This study intends to explain the process of education, based on the educational foundations of Islamic mysticism. Indeed, this investigation tries to answer the question; “what is the process of education based on Islamic mysticism?” In this study the analytic-deductive method is used to respond to the above question. At first, the ontological, epistemological and humanistic foundations of Islamic mysticism are explained. Characteristics and aims of the mystical education and also, the meaning of curriculum -according to this approach - are explained afterward. The most important characteristics of Islamic mystical education are as follows: 1) unity oriented, 2) esoteric approach, 3) emphasis on intuition, 4) the concept of education as a journey. According to these qualities, the Islamic mystical aims are divided into three categories. These categories are: the ultimate aim is “awareness of God” by intuitional perception. According to the terminology of Islamic mysticism, this aim is called “union with God”. The mediate aim is “self-awareness”. This kind of knowledge will be achieved by “illumination”. At last, the short-term aims are “love cultivating”, art and moral education. In fact, these aims are as the way and method to achieve the long-term and also mediate aims of mystical education. As a matter of fact this study is suggested to signify these aims in formal education more seriously; because, they have usually been neglected in formal education.