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Introduction More than half of the world’ s human population has been living in urban areas. Irregular urban growth is considered a global issue; and it is predicted that more than 65% of the world population will live in cities by 2025. Rapid growth of urbanization not only has increased number of cities and population size, and accelerated their physical growth, but has also led to consequences for urban population health, environmental resources, climate and biodiversity. In some countries, rapid physical growth of cities has even surpassed their population growth rates, and this uncontrolled growth creates a phenomenon called the "urban sprawl" which is a complicated model of land use, transportation, and socio-economic development. Urban sprawl is a kind of urban development with a low, unordered and unorganized density. In this type of development, the urban land use model is changed; and further per capita urban land is available to people. Factors, which affect the incidence of these phenomena in cities, are among important aspects that should be studied in the field of urban sprawl. Many factors contribute to the particular pattern of urban development known as urban sprawl, e. g., consumer preferences for inexpensive lots, single-family detached housing, and for living in green low-density neighborhoods, and the wish for second homes. Existing studies have investigated numerous factors and processes ranging from macro level to local and micro levels such as failure of capitalist system (macro level) or local farmers' willingness to sell their lands with the aim of urban land change (local level). However, weights of these factors, their importance, time priority of each factor in the urban development process, their cohesion, and their effectiveness and impressibility are still unclear and there are a few studies with the same procedures as the present research. Therefore, this study investigated causes of urban sprawl with an emphasis on local factors in Gorgan City as one of central cities of Iran. Methodology The present research is a descriptive-analytical and applied study. Data collection was based on the available documents about growth of Gorgan city and survey methods. Since the research subject had specialty-based nature and it was impossible to achieve desired results through traditional survey methods, statistical population of research consisted of two groups of experts in the research subject: 1) 30 experts who were highly specialized in the urban sprawl and urban development and worked in this field in Iran. 2) 150 local experts who were quite familiar with case study and participated in development of Gorgan City. Sampling was conducted using the snowball and judgmental methods. Research period was from 1956 to 2016. Data analysis was also performed using one-sample t-test, factor analysis, Shannon's relative entropy, Moran’ s global index, and Geary's global coefficient. Findings Providing documents of urban development process, it became clear that the urban growth was completely external. Results of entropy, Moran and Geary's models indicated that there were two distinct models of urban growth: 1-Cluster growth in the northeastern, southern and southeastern regions, and 2-Urban sprawl with vacant lands between textures in the central, northern and northeastern regions. The most important factors of this phenomenon were then identified and they consisted of 36 variables including 9 macro and 27 local variables. Due to the inter-correlation of variables, 29 variables with 5 main factors were identified and classified as follows: Inappropriate and uncontrolled urban land use; inefficiency of urban management in urban control; ecological segregation; residents' preferences for marginalization; abundance of land; and issues and challenges of urban population. Afterwards, we performed the correlated analysis of urban sprawl factors. Accordingly, the inability of local management of city to control urban growth procedures specially outside the legal limits of city was the most important cause of this phenomenon in Gorgan and it included the following factors: failure to prevent the farmland speculation; inability to cope with illegal land subdivision by people; inability to cope with marginalization; inability to control land use of urban limits; inability to supply lands according to demand; impossibility of utilizing development capacity of barren and endowed lands within the city limits. Conclusion Urban sprawl of Gorgan city was resulted from interaction of various factors with an emphasis on local factors. Despite the fact that each of existing factors played roles in this case, they did not have the same weights and importance. Based on the evidence and results of the present research, it seems that some factors play key roles in this process and can act as productive factors of urban sprawl because unlike the American model, the urban sprawl of Gorgan as one of the northern cities of Iran is not resulted from the public prosperity or existence of vast areas for urban development, but it happens since the local institutions of urban management of Gorgan lack sufficient power to control urban growth procedures around the city and also surrounding villages. They also lack sufficient power to control land use and its type of use. These two factors, along with another two factors namely the residents' preferences to live in the suburbs and garden cities in addition to urban population problems will provide serious urban development challenges among which the physical-spatial contradiction in urban view is the most important issue. In other words, regions with good weather conditions will be vertically developed and join the surrounding villages, but development of low-cost districts of cities is dispersed and low dense. This type of development model may lead to internal development of city provided that urban limits are controlled and other requirements are met such as solution of barren and endowed land acquisition problems. Finally, the urban sprawl can be largely controlled by controlling main factors (mother) which are originated from local processes.

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Introduction This research is to distinguish physical characteristics of Islamic Iranian urban structures compared with contemporary urban structures in medieval Europe. The urban structures were developed in the existing conditions of that time. Architectural and urban spaces are the physical phenomena reflecting many cultural, social, and civilization characteristics of a society. Hence, they can be used to imagine history and culture of a society. Therefore, in different regions with different religions and ideologies, we can observe different morphological structures. Islamic urban cities and medieval cities were studied by many researchers. However, the researches about the urban morphology have rarely focused on the comparison of the two contemporary urban physical developments in Islamic Iranian and medieval cities in a case study and qualitative analysis. Furthermore, it was not cleared how these differences in cultures, ideology, religion, and governments could lead to physical changes and similarities in urban landscape. In most of the previous studies about urban morphology and classification of the morphology, the categorization is limited to the major elements of street, block, and buildings. In this research, we have analyzed the approaches in the two cities to detect the factors forming organizations and structures. The purpose of this research is to analyze the forming state and organization of the cities in two periods of Islamic Iranian and medieval. For this, we have examined historical background, physical properties, and formative factors of the cities. Methodology We have used qualitative variables in this research. The qualitative variables prepared using library studies have been analyzed by diagram and 3 dimensional modeling. Although non-physical factors, addition to physical urban factors, are also considered in this research, but this study has mainly emphasized on English school of Conzen urban morphology. Thus, this study has not considered historical aspects of Italian school and social interactions of French school. Therefore, the physical parameters have been compared with each other in two groups of principal components of urban texture and single structures using evaluation matrix. We have considered the major patterns of the structures in this period, not exceptional cases. We have examined the urban morphology of Islamic Iranian cities and European medieval cities to extract characteristics of their elements, urban design, analysis system, and morphology types. After categorization of these morphologies, we have analyzed the morphologies in two sample cities of Rey and Siena to obtain similarities and differences and also their characteristics. In physical component of urban texture, the data, according to Lynch, have been divided into five elements including paths (commercial spaces of market), edges (gates and walls), districts, nodes (square), and landmarks. Then, the results have been analyzed in three levels of macro scale (spatial organization and development), meso scale (structure and arrangement), and micro scale (architecture and performance of components). About the single structures, the data have been analyzed by their landuse types. All urban elements, including mosque and church, houses, bath, school, municipality building, and etc., have been analyzed in their special land-uses. These elements have been assessed in terms of location in city, building material, function, typology, and structure pattern. We have compared the two sample cities of Rey as an Islamic Iranian sample and Siena as a medieval sample. Results and discussion The elements of urban morphology have been determined in a literature review to examine the similarities and differences of the two kinds of cities. Rey City was formed before Islamic period and was also developed after that. The Siena is also a sample of medieval city keeping principal characteristics of that time. Spatial organization of Rey City, as an epitome of Islamic Iranian city, has an organic complex with a compact texture. The houses and private spaces are located around the mosques without disturbance. Spatial arrangement of the neighborhoods and city had an organic growth. Spatial organization of Siena, as a good sample of European medieval city, is also formed in accordance with topography. The city is developed along hills. Most of the urban landscape is formed due to historic events. In Rey City, the central mosque is functioning as the heart of the city and Baazar (traditional market) is performing as spine around which the neighboring houses are developed. The houses in the city are located from the entrance of the city towards the mosque in center of the space. The Siena is composed of some section connected to each other in the main square as conjunction. Along the main paths with more regular state relative to narrow streets, the stores are located. The paths are elongated from city gate to Central Square and central church as a two section core. Conclusion The results of this study have indicated that the urban structure of the Islamic Iranian and medieval cities are mainly similar in spatial organization, development form, spatial structure, and arrangement. The differences of the two types of cities are mainly in micro-scale and single structures and architecture. Similarities and differences in natural, cultural, economic, social, military-political conditions, and government system are among the main causes of physical variability in different geographical regions. This can also form identity of spaces. The results of this study have also indicated that the formative elements of Islamic Iranian cities and European medieval cities have so regular arrangement that in an integrated system they can meet the requirements of the citizens. The identity of the cities is defined by their preferential special architecture. Therefore, the principles and structures of the old cities and the development appropriate to urban texture and single structures can be useful for today urban development to manage inharmonic development of urban spaces and reinforcement of place identity. Taking these old elements into account and following the principles of the Islamic Iranian and medieval cities can help have a more competent urban planning and better meet the needs of residents in contemporary cities.

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1-Introduction The rapid development of urbanization is one of the challenges for urban planners in the 21st century. Rapid urbanization in Iran, the influx of migrants to the cities and the lack of an effective program for settlement, due to informal settlements and marginal communities of cities and ultimately spread around the city, and agricultural land and Gardens have been destroyed Such that areas of cities by increasing migrants are experiencing extreme physical development. In view of the issue of marginalization due to land degradation around the city, the formation of unsustainable urban network, rising urban crime, increased urban poverty and expanding discordant town, monitoring and management of growth and physical development of the city is essential and researchers have led to developments outside the program to control, monitor and forecast models. 2-Methodology Urban modelling in the cellular space, first by definition with that of the cellular geography tobler provided Urban studies has been compiled Cellular automata and is a perfect tool for modeling is the spatial dynamics Despite the benefits of Cellular automata model, this model also has it's limitations To create a true urban dynamics, simulation and not powerful enough Therefore, to fix the limits of this model usually combine it with used Markov chain model. In this research, the Markov chain model and automated cells to simulate land use change process is used to evaluate the physical expansion of the city of Urmia between 1984-2016 and to predict land use changes to year 1410. To run the model, Satellite images of Landsat 5 and 7 and 8 in the years 1984, 1992, 2002, 2012, 2016of Urmia was prepared and then use ENVI software, IDRISI and Arc Gis, then land use changes were calculated and finally the Markov chain model and automated cells were run. 3-Results and discussion Urmia city due to very favorable natural substrate (highly desirable areas of agriculture and water resources) and the development of communication network and immigration in recent years has been rapid population growth. The rapid growth of the population of the unorganize Settlement and causes marginalization and ultimately caused the incorporation of surrounding land to the city, the settlements have been cooperative. Overview of the research carried out in conjunction with the physical growth of the city of Urmia which shows the capabilities of satellite images and models existing in connection with this type of data for the evaluation of physical growth of the city for less. In this research with the use of the information contained in the images shown. That formed around the margins of the city in different time periods is one of the main factors of physical growth of tissue in the past decade. This form of growth and the expansion of the city caused the destruction of agricultural land and orchards of the region in particular. The amount of urban land use made of 2016. 55 hektar in 1984to 6318. 8 in the year 2016. And of 23. 21 percent share of urban lands made to 702. 72% is reached. In other words the range the city during this period has grown to 5 times. The amount of land needed for the growth of gardens inside the city and the land around the town providing a wasteland. So that the area of garden and agricultural land around the city of 29. 59 percent to 7. 24 percent in year 1984 in the year 2016. Also during the period of nearly 32 years, mordmtalah half of Bayer's lands around the city about building maker is located. And 4101. 19 Hectare (47. 2 per cent) to 1741. 35 Hectare (20. 04%) decreased. In connection with the expansion of the city of Urmia when looked at ways 1984 up 2016 say: grow and expand in all directions. But the main directions of the city spread in the South and South West and South East of the city. And given that the southern part of the city in the most amount of agricultural lands and gardens. This amount has been changed to urban use. Also in the South-Eastern part is also the largest land use Bayer for the city. According to the map of predicted changes to urban lands made 2030 will increase. But the important point is that the total area of agricultural lands and orchards due to being the period before very underutilized. Decreased slightly, and that means we have a lot of ER Urmia City Gardens and agricultural land destroyed. It also reviews how the expansion of the city at this time indicated growth looked the initial nucleus of the marginalization and the rural settlements around the city. Continue with the process of the development of the city expanded and finally to the main body of the city have been connected. The simulation results also show that until year 2030, Urban built lands will increased to 7523. 01 (86. 58 percent) range of master plan. The area of gardens and agricultural lands reduced to 619. 60 hectares and arid lands to 546. 33 hectares will be reduced. 4-Conclusion According to the tips listed in the city of Urmia, satellite imagery, maps and the results offered the following suggestions: 1. Due to the growth of the city and making indiscriminate opposition to the species of mushrooms and marginalization of the most recent period, it is necessary to monitor the municipality more accurate and more serious. 2. The physical development of the city update monitoring using satellite images with better separation for classification of land cover maps in the next research. 3. Due to being a dynamic process of land-use changes over time, it is recommended. In the meantime, the next research the use of dynamic models of physical and economic factors such as CA_Markov, social, and political factors, affecting the user changes, as well as comments to be considered.

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Introduction Integrated management in the context of sustainable urban regeneration in Disaster Area out of the capacity of the existing institutions and institutional beds between players in order to make the decision making and illogical for sustainable. Reform procedural aspects of urban management as hotbeds of institutional and based on the interaction between the various actors role based tasks and their performance in the field of integrated management of the realization of sustainable urban regeneration. Therefore, the objective of this research evaluation of urban management in Metropolitan Ahvaz indicators of integrated management and the necessity of integrated management of Sustainable urban regeneration Disaster Area. Methodology In this research and application of the types of studies descriptive and analytical approach to the Method of data collection documents-field (questionnaires) is used. According to studies carried through field withdrawals, mental documents and interviews with residents and questionnaire, benefiting from the statistical tests, average variance analysis, the Multivariate regression analysis, route enumerated institutional challenges in between the main actors urban management, according to the Metropolitan Ahvaz variables affecting the dominant component in the main index 4, 12 and 53 have integrated management, how to achieve sustainable urban regeneration. Finally, using a test average variance multivariate regression analysis, and data analyze. Obtained By using the Cranach’ s coefficient for questionnaire to people with 0/79, for the private sector0/76, for the public sector 0/81 and for the public sector urban management 74/ 0, which is appropriate reliability of the investigation. In this research and application of the types of studies descriptive and analytical approach to the Method of data collection documents-field (questionnaires) is used. According to studies carried through field withdrawals, mental documents and interviews with residents and questionnaire, benefiting from the statistical tests, average variance analysis, the Multivariate regression analysis, route enumerated institutional challenges in between the main actors urban management, according to the Metropolitan Ahvaz variables affecting the dominant component in the main index 4, 12 and 53 have integrated management, how to achieve sustainable urban regeneration. Finally, using a test average variance multivariate regression analysis, and data analyze. Obtained By using the Cranach’ s coefficient for questionnaire to people with 0/79, for the private sector0/76, for the public sector 0/81 and for the public sector urban management 74/ 0, which is appropriate reliability of the investigation. Results and discussion Research finding may, stated that the public and private sectors diffusivity in urban management structure and urban management function mainly controlled by public and private sector. Variance data also showed that the majority of characteristics tend to the variance of zero-at least that the response of the self-similarity in statistical community. It looked as though, power-said that in the presence of the management system of urban regeneration, private and public institutions in this process and intervention to organize it was down and led to the inefficiency of interventions regeneration of tissue. also component integration and coordination body (social capital within and between the institutional) in the first priority titled period renaissance and institutional arrangements in the face of the tissue-worn out in the second period as a priority, growth of knowledge and learning the institutional and institutional development capacity in the third period as a priority, sustainable development of the integrated management of the regeneration of old urban fabric. The life cycle of achieving sustainable management of urban regeneration of tissue in Iran, the average priority and scored the index is drawing. Needed life cycle with regard to the priority of integration and coordination on the necessity of starting the institutional integrated management of urban regeneration in the context of sustainable worn by this indicator. It looked as though, power-said that in the presence of the management system of urban regeneration, private and public institutions in this process and intervention to organize it was down and led to the inefficiency of interventions regeneration of tissue. also component integration and coordination body (social capital within and between the institutional) in the first priority titled period renaissance and institutional arrangements in the face of the tissue-worn out in the second period as a priority, growth of knowledge and learning the institutional and institutional development capacity in the third period as a priority, sustainable development of the integrated management of the regeneration of old urban fabric. The life cycle of achieving sustainable management of urban regeneration of tissue in Iran, the average priority and scored the index is drawing. Needed life cycle with regard to the priority of integration and coordination on the necessity of starting the institutional integrated management of urban regeneration in the context of sustainable worn by this indicator. Conclusion One of the complex issues urban planning for the realization of integrated management of urban regeneration in the city of Ahvaz regarding the structural constraints, social, cultural, economic and management. According to a survey in this study of Bob urban management function in the context of sustainable urban regeneration process-worn out with a view to integrated management of this result was achieved in the town of integrated management of the Ahvaz city and has not performance attitude and function of traditional half and is the result of the attitudes of the failure of its plan to reproduce and expanding urban problems in the context is worn out. the realization of sustainable urban regeneration of the integrated management of the current situation in the city of Ahvaz, which represents only when the realization of integrated management of the actors this process that mutual relations with other players are conscious, based on the interaction and dialogue, mutual trust between them, with the proviso that their interaction with other actor sand formal recognition system design relations. Keywords: institutional beds, integrated management, sustainable urban regeneration, Disaster Area of Ahvaz.

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Introduction Specialization after World War II, led to limited views and weak interdisciplinary communications. Paradigms and expertise, as narrow glasses, ignored wide range of features. This specialization caused some conflicts in the meaning of place, as an extensive and complex concept which is rooted in social, cultural, political, and economic and personality context. This semantic confusion is due to lack of common conceptualization among various disciplines involved. The concept of place plays a central role in planning. To properly understand the concept of place, different views should be considered. Hence, beyond a unique narrative limited to one specific field, this research is to provide a typology of place definitions and a more coherent view in order to develop an interdisciplinary model for understanding this phenomenon. This typology would not be complete and reliable without considering the concept of time. Because place is a dynamic concept which has been historically defined and redefined. Methodology In this paper, based on a qualitative approach and the content analysis methodology, the ontology of place over time was studied. The method of data collection that used in this article is Library resources related to the analysis of the development process and the evolution of the concept of place and examine the interdisciplinary nature of the phenomenon. In the process of this research, the specialized vocabulary of the site and related terms in various fields were searched in the search engine of Scopus. In this research, 25 specialist fields were identified in various fields of philosophy and phenomenology, sociology, environmental psychology, urban economics, human geography, management and politics, cyber technology, environment, urban design and planning with 8031 repetitions. For more precise studies, in each discipline, 5 articles with the highest number of referrals were reviewed in more succinct terms. Results and discussion In the first step, the vocabularies, concepts and methods related to the “ concept of place” have been identified in various fields and disciplines. Philosophy and phenomenology, environmental psychology, human geography, sociology, urban economics, management and policy-making, cyber technology, urban design and urban planning have their own keywords and definitions for the creation of place. Researches indicate that the most useful term in place studies related to the concept of "sense of place" with a total of 2668 repetitions, followed by the concept of "place making" and its derivative compounds with a total of 1, 279 repetitions. Of course, the term "place making" also has the greatest effect on composite concepts. In the second step, concepts and definitions were categorized to four "types": place as a set of visual signs, place as a product (the dominant approach before the 1960s), place as a process (the dominant approach between 1960s-1990s) and places as meaning (the dominant approach after 1990s). In "place as a set of visual signs" approach, urban designers and architects have developed various Ways to represent the visual attributes of place. The visual attributes of place are often used as parts of a shared language, which enable designers to differentiate the elements of urban form, for example streets, squares, and buildings. The study of place height, width, depth, proportions, edging, and subdivisions provides a common set of principles for differentiating the visual attributes of place and, in turn, creating “ visual excitement” . Considering the concepts presented by scholars and the thematic characteristics of this type, urban design can be considered as the most important field of study in this category of theories. Place as product constitutes the second ontological construct of place. This approach to architecture and city planning attempts to develop archetypes as a rational method of place making. At the close of the twentieth century, a substantial portion of the tenets of postmodern architecture, New Urbanism, and urban design looked at the past to define spatial typologies that have timeless qualities and can be applied as solutions to contemporary urban problems. The product-oriented approach focuses on tangible aspects of place, shorter rather than longer time spans, and a specific type of clientele rather than the entire community’ s. Considering the nature of the methodology and the concepts and vocabulary raised in this approach, urban design, urban planning, environment, technology and technical are disciplines that can be considered in this type of theories. The third aspect of the conception of place (place as process) deals with the transformation of place throughout time. Places transform— grow, decline, and are often redeveloped. These processes, among others, reflect the social and political economic forces affecting place, which in turn transform its image. Urban design, environment, economics, sociology, management, and politics are the most important disciplines in this ontology approach. Place as meaning addresses how people perceive the built environment and impart meaning to it. Scholars have been intrigued by the ways in which people assign meaning. Viewing “ place as meaning” is highly subjective. Cultural geographers, among others, have attempted to interpret the meaning of place by translating the stories of the collective experience and memory of place. Regarding the range of vocabulary, concepts and methods used in local studies around the meaning of place, disciplines such as urban design, urban planning, philosophy, human geography, and environmental psychology have played the most role in location studies in terms of meaning. Conclusion According to what has been said, the concept of place is a multi-dimensional conceptual and different disciplines get involved in the formation of this concept. The typology that is found in concept of place shows a profound change in studying the concept of place: changing from place-based approaches to meaning-based approaches. In order to achieve a common understanding in the epistemological studies of place, an interdisciplinary model was developed. Interdisciplinary nature of urban design and urban planning can be used as an intermediate link between the various disciplines involved in studies of place.

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The inclusive use of urban spaces, expresses the efficiency level of urban spaces and the using patterns of space are considered as determinative factors regarding efficiency of these spaces. The study of relation between spatial configuration and behavior patterns shows that these factors are affected by spatial construction of the surrounding area and the visual domain arising from space configuration; and the efficiency of urban spaces is affected by the two factors of desirability of space, and supporting user’ s activities by visual properties. This study focuses on finding the relation between visual properties of spatial configuration and the quality of static presence. This relation is evaluated by using the data from observation of natural flow of pedestrian movement, level of accessibility, and level of legibility in Narmak district, Tehran. After the comparative study of well-known urban plazas in the area and choosing Nabovat plaza as the main case study, the relation between spatial configuration properties (connectivity, visual integration, visual entropy, visual control and visual controllability), and the quality of static presence in space is studied. Achieving this objective, this study emphasizes on synchrony of observation and comparison the results by using observation techniques, recording behavior patterns and visual analysis in space syntax using DepthMap software. The results indicate that there is a direct relation between visual control and visual controllability and the patterns of static presence at the central part of the plaza. Introduction Finding Common Areas between Physical aspects of Environmental design and social aspects of Human interactions has many complexities. This research focuses on studying user’ s behaviors and the visual configuration of space in a case study. In order to understand behaviors in association with urban form elements, minimal scale including “ sight and moving” directions should be used. This study is based on this issue that the complexity of space can be studied by checking static behaviors arising from the motive of attendance, their visual perceptions and also social interactions. It seems possible to achieve an understanding of interaction between Effective factors in the state of user’ s behavior and its relation with the visibility in the field of space configuration, by investigating the patterns of behaviors in minimal scale of environment. Methodology Based on purpose, this research is a practical study, considered among combined (qualitative and quantitative) methods with a post-positivist approach. In theoretical basis, this study has a qualitative approach and in the practical application-that has been assigned to study of an objective case of people presence in public space and its relation with configurational qualities of space-has been used a combined approach. According to behavioral dimensions and space configuration, observation techniques are used to collect required data about “ static and moving patterns” of users, and space syntax technique is used for analyzing the configuration features. Then the data collected from surveying space using patterns and configuration features is analyzed by two-variable Correlation analysis. Results and discussion In this study there are four public spaces investigated that are all located in Narmak district in Tehran. The level of arrival and departure of pedestrians is calculated using the gate technique in a typical daily life (12 hours’ period), and shows that the most pedestrian flow is estimated at Resalat sq. and then at Nabovat sq., 100th sq. and Helal-e-Ahmar sq. In order to evaluate spatial configuration of these squares, the main indicators in space syntax technique are investigated and analyzed using DepthMap software. Resalat sq. has the most values of integration (Rn), integration (R3) and global choice, and the less depth, but Nabovat sq. has the most synergy, connectivity and choice(800) indicators that are more important to investigate the quality of pedestrian presence in space. So Nabovat sq. is more appropriate to be observed in details. The next observations show that 6. pm to 8. pm is the most crowded time period at nabovat sq. (8000 P. P. H arrival and 7000 P. P. H departure). Static and dynamic behaviors also are observed at this period of time and the results are registered in maps in order to identify places preferred by users for static behaviors such as seating, resting and watching others. In order to analyze the visual configuration of Nabovat sq. indicators such as “ visual integration” , “ connectivity” , “ atrophy” , “ visual control” and “ visual controllability” , are analyzed by a visual graph map in 150m radius from center of square and in 1 meter pixels in DepthMap. because of differences between the margin (dominating dynamic activities) and the middle of the space (static activities), the investigation has been done more detailed in the middle of the square that is divided to six subspaces (A-F) to raise accuracy, and eventually using Pearson Correlation Coefficient the relation between these activities and spatial configuration properties are analyzed. Conclusion In the field of voluntary presence in public space, the users can be significantly affected by each other. Generally in selected activities, it is a rule that users join others, where people are gathering and disperse from where people are dispersing. Studying urban spaces needs full attention to the all different aspects forming the space to achieve a deep understanding of using patterns. In this study two different aspect of public space (patterns of use and spatial configuration indicators), are studied trying to explain the relation between them. studying the level and the quality of people static presence and being them affected by spatial configuration, shows that visual Possibilities has a dominant role in shaping static behaviors of users. The results of this study indicates that in urban space fields of study, Researchers can use methods of analysis in behavioral patterns and also space syntax as an effective technique in studying geometric features of build environment and its influence on the patterns of use. And realizing the relation between patterns of use and spatial configuration of space can be raised as an effective issue in decision making and urban policies.

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City cluster development is an urban-led approach that was proposed for achieving sustainable economic and social development in the regions. This approach utilizes eight key factors for identifying homogeneous urban centers for providing a joint development plan in the regions. The purpose of this research is to review the conceptual model and indicators that affect on and examine it in a part of Tehran province. According to the survey, the emergence of urban clusters is related to the urban field concept, but the effective indicators on this concept differ in periods of time and conditions of the regions, so the urban field analysis done by using content analysis method in 5 patterns and its relation with the above key factors. The results of the analysis show that four cases can be identified in homogeneous clusters and the rest can be presented in the proposed scheme. Introduction: Today, regions face major challenges in various fields, so planning for them is important and inevitable. CCD is a process of economic and social development which built-up a number of human settlements that linked together. CCD responds to the new patterns of urban growth, which are shifting from mono-centric to polycentric. Experiences show that at least eight key factors need to be assessed to determine whether or not to use CCD as an instrument for urban-led, inclusive economic and social development: -institutional and governance mechanisms; -demographic, resources, and spatial -factors; development planning coordination over-time and jurisdictions; use of land resources and land tenure; -economic growth potential and trade functions; -taxation, intergovernmental transfers, and fiscal discipline; -infrastructure and information networks; and -role of private sector participation Many of the key factors mentioned are closely related. Therefore, efforts to achieve economic and social development through the CCD require a full understanding of various economic, social, institutional and technological resources. Therefore, the present study investigates the history of urban clusters and its relation with regional development. In urban and regional planning, the emergence of city clusters is linked to the concept of an “ urban field, ” which is composed of the economic and social influences emanating from a particular city. The present study, considering the concept of urban field in different period times, investigates the dimensions and effective components of its recognition in five patterns. According to the study, four factors of the main approach will be considered in identifying urban clusters and the rest in planning time. Methodology: An analysis of this approach is carried out at two levels: 1. The regional dimension includes the desired Districts. This section identifies which cities can be located in each cluster in terms of performance and activity. 2. The local dimension that includes the cities located in each cluster and their characteristics in four dimensions (demographic, social, economic and physical). To analyze the alternatives of this research, Cluster Analysis approach has been used at the regional level and the PROMETHEE technique in local level. 3. Results and discussion The analysis result shows that the two main groups are within the scope of the study. The cluster number one consists of Shahriar, Malard and Rabat-Karim Districts. According to the survey, the cities of this area have a good elevation, slope and climate, but only Baghestan and Ferdosiye have a suitable soil for agricultural activities. Although there are some agricultural activities in some of these cluster cities like Shahriar and Malard. Furthermore, substantial industry activity is in of some cluster cities (like Mallard). So the proper activity for this area is agriculture and industry Cluster number 2 consist Islamshahr, Qods and Baharestan Districts, which have a geographical distance from each other. This cluster includes Islamshahr, Chahardangeh, and other cities. The cities of this cluster have a good elevation, slope and climate, but they have no fertile soil. Therefore, the proper activity for this area is industry and services. The second matrix is based on the cities located in each cluster and their ranked with using Visual PROMHETEE software. This ranking takes into account two other important factors in regional planning, human and space. Human, account by studying demographic factors such as population density, level of literacy and … , space by natural characteristics and the percentage of urban services and infrastructures allocated area The results of the ranking indicate that Shahriar has the highest rank among the cluster cities. Mallard and Rabat Karim, which rank 2 and 3, are in competition with the central city. Ranking of the second cluster shows that Chahar-Dange, Ghods and Islamshahr cities ranked one to three. Thus, the central city of this cluster is Chahar-Dange and Quds and Islam Shahr compete with the main city. conclusion In this approach (city cluster development), regional development create through interconnected or separate urban areas, and what the link urban centers in the form of urban clusters is Related economic and potential activities (from a natural and artistic perspective). If the areas concerned are similar or homogeneous in terms of dimensions and indicators studied, planning for them will have done in the form of a joint development plan. The city centers in the study areas may already have been linked to by a network of infrastructures or not. The present study examined this issue in part of Tehran province. Tehran province, as one of the most densely populated provinces of the country due to the establishment of the capital (Tehran city), has undergone many changes. The most important of these changes are, the abstraction of Karaj and its subordinate cities, the emergence of Pardis, Ghods, Baharestan, and … , into independent districts, the formation of new urban centers that create from rural areas and new cities. Therefore, by using the city cluster development approach with considering porter diamond model and effective factors in determining urban-fields, the administrative-political divisions in the part of Tehran province were analyzed and evaluated. The results of the analysis show that the studied areas have a coordinate activity and divide them in to separate area, cannot lead to coordinated development in them.

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Nowadays, comparing the urban planning standards to the use of green spaces in different cities of Iran, it is clear that many cities face major shortcomings in this regard. Also inappropriate frequency and lack of fair distribution have caused problems for people such as uneasy access. The objective of this study was to investigate urban socio-economic homogeneous neighborhoods to emphasize the fair use of green spaces and parks. Delphi technique and TOPSIS algorithms were used to test and determine indices and alternatives and to do measurements. The test results showed that Bakhsh Hasht neighborhood is the most homogeneous neighborhood with the closeness coefficient to the ideal 0. 98. The closeness coefficients to the ideals of the other neighborhoods are as follows: Nahzat – Jaame Jam 0. 84, Imamzadeh Abbas Jonubi 0. 83, Pivandi-Mirzamani 0. 82, Baft markazi 0. 51, Tabarestan 0. 47 and Moalem Shomali 0. 44. In addition, the most deprived neighborhoods with low green space and closeness coefficients to the ideal were the neighborhoods: Posht hotel and Mahdi Abad with the coefficient 0. Introduction Measurement of green space at the neighborhood level is very important, because neighborhoods are in the primary level for action on green space strategies. Neighborhood means closeness and connectivity and can be defined as the domain of homogeneous characteristics. Green space inequality can ease environmental health inequalities. Thus, identifying vulnerable neighborhoods and demographic groups plays an important role in epidemiologic research and healthy urban planning. Therefore, in this study, the level of green space in the social and economic homogeneous neighborhoods of the city is investigated, and the currently existing inequalities are explained. Therefore, the main questions of the research that are taken into consideration are as follows: 1-What is the per capita position of the green space in the neighborhoods? 2. What is the ranking of green spaces in the neighborhoods of Sari in terms of social justice? Methodology The present study is an applied study and uses descriptive-analytical method. Data collection is based on documentary and statistical method conducted in the Iranian Green Spaces and Parks Organization and statistical block of Sari Municipality. Analyzing and processing of the collected data, determining the indexes and ranking of the options were used by the use of hierarchical analysis models. Indicators were screened and calibrated using Delphi technique. To investigate spatial analysis, weights of the matrices of indices and altars (neighborhoods) along with complicated calculations of TOPSIS model, several software packages were used. Results and discussion By the use of Primary Paired Comparison Matrix, the final weights are calculated in the AHP model with the EXPERT CHOICE software to participate in the process of forming the matrix of the Topsis model. Using Delphi method in two stages, the experts of the Municipality as well as the experts Parks and Green Spaces Organization Sari, seven indicators were selected among several suggested indicators. In the review and study of the green spaces of Sari, the findings show that there is a more scientific definition of green space. In fact, we have two functional green spaces in the city, a biological green space (BGS) that includes ventilation and oxygen supply, aesthetic, psychological and environmental dimensions and another kind which is called a green social space (GSS) that includes green space equipped and a temporary residence for leisure and recreation. 7 justification indicators and inclusion of green space in the neighborhood are as follows: 1-total per capita green space 2-per capita of parks and squares (per capita of green social space) 3-features and facilities 4-vitality and social happiness 5-social security 6-social participation and 7-distribution of green space (social) based on population. Among the existing spaces, public spaces and social spaces (parks and fields) have per capita 1, 045 m2, and Including boulevards, green triangular patches and other green spaces, they have a per capita of 6. 22 m2 per person. According to findings and evaluation of research in terms of facilities, there is one appropriate park in Bakhsh Hasht neighborhood with almost complete facilities and spaces and there are also two smaller parks with the appropriate green space for the neighborhood population and relatively with suitable facilities. Then, neighborhoods Jaame Jam and the Imam Zadeh Abbas Jonubi have the most favorable conditions among the other parks of the neighborhoods. Based on Social Security Indexes and social participation along with field observations and experts’ ranking, best numbers are given to 6 neighborhoods including: Mirzamani-pyvandi, Bakhsh Hasht, Jaame Jam, Tabaristan, Baft vije, and Moalem jonubi. The most desirable amounts of vitality in neighborhoods belong to the six pre-existing neighborhoods. Finally, in terms of the distribution of green spaces, Bakhsh Hasht was recognized as the most desirable neighborhood. By the use of the TOPSIS process, this study ranked the social homogeneous neighborhoods in terms of fair enjoyment of green space. Based on this algorithm, a matrix of variables and indexes was arranged. By performing calculations of the middle matrices of the model, we finally mapped the Euclidean distance of each positive and negative variant with the following formula. Conclusion In this article neighborhoods are divided into two types of physical and social-economic homogeneity in terms of the social justice. On this basis, the foundations of the formation of neighborhoods were noticed by socio-economic bases. In this research, green space is divided into two types of social green spaces with social function and biological green spaces with environmental function as a ventilation and refreshment of the city's space. Social justice in neighborhoods of Sari city was measured based on the most important indicators of green space. According to the achieved results, the most enjoyable homogeneous neighborhoods in Sari city are according to the results, Bakhsh Hasht, Nehzat-Jaame Jam, Imam Zadeh Abbas Jonubi and Peyvandi-Mirzamani. In general, all neighborhoods of Sari are inadequate and unsanctioned in the green community, even in neighborhoods with more favorable socio-economic bases, the situation is far from ideal.

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Introduction Poverty reduction as the first goal of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is now the greatest global challenge. The main and central approach in the most economic analysis, from classical economics to development economics is income-based approach. And the failure of many development programs which are focused on poverty and inequality is due to serious deficiencies in limited and instrumental traditional perspective, which is income – focused (revenue – centric). In fact, since human being has a multi-dimensional nature and he should meet his different needs to provide an appropriate life, a one – dimensional look at income as a benchmark for prosperity is not a good indicator of poverty studies and it should be completed with other indicators such as housing, education, health, employment, social security, access to public facilities and … In this regard, capability approach to the phenomenon of poverty and different indicators including Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) are explained to measure the extent and severity of poverty. In fact, the goal of capability approach and Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is to identify the weakness of the basic facilities for individuals. Methodology The purpose of this study is to estimate Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) using Alkire and Foster (AF) method. The studied population is rural households which are living in rural areas of Hamadan County (N = 27695). In the first stage, in order to obtain a homogenous sample, using numerical taxonomic analysis (NTA) and based on the census data of 2011, the villages of Hamadan City (N = 100) in terms of developmental level and according to 55 sub – indicators were classified into three levels. In the next step, using Cochran's formula, the sample size were obtained 855 households, which according to a multi – stage stratified sampling method, the sampling was done from each level given the population of selected villages. The steps of measuring multi – dimensional poverty can be summarized as follows: (1) selection of poverty analysis unit, (2) choosing the dimensions of poverty and indicators of each dimension, (3) choosing the threshold of deprivation of indicators and evaluation of the level of deprivation of each family per each indicator, (4) measuring the combined poverty index (the weighted average of each household's deprivation), selecting the second threshold of poverty and identifying the poor. In this study, the household is the unit of poverty analysis and the head of household is considered as a household representative. To select dimensions from Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), research background and experts' opinions have been used and finally, 22 indices in the form of 5 dimensions were used to measure multi – dimensional poverty. In order to select the threshold of deprivation, the weighting of indicators was done using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which is a weighting method based on the opinions of experts (n = 30). In this study, Expert Choice software was used for this purpose and Excel and Stata were used for data processing. Results and Discussion Based on the obtained results, the extent of poverty is 49. 01%, Intensity of Poverty is 43. 75% and the rate of multi-dimensional poverty index (MPI), which is the product of these two values, is 21. 44% in rural areas of Hamadan. Indicators of income, nutrition, retirement insurance benefits and Employment status have the highest share in Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), respectively. Also, the study of the ratio of censored census in each indicator shows that the indicators of having access to the internet, travel facilities, retirement insurance benefit, and income have the highest value in this parameter. This indicates that deprived people in each of these indicators have the largest number of multi – dimensional poor persons, respectively. The findings show that the value of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) in the less developed, developing, and developed rural areas has a downward trend. Also, comparing the extent and severity of poverty in these three regions shows that there is a significant difference in the extent of poverty. In terms of the severity of poverty, despite a downtrend, there is no significant difference. In the next step, multidimensional poverty index was estimated separately villages. According to the results, the villages of Sheverin (13. 73%), Amzajerd (15. 46%) and Boyukabad (16. 07%) were the lowest and the villages of Shirabad (41. 80%), Aq-Dash (38. 35%) and Aliabadaq Aq-Hesar (36. 10%) have the highest amount of multidimensional poverty respectively. Finally, using hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward method), the studies villages were classified into three clusters and the results were mapped using GIS software. Conclusion In this study, using the Alkire and Foster method and taking into account 4 dimensions and 19 indicators, the multi-dimensional poverty index was calculated in rural areas of Hamadan. Based on the obtained results, indicators of income, nutrition, retirement insurance benefits and Employment status have the highest share in Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), respectively. In terms of employment and reducing income poverty, diversifying income sources and jobs in rural areas and provision of facilities, advertising and extensive training in order to accept insurance of agricultural products, and paying more attention to agricultural promotion systems to small-scale farming, in order to increase productivity and maintain income; and to reduce poverty, to provide mothers with adequate education through health centers to pay attention to a complete and healthy diet, and due to population aging and migration of young people from rural areas, the need for serious cultural development in the field of retirement insurance, in rural areas is recommended. According to the obtained results, considering the geographical location of the studied villages, the poverty rate in the villages located in the plain is less than villages located in the mountain, valleys or hills, which is due to having better biological and living, the possibility of attracting more population and consequently, increasing of amenities. Therefore, creating regional equilibrium by balancing public, social, cultural, and educational facilities in rural areas and paying more attention to other features of villages with mountainous conditions, such as pleasant weather and rural texture in the direction of develop the tourism industry is proposed.

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Natural phenomena, as the earthquake has always existed, and modern humans, despite the remarkable advances in technology, can not prevent them from happening. The earthquake has always been regarded as a threat to human life, and despite the fact that it does not exclude non-urban areas, and these regions suffer a lot of financial and human losses, cities, because of the accumulation of capital and high population density, as well as due to their widespread damage is more than other human settlements. What causes fatalities and injuries is human non-standard construction. Earthquake occurrence is probable and inevitable. What needs to be considered is how we deal with it. Given the earthquake in the country, there is a probability for each of us to be one of the victims of the earthquake in the future. Therefore, the first step is to prevent such damage. Natural hazards have the potential to become a terrible accident in the absence of risk reduction systems (Chadha et al., 2007). Therefore, reducing the risk of accidents is of paramount importance and it is necessary to establish a suitable place in national policies of each country in order to create favorable conditions for reducing effective and effective risk at different levels. (Davis et al, 2005). In this regard, the explanation of the relation of resilience to natural disasters (earthquakes) is, in fact, how social, economic, institutional, political and executive capacities of societies influence the resilience and recognition of the dimensions of resilience in the community. Meanwhile, at present, many governmental and nongovernmental organizations prioritize strengthening the resilience of groups and communities by researching, developing and developing programs, policies and also through educational interventions for disaster management they have payed. It is worth noting that the type of attitude towards the resonance category and its analysis, on the one hand, plays a key role in recognizing the status of the state of affairs and its causes, and on the other hand, it has a major impact on policies and measures to reduce the risk and the way it is confronted with it. . What has been studied and analyzed in this research is the analysis of the urban resilience potential of Tehran's 12th district versus the earthquake. In fact, the purpose of this approach is to reduce the vulnerability of communities and strengthen the people's ability to deal with the risks of accidents It is natural. Methodology: Data were analyzed by SPSS software (Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation, T-test, multivariate regression and data path analysis) and using multi-criteria decision-making methods in the form of AHP hierarchical analysis And Expert selection software, ArcGIS and Arc Map software have been used to draw maps Results and discussion: The findings of this study indicate that, based on the findings of the theoretical framework, urban alleviation has dimensions and indicators that affect the amount of these indicators. In this study, to investigate the resilience of area 12 with approach and attention to earthquake as one of the most important natural disasters, four dimensions including socio-cultural, economic, institutional and physical-environmental aspects have been used. Each of these dimensions is with Various indicators are defined. In order to analyze the region and the statistical population, preparing different layers in each dimension in the area and drawing maps of vulnerability, vulnerability and resilience of the area, a questionnaire analysis and various tests have been carried out. So that the quality of the indicators of the dimensions of social resilience in the region is low and weak. However, at the district level of the region, this process has different conditions, in the analysis of all options and indicators of resilience in this Next, the neighborhoods of Iran and Ferdowsi have the best situation, and the Harandi and Sangalaj neighborhoods have the worst situation in earthquake resilience. This is more weak in economic analysis of the economic situation in the region, so that in the economic dimension of the defined terms, nearly half of them have a coefficient of less than 2 (average level 3), which indicates that there is no weakness In this context. However, the situation is not uniform in the future, so that the Mokhtari-Takhty and Baharestan settlements are the best, and the Harandi and Arg-Pamjaran neighborhoods are in the worst condition for earthquake resilience. An analysis of the pattern of institutional dimensional layers at the district level 12 as well as the views of citizens and experts indicate weaknesses in the infrastructure of the region, including the capacity of existing organizations in the region to provide services during times of crisis such as earthquakes and increasing vulnerability. This area is in a disaster like earthquake. As with other dimensions, this is true in the institutional aspect, the weaknesses presented and the existing strengths are not uniformly distributed across the region. On a more general level, the neighborhoods of the Pajmran and Mokhtari-Takht tribes are best placed, and The waterfalls and the market are worst offshore in earthquake resilience. The later physical-environment that refers more to the physical infrastructure in the city and the region, has a relatively different pattern than the other dimensions, so that conditions such as satisfaction with the pattern of power lines in the area, the degree of satisfaction with The region's gradient pattern (so that it can manage urban sewage without any disturbances leading to the accumulation of surface water) is in conditions above the average. However, it remains to be noted that the level of proportionality or inappropriateness of the infrastructure and the intended use in this dimension is not consistent at the level of neighborhoods of the region, and the locations of Mokhtari-Takhty and Harandi have the best situation, and the market places and Baharestan's worst situation in terms of Earthquake resilience.

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Introduction Twenty-first century cities facing major challenges will undoubtedly be one of the most important concentration of poverty in these regions. Although rural poverty is deeper than urban poverty and urban residence and have high capacities and access to better opportunities in life. But urban poverty, especially in developing countries, with higher speed and higher volume is expanding. In the current planning and management in the complex and rapidly lost its traditional meaning. In two or three decades, new knowledge has emerged as futures. That instead of linear and deterministic planning for the future unit seeks to explore the vast possibilities and Nashtakhth technological and wider horizons to all kinds of possible and desirable future for the open man. As a result of planning in the past, or predictions for the future following the way to the planning of future performance or future data. A strategic planning tool used to decide which technique is AIDA. This technique suitable solutions combine a large number of different combinations of production, and at the same time are considered in all areas of decision-making. In this technique generally on problems of goal setting, determining strategies and offer suggestions that will be done in three levels of abstraction and horizontal and vertical communication. This condition provides that certain areas have become urban poverty and to empower them to be scheduled. The aim of this study is, first of all neighborhoods with urban poverty Branch and then the roots of the problems in the neighborhood.-Methodology Analytical method applied methodological framework will guide the paper. The objective of this research in the department of cognitive and applied research. Due to the nature of the problem and the purpose of the survey research data, including library resources documents is. The population in this study is Shahrekords's 34 neighborhoods. the analytical hierarchy Process (AHP) was used, then used to rank the parameters of the model a little bit of topsis (TOPSIS) and software environment Afzaraksl (EXCEL) is used. After identifying the target area using strategic techniques (AIDA) action plan to upgrade the neighborhood due to the problems and limitations. It should be noted for the planning of the five main economic, socio-cultural, physical, and natural management is involved. Research in this area is Shahrekords. This city of 143, 882 inhabitants. And includes five districts and 34 neighborhoods in the urban tissue. Branch highest in the province at an altitude of 2060 meters above sea level, 470 meters. In recent years the intensity and distribution of municipal services in these neighborhoods become more important and it is possible in some areas, overall levels of neighborhood services enough to seem, but because of the imbalance in the establishment of order satisfactorily observed. Lack of services, especially sport, green, recreation, shopping malls and trade, ill-streets and intersections, failure related to public health in places, flooded homes when rain and some of the problems and needs of the service-Omrani the neighborhood.-Discussion and Findings By combining four maps related to the economic, social, cultural and physical, five neighborhood grill, go zones, doors valley, Ashtftk and Mahdieh were identified as target areas. One of the major issues in the neighborhoods and urban textures, different infrastructure and facilities in the enjoyment of economic, social and physical services. The aim of leveling neighborhoods, identifying priority areas of intervention and planning available administrative staff puts cities. The following neighborhood planning for the following projects is proposed: Produce projects Change Activity:-Seminars, conferences and training workshop-Meetings for planning studies Behavior:-Regulatory compliance tangible and intangible people on municipal performance-Close monitoring in order to preserve historical monuments-Train traffic rules-Learning how to rebuild spaces-Toll from passing vehicles-According to municipal regulations-Educating citizens to separate waste at source-Lack of building permit applications in some neighborhoods.-Various tests for recruitment-Identify existing monuments in the old texture-Using the public when preparing a variety of urban design and urban problems -Pay special attention to shelters-Attract people with experience in craft workshops-Advertising to attract tourists Place:-Urban planning management institutions-Preparation and implementation of urban projects-Create new spaces with style and creative architecture-The changing role of non-essential passages to walk them Vsngfrsh-Transfer industrial shops out of town-Create a museum for old homes to use income-Transfer industrial shops out of town-Creating the necessary infrastructure to attract tourists -Conclusion Since the phenomenon is growing Fqrshhry Vrvbh inevitable, stressed Brdydgah empowering people with the participation of all sides is necessary. Shhrshhrkrd, like other cities of the country suffers from a range of spatial poverty. Branch has expanded rapidly over the past few decades. The uncontrolled and unplanned expansion causes the tissues of the host vehicle on the outskirts or neighboring rural context within urban areas. their new residents and expatriates with different socio-economic characteristics, have been living in these areas. New residents not only did not help to improve their living places, but it also was causing deterioration. High population density and construction, lack of infrastructure, economic inability of people living in slums and all causes of acute and spread of such tissues in the city's points. Land and communities has Fqrshhry mostly on the fringes of the city, neighborhood grill on the outskirts of the western city of Shahr village of reunification of the city that many problems facing it, the most important cause of poverty in the neighborhood furnaces of these neighborhoods not a culturally and urban management in this neighborhood has been very inefficient. The subject of the crime-ridden neighborhood and gentry and officials are less willing to attend in the neighborhood. In this study, considering all the aspects of solutions in terms of operational projects to empower this neighborhood has to offer.

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Introduction After the collapse of the Soviet Union, geopolitical relations centered on the geopolitical world scale, which means that the economic function of the places gives them geopolitical weight. Iran can use this capacity to organize. Regional and international institutions, particularly in the Indian Ocean region, thereby linking the interests of other countries with the Oman coast and, in addition to promoting its geopolitical status in the world and the region, by establishing a regional and global consensus, provide new opportunities for security And the Gulf of Chabahar, as the interconnecting space between the inner and outer space, can play a strategic role in the modern political economy of the international economy and the political economy of trade and transit of energy in the Indian Ocean region towards India and China plays a strategic role in shaping a regional cooperation organization. Methodology The methodology governing the research is a mixed method. Through library studies and conducting exploratory interviews, the indicators have been considered and the questionnaire has been developed to verify the validity and reliability of the interviews. Results and discussion The present study was conducted as a correlation research to explore the geopolitical influences of Chabahar Gulf on Indian Ocean developments, especially the rivalries between India and China. In the theoretical part of the research, the researcher examined and analyzed the various theories among political actors and selected the theories that could be used as the basis for the study and the conceptual framework of the research was based on it. Finally, a hybrid model was developed and It was used as a theoretical framework for research. Regarding the gender of the research method, first, a spectrum of elites and scholars in the Indian Ocean region was identified and conducted a deep and explicit interview. In the next step, after implementing and analyzing the results of the interviews, relevant indicators and concepts, the studied axis, the questionnaire was designed to assess the validity and reliability of the interviews. The questionnaires were compiled based on the indexes and distributed among the two spectrum of experts in the field of operations. Information collected through spss software was reviewed. After analyzing the findings of the analysis, it became clear that the Chabahar Gulf possesses the potential and actual capabilities that the powers of China and India can use in their power relations between competition and cooperation. In fact, the Chabahar Gulf is a coin that plays a role on the one hand of the coin (geospatial) and on the other, the competition and the conflict (geopolitics). Iran and other political actors, by adopting a geo-economic approach, will be able to forgive the developments in the Indian Ocean by sharing interests in the Chabahar Gulf. Therefore, two windows are open to Iran and other actors: the geopolitical window and the geo-spacTherefore, the Indian Ocean can be considered as a geopolitical region in which various local and global actors play a role in acquiring power resources, among which two main actors in this area are the cast of India and China, which are as active characters in the region And each attempt to turn to the hegemony of the Indian Ocean region dictates the requirements for the foreign policy instrument and the diplomacy of the two countries, India and China, which continues the geopolitical rivalry of both Indian and Chinese actors to adopt an effective and practical political and political strategy. In order to achieve its own benefits, it is unacceptable and deprived are off the opposite side. Therefore, politics and relations between powers and political actors have always been a rivalry and an endless struggle for gaining, preserving and upgrading power, because geographic spaces do not have the ability to meet all the needs of actors, and the principle of scarcity rests on such spatial domains And, accordingly, power is considered as the ultimate goal because of its fundamental role in providing other purposes. In other words, all human values and their realization depend on an element in the name of power, and this has dominated political life from the outset, because gaining power is equal to the survival, security and realization of the values that an actor seeks to bring to the cast India and China are no exception. But if we look out of the geo-economics window, we will encounter a geographic space in which actors with a positive perspective seek to gain in the shadow of collaboration with other actors; in other words, the logic of the non-zero algebraic summation is replaced by the logic of zero algebraic summation And actors will step in the direction of geopacific. So If you look at the geospatial and geospatial windows in the Indian Ocean, you will find a favorable atmosphere for the beginning of cooperation and convergence with the powers of China and India as well as other actors who can take this opportunity to increase their weight and improve their position in the first step and other Actors to use. In this regard, suggestions from research in three sections, economic, political and military-security, and three national, regional and international scales have been presented to enhance the role of the Chabahar Gulf in the Indian Ocean. Conclusion The result of the analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the geopolitics of the Chabahar Gulf and the Indian Ocean and the Indian-Chinese rivalry in the alpha level of P = 0/00. As a result, there is a correlation between the two variables and it can be assured with 0. 99% that each of the geopolitical capacities and capabilities of the Chabahar Gulf is properly used, the ratio of the Indian Ocean's ocean's role, especially the India-China rivalries, will increase. . It was inferred from the answers to the questionnaire that 82% of experts and experts believe that the geopolitics of the Chabahar Gulf has a great impact on Indian Ocean developments, especially between India and China.

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1. Introduction The negative consequences of many water transfer projects in experiences of various countries around the world have shown that compared to better and alternative projects, the use of water transfer project as a method is in their last priority. Iran is a semi-arid country that has been and continues to be affected by drought and climate change. Dilemmas from the undesirable water management have always existed. Nevertheless, the country has a lot of experience in interbasin water transfers. "Beheshtabad" is one of the major interbasin transfer projects-which is to carry water from Koohrang and Beheshtabad sub-basins of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari to Iran's central plateau (Isfahan, Yazd and Kerman). This plan has not yet been implemented in the wake of legislation difficulties and the pressure of public opinion of the donor Provinces (Khuzestan, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari and sometimes Lorestan) and the representatives of these provinces in parliament, despite the approval of the Supreme Council of Water. Most experts believe that the implementation of this project has, in particular, negative effects on the donor provinces and, in general, on the country. Political activism, security challenges (ethnic conflicts), social, economic, and environmental tensions resulting from lack of precise feasibility study of the project are among the issues that make the justification of its implementation inconvincible. This, from a geopolitical point of view, leads to the formation of a "negative hydro-politic" on a national and regional scale and that in its turn affects the security of local, regional and even national security. 2. Methodology The present research seeks to answer a fundamental question. From the perspective of feasibility and estimation of the implementation, does the interbasin water transfer of the Beheshtabad to the plateau have the (technical, economic, social, and environmental) justifications of an interbasin water transfer project? There are a number of acute problems in the Behshadabad water transfer project to the central plateau, which in no way justifies the implementation of such a project and the project is in fact considered to be a premature plan. This plan will have many consequences, both in regional level and national level (security and national interests), regardless of the minimum imminent events (in the donor region). The present study utilizes a descriptive-analytic method. The sources of information generally include scientific-research papers and congress reports, speeches by critics and field experts, feasibility studies, and Internet resources. 3. Results and discussion: Research findings show that this project lacks detailed studies on the impacts on the donor region, and the various technical, economic, social, political and environmental impacts have not been observed or considered. Therefore, the plan has the following consequences: 3. 1. Exacerbation of ethnic violence Any projects in this regard should be analyzed in relation to the issue of power and violence in local communities, and should include clear analyzes of the interests of stakeholders during the implementation of these projects, and the authority of each and the conflicts and disputes between these interests. In the past decades, ignoring this problem has increased the intensity of the conflict over the issue of water within and among some districts. The increase in the intensity of the conflict over the issue of water in some provinces, such as Isfahan, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari and Khuzestan, is a clear consequence of such actions. 3. 2 Technical and economic feasibility study of the plan In the studies, the abovementioned plan has no economic justification. Increasing the cost, agricultural and industrial recession, cost of drinking water treatment, impact on the rights of the people over water, increasing health costs, decline of tourism; reducing the production capacity of clean energy, and the income of the hydroelectric system of Karun multi-dam system, and etc. are the economic consequences of this plan. 3-3 Social impacts of the plan (social feasibility) The most important social impacts of such projects include increase in conflicts between water consumers, increase in general poverty, increase in immigration due to drying of springs, qanats and wells in the area, increasing public discontent about government's decision to transfer water, injustice, and increase in suspicion, causing frustration and despair in the people of donor basin due to the loss of some opportunities and, in general, the increase of social problems in donor (in particular) and recipient basins. 3-4. Political activism Opposition and protests of people in different cities of Chaharmahal and bahkhtari, open and opposing positions of the representatives of the Chaharmahal and bukhtari province in the parliament, formation of human chains along with Karun, opposition of the people Khuzestan in the social medias and the resignation of the Khuzestan's representatives in the parliament (among the reasons for their resignation was opposition to the transfer of Karun's water) are some of the clear examples of the political activism of the people and authorities regarding interbasin water transfer. 3-5-Environmental impacts of the project Like other consequences, the environmental impacts of the transfer of water from Beheshtabad to the Central Plateau (needs of the donor basin and the damages done to it) is not so much within the frame of ecological justice. Destruction river landscape, undermining of ground waters, reduced drinking water quality, urban and rural drinking water limitations, geomorphologic alterations, sedimentation intensification, increased volume of wastewater and pollutant sources, drying of ponds and wetlands (e. g. Shadegan) and lowering the water level in lakes and etc. are among environmental issues. 4. Conclusion Studies show that water transfer projects result in drying of the rivers, the destruction of the life-giving wetlands, endangering the environment and biodiversity of animals and plants, and emergence of social dissatisfaction, especially in the donor basins. What has happened in the central plateau or some of the country's ecosystems in recent years has led to land degradation of rivers and springs, drop in groundwater levels, or the death of wetlands, was not just recent droughts, and a lack of proper governance and good management have had bigger roles in these bitter events.

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Introduction. Today geopolitics has returned to political analysis and international relations studies with more depth and accuracy in understanding of phenomena and also predicting them. Maybe the best example for geopolitics importance in 20th century is the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 that changed the political boundaries of one of the two superpowers in the global bipolar system. Although Russia has lost the considerable size of its territories, especially as its periphery margins, but yet has remained as a great power in the region. Soviet fall as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century-as in 2005 Russian president, Putin called-has changed the geographic borders and brought a broad nationalistic and geopolitical thoughts and visions, including the necessity of reviving the Eurasian civilization. Here we considers some geopolitical schools and approaches in regards of preserving Russian influence as its history and related Russian identity. In fact the eurasianism approach has constructed and grown based on Russian identity in the unique manner and way. It seems Russian foreign policy is inspired of geopolitical thinking. Methodology. This study has been done with analytical and descriptive method. Data gathering mainly are based on primary resources, library information and documentation and also online books and articles in three languages: Farsi, English and Russian. This study is focus on Russian political community and thoughtful contemporary schools and intellectual thoughts. Here the research areas are in the fields of political geography, geopolitics and also international relations. Results and discussion. As mentioned in the text, The Eurasian orientation has been present in Russia for centuries. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has undergone a significant change in its foreign policy. Starting from the second half of the 1990s, Russian foreign policy began to reflect more and more on the concept of geopolitics. In spite of the fact that Russia as a successor of the USSR was facing many economic and political problems, Russian foreign policy was and is based on geopolitical thinking. One school of foreign policy thinking in Russia warns against an excessively Eurasian concentration of Russian resources and argues for the country’ s pro-Western, rather than merely regional, orientation. This school can be referred to as Westernizers because for many years politicians and intellectuals of this group have been challenging the wisdom of Russia’ s regional orientation and developing a special Eurasian strategy. To them, Russia is essentially a European country that must associate itself primarily with the Western world and its institutions. This essay assumes that despite the expectations of some scholars and policy-makers, Russia did not retreat from the Eurasian geographical space and in fact is keenly interested in securing its cultural, political, and economic presence there. Some approaches can be mentioned in the Russian geopolitics thinking in the Russian discourse since the Soviet disintegration among Russian political thinkers and foreign policy including geoeconomism, stabilizing eurasia, expansionists and civilizationists that represent the politically conservative factions of Eurasianist thinking. To supporters of stabilizing Eurasia, the key word in understanding Russia’ s security mission in Eurasia is stabilization. Geoeconomism emphasizes the role of geoeconomic over geopolitical factors in the post-cold war world and Eurasia. The emergence of the new geopolitical thinking in Russia is often associated with Eurasianism or the spatial imagination of post-Soviet Eurasia. Eurasianism emphasizes Russia’ s geopolitical and cultural uniqueness and distinctiveness from both Western and Asian worlds. To eurasianism, one of the propositions is the notion of the Eurasian continent as heartland of the world and Russia as the heart of the heartland. Following this logic of exclusive geopolitical competition, Russia must take advantage of its strategic location and mobilize its resources, experience, and will for establishing full and single-handed control over Eurasia. For Alexander Dugin as the leader of neo-eurasianism movement, Eurasia spreads far beyond the former USSR. Russia is at the center of this geopolitical struggle and Russia’ s main identity is that of Eurasian. Here there are so many questions: If Russia is unable to perform its traditional stabilizing role in the region, who is going to play this vital role? How are analysts to respond to the sudden emergence of new threats when Russia itself is weak and has very limited resources at its disposal? Finally, what exactly is Russia with its new geographical boundaries and how should it reconstruct its traditional geopolitical identity? Conclusion. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia lost its geopolitical hegemony, but it retained the tendency towards regaining its influence in the world. This tendency is supported by the geopolitical thinking which underlies Russian foreign policy, and which contains elements of some geopolitical schools of thought. Eurasianism and Neo-Eurasianism are basically created as a reaction to external factors, which were, in significant aspects, very similar. That means that the political collapse of the structure of the Soviet state was accompanied by the geopolitical dissolution of the territory into several sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities. Today, we can analyze the concept of Neo-Eurasianism which is seen in the development of the contemporary Russian geopolitical thought. Such circumstances have occurred after 2000, with the beginning of Vladimir Putin’ s rule started, who, again, tries to position Russia as the dominant geopolitical factor between Europe and Asia. Analyses of Russian schools of geopolitical thought disclose that there is no full use of the concepts, visions and theories of one separate school. Instead, Russian foreign policy is based on some aspects of all schools of geopolitical thought, which reflects on the realistic evaluation of Russian resources, abilities, and capacities. Geopolitical thinking was and remains a key stone in Russian foreign policy. Analysis of Russian schools of geopolitical thought disclose that there is no dominant visions in Russian foreign approach, but somehow geopolitical views including eurasianism and neo eurasianism are reflected on it.

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Introduction The nature of the global imperial system and the military approach to geopolitics encouraged the twentieth-century rival powers of the world to get control of the Heartland to ensure their security in the geopolitical and geostrategic regions of the world. In this period, the imposition of instability in southwest Asia was due to the fear of the influence of competing powers and the use of the region to reinforce their dominance in the world. Southwest Asia as a subset of the international system, is a multifaceted example of the modern world order and the basic question is: how will the development and structuring of the south-west Asia region affect the establishment of the global economic system and the coherence and stability of the global geopolitical system? Methodology The present paper has theoretical, applied and developmental dimensions, and is based on descriptive-analytic research. Data collection was done by library and documentary method, and analysis of the findings was done qualitatively and inferential. Results and Discussion According to Wallerstein, the trajectory of the global empire was the ultimate deficiency of its power to maintain a vast empire from a single political center, while the global economic trend is more dynamic because it creates competitive relationships among a large number of governments. (Griffiths, 2005, 986). Wallerstein and Taylor see the end of the global empire as the economic deployment as an alternative to political power at the top of the global system, and Cohen's systemic perspective places the system as the dominant component of the hegemonic power substitution. In systemic terms, elements of the system are the first component of the system, and the interaction of elements is the second component of the system. Cohen has a special interest in the ability of regional Economic to end the instability and fragility of unstable regions and fragile strips (Cohen, 2008, 98). One of the capabilities of regional Ecumenies in the era of globalization is to strengthen and accelerate the return process of the divergent border concept to the convergent notion of the frontier. Borders that are the product of the modern era determine the limits of the political realms of the states and look at the interior, but the frontiers are looking out. Regional Ecumeny in the Westphalian context is the purpose of colonial plans to prevent the emergence of geopolitical regions, and in the post-Austrian space, they are to become the focal point of the dialectical interaction and the coherence of the components of the global system. The process of globalization and the need to establish and continue the dialectical cooperation between the two eastern and western parts, promotes the geopolinomic location of Southwest Asia, along with its new definition of the heartland of energy. The main problem in the Southwest Asia is the separation of the national eco-munitions and the densest areas of population concentration and economic activity from one another into the presence of mountains, plateaus and deserts. In the meantime, there are three propositions in the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Alexandria, and the borders of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, which are related to the beyond the national borders. Another area extending from Gwadar and jiwani Pakistan to Chabahar and Jask is a strategic and crossroads that can turn into a regional political economy and global political economy. On the other hand, with the formation of a new region (Euro-Mediterranean), the major strategic and economic responsibilities of the maritime area in these territories will be transferred from the United States to coastal Europe (Cohen, 2008, 799-800); and the movement of South-West Asia and Mediterranean Europe The formation of a joint geostrategic area could be of greatest help to the health of the globalization process. With the diversification of investments throughout the world's corridors, Southwest Asia is becoming the centerpiece of global integration of global geopolitical sub-systems, and it displays its geotechnical heartland feature in the design of the new Silk Road. The new Silk Road Project is an answer to the need to retrieve the role that the historic Silk Road played by connecting and engaging business between the West and the East. Connecting the rail network of the Mediterranean region with the Mediterranean Sea through the ports of Syria and Lebanon will have many economic benefits to the economy and regional and global security stability. On the other hand, the ground distance between the two Persian Gulf and Mediterranean seas is considered to be an area between the two eastern and western hemisphere, but the connection of the two seas with the construction of the international waterway facilitates the promotion of the role of the new intercontinental geostrategic role in ensuring the global system coherence. In terms of energy, the UNIDO (1994) proposal is most consistent with the need to enhance the global role of the region. In this plan, the construction of the world's largest gas liquefaction terminal in Chabahar and the construction of an intercontinental energy pipeline have been proposed in the framework of the idea of global energy security that transports South Asia and Central Asia through Southwest Asia, from both South and North Connect the Mediterranean. Most of the world's gas resources connect to the consumer markets through the southern route, and its transit route to Israel can be overcome with partial repair of the proposed route. Conclusion Instead of hegemony, the system's emphasis on the dialectical interaction of the sub-systems is the major difference between the global economic system and the global imperial system. In this framework, the urgency of emphasizing the unity of the origins of human civilization is evident in the balance between dialectics between the parts of the world Island, and from this perspective, the World Hartland Supplementary Ural-Digital Region is considered to be the most important geostrategic area of the world. In this way, the great difference of the world economic system with the global imperial system manifests itself at the end of the global heartland instability and promotes the role of Southwest Asia in global change from a secondary role to an early role.

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