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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Strategic planning for empowering communities with urban poverty




 Introduction Twenty-first century cities facing major challenges will undoubtedly be one of the most important concentration of poverty in these regions. Although rural poverty is deeper than urban poverty and urban residence and have high capacities and access to better opportunities in life. But urban poverty, especially in developing countries, with higher speed and higher volume is expanding. In the current planning and management in the complex and rapidly lost its traditional meaning. In two or three decades, new knowledge has emerged as futures. That instead of linear and deterministic planning for the future unit seeks to explore the vast possibilities and Nashtakhth technological and wider horizons to all kinds of possible and desirable future for the open man. As a result of planning in the past, or predictions for the future following the way to the planning of future performance or future data. A strategic planning tool used to decide which technique is AIDA. This technique suitable solutions combine a large number of different combinations of production, and at the same time are considered in all areas of decision-making. In this technique generally on problems of goal setting, determining strategies and offer suggestions that will be done in three levels of abstraction and horizontal and vertical communication. This condition provides that certain areas have become urban poverty and to empower them to be scheduled. The aim of this study is, first of all neighborhoods with urban poverty Branch and then the roots of the problems in the neighborhood.-Methodology Analytical method applied methodological framework will guide the paper. The objective of this research in the department of cognitive and applied research. Due to the nature of the problem and the purpose of the survey research data, including library resources documents is. The population in this study is Shahrekords's 34 neighborhoods. the analytical hierarchy Process (AHP) was used, then used to rank the parameters of the model a little bit of topsis (TOPSIS) and software environment Afzaraksl (EXCEL) is used. After identifying the target area using strategic techniques (AIDA) action plan to upgrade the neighborhood due to the problems and limitations. It should be noted for the planning of the five main economic, socio-cultural, physical, and natural management is involved. Research in this area is Shahrekords. This city of 143, 882 inhabitants. And includes five districts and 34 neighborhoods in the urban tissue. Branch highest in the province at an altitude of 2060 meters above sea level, 470 meters. In recent years the intensity and distribution of municipal services in these neighborhoods become more important and it is possible in some areas, overall levels of neighborhood services enough to seem, but because of the imbalance in the establishment of order satisfactorily observed. Lack of services, especially sport, green, recreation, shopping malls and trade, ill-streets and intersections, failure related to public health in places, flooded homes when rain and some of the problems and needs of the service-Omrani the neighborhood.-Discussion and Findings By combining four maps related to the economic, social, cultural and physical, five neighborhood grill, go zones, doors valley, Ashtftk and Mahdieh were identified as target areas. One of the major issues in the neighborhoods and urban textures, different infrastructure and facilities in the enjoyment of economic, social and physical services. The aim of leveling neighborhoods, identifying priority areas of intervention and planning available administrative staff puts cities. The following neighborhood planning for the following projects is proposed: Produce projects Change Activity:-Seminars, conferences and training workshop-Meetings for planning studies Behavior:-Regulatory compliance tangible and intangible people on municipal performance-Close monitoring in order to preserve historical monuments-Train traffic rules-Learning how to rebuild spaces-Toll from passing vehicles-According to municipal regulations-Educating citizens to separate waste at source-Lack of building permit applications in some neighborhoods.-Various tests for recruitment-Identify existing monuments in the old texture-Using the public when preparing a variety of urban design and urban problems -Pay special attention to shelters-Attract people with experience in craft workshops-Advertising to attract tourists Place:-Urban planning management institutions-Preparation and implementation of urban projects-Create new spaces with style and creative architecture-The changing role of non-essential passages to walk them Vsngfrsh-Transfer industrial shops out of town-Create a museum for old homes to use income-Transfer industrial shops out of town-Creating the necessary infrastructure to attract tourists -Conclusion Since the phenomenon is growing Fqrshhry Vrvbh inevitable, stressed Brdydgah empowering people with the participation of all sides is necessary. Shhrshhrkrd, like other cities of the country suffers from a range of spatial poverty. Branch has expanded rapidly over the past few decades. The uncontrolled and unplanned expansion causes the tissues of the host vehicle on the outskirts or neighboring rural context within urban areas. their new residents and expatriates with different socio-economic characteristics, have been living in these areas. New residents not only did not help to improve their living places, but it also was causing deterioration. High population density and construction, lack of infrastructure, economic inability of people living in slums and all causes of acute and spread of such tissues in the city's points. Land and communities has Fqrshhry mostly on the fringes of the city, neighborhood grill on the outskirts of the western city of Shahr village of reunification of the city that many problems facing it, the most important cause of poverty in the neighborhood furnaces of these neighborhoods not a culturally and urban management in this neighborhood has been very inefficient. The subject of the crime-ridden neighborhood and gentry and officials are less willing to attend in the neighborhood. In this study, considering all the aspects of solutions in terms of operational projects to empower this neighborhood has to offer.


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    APA: Copy

    ZANGANEH, AHMAD, YOUSEFI, SAEED, & PARIZADI, TAHER. (2020). Strategic planning for empowering communities with urban poverty. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 51(4 ), 1033-1049. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/377942/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    ZANGANEH AHMAD, YOUSEFI SAEED, PARIZADI TAHER. Strategic planning for empowering communities with urban poverty. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY[Internet]. 2020;51(4 ):1033-1049. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/377942/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AHMAD ZANGANEH, SAEED YOUSEFI, and TAHER PARIZADI, “Strategic planning for empowering communities with urban poverty,” HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, vol. 51, no. 4 , pp. 1033–1049, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/377942/en

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