This is an analytical and descriptive study of Imam Ali's views about the basic methods and principles of political education in Nahjolbalaghe. The nine basics are as followings: devotion to God, moderation, civilization, environment influences, contemplation, benevolence, freedom and free will, weakness, and, last but not least, the attraction of benefaction.With regard to the first basic method, i.e, the devotion to God, the five-fold educational princeples are: God centerism, trust in God, believing the hereafter and the next world after death, enforcing religious rules in all aspects of life, namely, the inseparability of religion and politics, and finally the ruling of morality.Given that moderation is another eminent educational principle, one should consider the triple basics of justice, legality and meritocracy.Civilization embraces th basic principles of democracy, improving the socioeconomic status and ensuring public safety and security. Moreover, benevolence emphasizes the principle of self esteem and dignity. Resemblance to the beneficient is the main educational aim in attaining freedom and free will. While in benefaction secking excellance is the rule. Furthermore, to compensate for the weakness, easygoing is suggested, and to amend the environment influences on the individual, the dual principles of improving the conditions and preparing the grounds may be noted. On the whole, from the abovementioned basic principles and their subsets seventy nine educational methods can be derived.