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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Enhancing Tehran resilience against natural hazards with Emphasize on earthquake. case study 12th district of tehran municipality




 Natural phenomena, as the earthquake has always existed, and modern humans, despite the remarkable advances in technology, can not prevent them from happening. The earthquake has always been regarded as a threat to human life, and despite the fact that it does not exclude non-urban areas, and these regions suffer a lot of financial and human losses, cities, because of the accumulation of capital and high population density, as well as due to their widespread damage is more than other human settlements. What causes fatalities and injuries is human non-standard construction. earthquake occurrence is probable and inevitable. What needs to be considered is how we deal with it. Given the earthquake in the country, there is a probability for each of us to be one of the victims of the earthquake in the future. Therefore, the first step is to prevent such damage. Natural hazards have the potential to become a terrible accident in the absence of risk reduction systems (Chadha et al., 2007). Therefore, reducing the risk of accidents is of paramount importance and it is necessary to establish a suitable place in national policies of each country in order to create favorable conditions for reducing effective and effective risk at different levels. (Davis et al, 2005). In this regard, the explanation of the relation of resilience to Natural disasters (earthquakes) is, in fact, how social, economic, institutional, political and executive capacities of societies influence the resilience and recognition of the dimensions of resilience in the community. Meanwhile, at present, many governmental and nongovernmental organizations prioritize strengthening the resilience of groups and communities by researching, developing and developing programs, policies and also through educational interventions for disaster management they have payed. It is worth noting that the type of attitude towards the resonance category and its analysis, on the one hand, plays a key role in recognizing the status of the state of affairs and its causes, and on the other hand, it has a major impact on policies and measures to reduce the risk and the way it is confronted with it. . What has been studied and analyzed in this research is the analysis of the urban resilience potential of Tehran's 12th district versus the earthquake. In fact, the purpose of this approach is to reduce the vulnerability of communities and strengthen the people's ability to deal with the risks of accidents It is natural. Methodology: Data were analyzed by SPSS software (Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation, T-test, multivariate regression and data path analysis) and using multi-criteria decision-making methods in the form of AHP hierarchical analysis And Expert selection software, ArcGIS and Arc Map software have been used to draw maps Results and discussion: The findings of this study indicate that, based on the findings of the theoretical framework, Urban alleviation has dimensions and indicators that affect the amount of these indicators. In this study, to investigate the resilience of area 12 with approach and attention to earthquake as one of the most important Natural disasters, four dimensions including socio-cultural, economic, institutional and physical-environmental aspects have been used. Each of these dimensions is with Various indicators are defined. In order to analyze the region and the statistical population, preparing different layers in each dimension in the area and drawing maps of vulnerability, vulnerability and resilience of the area, a questionnaire analysis and various tests have been carried out. So that the quality of the indicators of the dimensions of social resilience in the region is low and weak. However, at the district level of the region, this process has different conditions, in the analysis of all options and indicators of resilience in this Next, the neighborhoods of Iran and Ferdowsi have the best situation, and the Harandi and Sangalaj neighborhoods have the worst situation in earthquake resilience. This is more weak in economic analysis of the economic situation in the region, so that in the economic dimension of the defined terms, nearly half of them have a coefficient of less than 2 (average level 3), which indicates that there is no weakness In this context. However, the situation is not uniform in the future, so that the Mokhtari-Takhty and Baharestan settlements are the best, and the Harandi and Arg-Pamjaran neighborhoods are in the worst condition for earthquake resilience. An analysis of the pattern of institutional dimensional layers at the district level 12 as well as the views of citizens and experts indicate weaknesses in the infrastructure of the region, including the capacity of existing organizations in the region to provide services during times of crisis such as earthquakes and increasing vulnerability. This area is in a disaster like earthquake. As with other dimensions, this is true in the institutional aspect, the weaknesses presented and the existing strengths are not uniformly distributed across the region. On a more general level, the neighborhoods of the Pajmran and Mokhtari-Takht tribes are best placed, and The waterfalls and the market are worst offshore in earthquake resilience. The later physical-environment that refers more to the physical infrastructure in the city and the region, has a relatively different pattern than the other dimensions, so that conditions such as satisfaction with the pattern of power lines in the area, the degree of satisfaction with The region's gradient pattern (so that it can manage urban sewage without any disturbances leading to the accumulation of surface water) is in conditions above the average. However, it remains to be noted that the level of proportionality or inappropriateness of the infrastructure and the intended use in this dimension is not consistent at the level of neighborhoods of the region, and the locations of Mokhtari-Takhty and Harandi have the best situation, and the market places and Baharestan's worst situation in terms of earthquake resilience.


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    APA: Copy

    Namjooyan, Farrokh, RAZAVIAN, MOHAMMAD TAGHIE, & SARVAR, RAHIM. (2020). Enhancing Tehran resilience against natural hazards with Emphasize on earthquake. case study 12th district of tehran municipality. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 51(4 ), 1011-1031. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/377644/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Namjooyan Farrokh, RAZAVIAN MOHAMMAD TAGHIE, SARVAR RAHIM. Enhancing Tehran resilience against natural hazards with Emphasize on earthquake. case study 12th district of tehran municipality. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY[Internet]. 2020;51(4 ):1011-1031. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/377644/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Farrokh Namjooyan, MOHAMMAD TAGHIE RAZAVIAN, and RAHIM SARVAR, “Enhancing Tehran resilience against natural hazards with Emphasize on earthquake. case study 12th district of tehran municipality,” HUMAN GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH QUARTERLY, vol. 51, no. 4 , pp. 1011–1031, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/377644/en

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