The type of training system and application of calcium spray have considerable effects on storability of fruits. In this study, the effects of calcium chloride spray (0, 0.75, 1.5 and 3 g.L-1) in three times during 2, 4 and 6 weeks before harvest time on apple (Malus domestica) fruits cvs. ‘Gala’ and ‘Delbarestival’, which trained in three different training systems (V shape, HighTech and Cordon) were investigated after 4 months in cold storage. This experiment was designed as split factorial in frame of randomized complete block design with four replications. The fruit characteristics such as fruit firmness, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acid (TA), TSS/TA, total phenolic, total flavonoids, total anthocyanin, ethylene and respiration rate were evaluated at the end of storability. The results showed that training systems types and foliar application with calcium chloride had significant effect on postharvest quality of fruits. Calcium chloride spray increased TSS, TA content, antioxidant capacity, anthocyanin content, phenol content and tissue firmness of fruits at the end of storage in compared to control. Fruits firmness of Gala was higher than Delbarestival cultivars. The highest TSS (14.22%) and TA (0.47%) content were found in fruits produced with High-tech system when sprayed with 0.75 g. L-1 calcium chloride. Ethylene production of Delbarestival (18.36, 15.22 and 15.11 nL/g.h) was higher than Gala fruits (6.60, 6.38 and 8.43 nL/g.h) at three different training systems. Preharvest calcium spray suppresed ethylene production and respiration rate of apple fruits produced at three different training systems as compared to control at the end of storage.