Background: Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most common challenging pathogens in causing serious infections in intensive care units of modern hospital systems around the world and poses a serious threat to public and patient health. This study aims to analyze the network of scientific and empirical collaborations of A. baumannii researchers in the last three decades. Materials & Methods: The present study was performed using the Co-citation analysis technique. All A. baumannii publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection for the period 1990-2019 are the statistical population of the study. After an advanced search, 4473 documents were retrieved. A total of 18343 authors contributed to the publication of the retrieved documents. Ravar PreMap 1. 0. 0. 0, NetDraw, and UCINET 6. 528. 0. 0 software were utilized for data analysis. Results: Data analysis showed that the global publication of A. baumannii has risen. "Clinical Infectious Diseases, " was the best journal, and "Seifert, Harald, " the most influential researcher, and "Seifert, Harald * Higgins, Paul G, " were identified as the best co-citation pair. Top researchers in A. baumannii were "Beceiro, " "Alejandro, " "HSU Li Yang, " and "Seifert, Harald, " respectively, based on degree, betweenness and closeness centrality indicators. Conclusion: Analysis of social networks A. baumannii presents an objective and realistic view to experts and planners in Medical Sciences. Also, the structure of A. baumannii's internal relationships and researchers' connections is determined objectively. Finally, researchers get acquainted with journals, scientists and organizations that are proliferated and effective and plan to collaborate with them in the future