ behavioral intentions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present study is first to assess the existing status of the central pedestrian precincts of Rasht based on four criteria (accessibility, comfort and convenience, imageability and tourist land-use and activities) and then to evaluate the impact of each of these criteria on the desirability of precincts for tourists. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the method of gathering is documentary and survey. Statistical population is tourists who have visited the central area of Rasht by foot. The sample size was 322 according to Cochran formula. One-sample t-test and multiple regressions were used for data analysis. The results show that among the four important and influential indicators of precincts desirability of the central area of Rasht based on tourists' viewpoints, imageability indices, comfort and convenience and the existence of specific tourism land-uses and activities (above) Average. The results of the regression model also show that the four factors of the study have a positive effect on desirability of precincts for tourists. Among these, the index of imageability has the most impact on desirability of precincts for tourists and then, according to indices of accessibility, the existence of tourist land-use. And then indicators of comfort and convenience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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rezagholizade Mahdieh

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Despite the importance of the tourism industry in the economic growth, it should be noted that the development of appropriate infrastructures in tourism-related industries is a prerequisite for the development of this industry and it plays an important role in the relationship between tourism and economic growth. This study investigate the role of tourism related industries (including air transportation, hotels and restaurants) in the relationship between tourism and economic growth in Iran. The modeling of the research is based on the annual time series data of 1979-2019 by using generalized Method of Moments (GMM). The empirical results show that tourism improves Iran’ s economic growth and increases GDP per capita. Also the development of air transport, hotels and restaurants has a positive impact on economic growth. On the other hand, the findings indicate that the development of tourism related industries (aviation, hotel and restaurant) increase the positive impact of tourism development on the economic growth. This result indicates that the degree of aviation, hotel and restaurant development is effective in the tourism-growth relationship and with the development of these subsidiaries, the intensity of this positive relationship will increase.

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Urban landscape in coastal tourism is one of the main elements for urban beautification, tourism development and responding to many material, spiritual and psychological needs of human is considered in urban spaces. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and its implementation method is descriptive-analytical. The aim of this study is the coastal tourism development at the Hasanlu Dam coast of Naqadeh by improving the quality of natural landscape sustainability. Data collection is based on two methods of documentary-library and field studies, through which the theoretical assessment of theoretical bases around the field of research and observation and field identification of scope and the use of the views of 30 experts and pundits in the field of urban planning has been used to extract effective components in improving natural landscape quality. Then, collected data were analyzed using Friedman and Swara tests. The results of the research show that the factor "strengthening the presence of private and public sector investors" and "reducing environmental pollutions" respectively have the most and least importance in improving the sustainability level of natural landscape. Finally, some effective measures have been taken to improve the level of the landscape of Hasanlu dam coast.

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whenever a tourist travels, he/ she makes an image of the destination. Destination image has a great impression on forming a tourist imagination of the place. Researcher tries to investigate destination image of Isfahan through the vision of foreign tourists who visited it, took pictures of its attractions, and shared them on www. flickr. com. Most frequent and as a result most suitable pictures of Isfahan have been selected in order to improve this destination image. Therefore, the researcher, studied 19502 pictures of this city from 26/06/2014 to 26/06/2018. 61 pictures have been chosen with at least 5 comments in English. 61 pictures of Isfahan have made the sample. Textalyser has been used to extract adjectives of user's comments and their frequencies, then by the use of Sentiment Lexicon for Computational Social Science of Stanford University, Adjectives have been scored and those with at least 10 score have been chosen as the elected pictures. Voyant Tools has been used to draw frequency graphs. Based on the finding of this research, 61 pictures are introduced as the most frequent pictures and 35 pictures as the most suitable ones of this destination. For unattractive tourism places building cultural heritage interpreting center is suggested.

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This study basically shows which elements of national identity have been represented in these tourist attractions, and how this representation has been occurred. The study method is of analyzing semiology and Dollan Bart's myths in special. The cases studied involve six symbols of civic semiotics in Esfahan selected purposefully. The study findings indicate that some elements of national identity available in these semiotics have been represented and exhibited. what seems to be important is the role of religion and its relationship with iranianship. Generally the national and religious elements represented in semiotics and symbols studied, have been applied altogether, but there exists a slight difference between them. Most study cases have connection to Safavi era and afterwards. However, what is more palpable in these semiotics is represented. The effort made to represent the identity elements of Shiee Religion as an official religion happens in Safavi era and afterwards. However, what seems to be more crucial is that this form of representation has not only confined to religious elements of Shiee religion, but in most cases, we are confronted with a combination of iranianship and Shiee.

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Considering that tourism development is subject to feasibility under the preconditions, this research seeks to identify the influential factors on the development of tourism in the Aras free zone. The research method in this study is applied with a descriptive-analytical nature. The statistical population of the study consisted of managers, officials, urban experts and academic elites of Aras free zone, and the sample size is estimated to be 340 people based on the modified Cochran model. To analyze the research data, the least squares model was used in Warp-PLS software. The results of the research show that among the proponents of the study, the most influential are economic (EC), Management (MA). Marketing and Advertising (MAA) and Education (ED). The coefficients were extracted according to the structural model of the research for each of them: 0. 67, 0. 59, 0. 51 and 0. 48 respectively. On the other hand, the effect of these proponents on the two dimensions of tourism development, namely, economic and physical (EP), and political, social and cultural (PSC), has been measured. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between the drivers and components of tourism development at the 95% confidence level has it.

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zahmatkesh SAMIRA | rojouei MORTEZA | Ghayour Baghbani Seyed Morteza

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This research, with the aim of service businesses development in tourism sector using Meta-SWOT technique, is identifying the resources, capabilities and abilities of Mashhad city based on a Resource-Based View (RBV). This research has a practical purpose and has descriptive survey method. The statistical population of the study is Mashhad city experts who are experts in the subject of this research. For data analysis, the Meta-SWOT software has been used. The results indicate that the first service business competitor for tourism sector services is in the field of health services. The presence of the holy shrine of Imam Reza (as), the annual presence of more than 28 million pilgrims in the city of Mashhad and the existence of numerous commercial and recreational centers with a coefficient of importance of 26%, 11% and 9%, respectively, are the most important resources and capabilities. Exchange rate fluctuations, rising inflation, international political sanctions, the growing trend of e-commerce with bubble size 5 have the greatest impact on the tourism business services. Providing tourism services in the context of e-commerce tools, expanding the relationship of domestic and foreign tourists with tourism businesses through B2C websites are presented as some of the most important strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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