Objective: The aim of this work was to construct and validate the instrument of competency of sport organization managers. Methodology: The present work was a functional survey, and was done as a field study. The statistic population was the sport management experts including the sport manager experts, sociology experts, and sport organization managers. The whole statistic society was not available, so a number of 384 questionnaires were distributed via the convenience sampling method, and 342 questionnaires were used for analysis. The instrument was a Bejani (2018) dissertation questionnaire with 7 components and 24 items, and its content and face reliability were confirmed by a group of sport management experts. The structural equational factor analysis was used for validation of the instrument. Results: The constructed reliability of the questionnaire was approved by the structural equation. The path coefficients of sport organizations managers’ competency with the components of technical ability, scientific ability, personal ability, perceptional-emotional ability, relation management, globalization ability, and competitive ability were 0. 84, 0. 81, 0. 85, 0. 83, 0. 89, 0. 82, and 0. 81, respectively. The statistical amount (t) for all of the seven components was ± 2. 56. Accordingly, all the components had a high foreseeing power on the sport organizations. Due to the good amount of GOF (0. 68) considering the whole goodness of the model, the measuring quality of the model was desirable. Conclusion: It would be useful to use the competency instrument as an instrument within different levels in sport organization such as employment, education, and evaluation of managers. It is noticeable that the model of manger competencies is not a constant issue, and it is a matter of change through different times and environments.