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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Urban codes are a unique tool for creating urban order, but in the contemporary Iranian city, the status of urban codes has mainly been neglected in urban planning, and the contemporary Iranian city has been affected by significant challenges such as the deconstruction of traditional mixed cities and identity crisis. Objectives: Understanding the theoretical foundations governing the different approaches to urban codes and examining the possibility of their application in the contemporary Iranian city is the primary goal of this research. Methodology: This research was performed with the help of descriptive, adaptive and analytical information and collected documentary and library data. Explaining the concepts of "Place and Placemaking" provided a comparison of different approaches from the perspective of how to determine "form and function" as common components of "Place" and "base of urban codes" in the dimension of time. Results: Comprehensive planning theory to establish order in traditional cities, chose the "function" as the basis of urban codes, but its inefficiency has led to the creation of flexible zoning techniques. Since the 1960s with the introduction of complexity theory and presenting two "rule-based" and "norm-based" approaches, lots of criticisms were levelled at New-Urbanism with its "form" based code approach and the Evolutionary theory with the "hybrid" approach. Conclusion: Given the lack of an integrated approach to the contemporary Iranian city, especially its public spaces, prioritizing the "form" over the "function" in the approach to the Form-Based Codes as a holistic, contextual, and participatory approach while providing flexible, functional codes has made it a tool for "placemaking" and sustainable urban development. In other words, the Form-Based Codes seek to create "places" rather than "buildings". Emphasis on "form" paves the way for the formation of the "Urf" or custom based on the valuable "norms" of the Iranian city as a supporter for urban codes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Urban elements play a significant role in the formation, transformation and reproduction of urban identity. They also predispose the context to the emergence of signs and symbols. Signs could appear in various forms in the urban space, affecting the visibility and activity of the city as well as the persistence of its image in the audiences' minds. Urban volumes are part of urban art and graphic, which their visual and contextual quality affect urban spaces. The current study seeks to understand the function of urban elements in creating an urban identity through the nostalgic approach. It also tries to see how communicating process of signs in urban volumes in relation to the audience is. Objectives: The current study considers the analysis of the elements of Rasht city through a nostalgic approach. It also studies the process of formation of Icons, Hypericons and Hypoicons in the selected examples. Methodology: The research method is descriptive-analytical. The method of gathering materials is a combination of library studies and field observations, and the data analysis is qualitative. Results: Results suggest that a sense of nostalgia is created by the use of elements and volumes derived from art and culture in the urban environment as parts of the city identity. Conclusion: The association of nostalgia can be found in some of the Rasht sculptures which have historical and cultural themes. Some sculptures in the city of Rasht, referring to the indigenous nature, traditional jobs and occupations, historical monuments as well as epic and heroic events, create a sense of belonging and place in the audience.

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Background: City image is one of the urban environment concepts, which is the basis for any kind of individuals' decisions, actions and emotional reactions. This concept constitutes the objective and subjective representation of the urban environment, individuals' emotions toward it and branded image of the city in the audiences' mind. City image has been considered from different perspectives in various eras owing to the developments of scientific knowledge, and economic, political and social transformations. Objectives: The three modern, postmodern, and globalized periods owing to their circumstances and conditions focused on city image from different perspectives. Therefore, this research aims to examine the process of evolution of the concept of city image during the so-called periods. Methodology: The current research is a qualitative study which conducted descriptively and analytically. Results: Results indicate that the concept of city image has transformed during the so-called periods. In Modernism era, concepts such as image ability and readability emerged owing to the thoughts such as modern manipulation of physical space and too much attention to auto mobilization, concrete and physical factors. In the Postmodern era, the evaluative image of the urban environment seeks to extract environmental meanings and emotions from individuals' lived experiences phenomenological. With the onset of the Age of Communication, Globalization and competitiveness of cities, the use of information and communications, especially digital tools of city image, become prevalent which could attract capital, tourists and visitors as the main components of branding and marketing. Conclusion: Today, the image of the city is not a sheer physical concept prevalent in the modern era anymore. And, it is considered as one of the most significant components of marketing and branding in combination with communication and information technology.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The quality of the urban design as one of its significant purposes, developed from societal desires and according to the present conditions; it covers all the four factors of aesthetic-objective, functional, aesthetic-subjective, and environmental. Since studying the quality of urban design of a place requires the assessment of urban environment components and its different dimensions, the model of creative place can be used for describing quality factors of urban design. Golkar`s model entitles as “ Sustainable place” extracted from “ Place” model proposed by Canter, is one of the most comprehensive models for assessing the qualities of place. Sustainable place model imports to four dimensions of form, function, imaginations and ecosystem. In this study, the dimensions of function and imaginary that constitute the empirical-aesthetic Factor are assessed in the case study area. The area of study, Jumhuri Street, is one of the oldest historical streets in the eighth district of Tabriz city. Jumhuri Street was considered as one of the worth seeing places of Tabriz. Objectives: This research, investigates the creative qualities of the empirical-aesthetic Factor from the viewpoint of the people living in the case study area, people living in the other regions of Tabriz city and tourists. Methodology: Content-analysis is used to investigate various ideas and views toward qualities of empirical-aesthetic Factor from different philosophies and select the most critical ones. Then, through using the surveying method, various items of empirical-aesthetic Factor were assessed. Results: Results indicate that legibility and visual character are the most critical qualities of empirical-aesthetic Factor. Conclusion: Different individuals from the whole Tabriz City, Eighth district and tourists have different ideas about the qualities of legibility and visual character.

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Background: Mixed Land-Use is a form of urban development based on the concentration of different land-uses in a specified region which is a new approach to locating and linking land uses. To evaluate the distribution pattern of urban mixed land-uses, one of the spatial indicators entitled as Diversity Index is used. One of the applications of the concept of "diversity" in urban planning is "diversity of place". Separation and integration are two important words which play a critical role in defining the diversity of place and can be used interchangeably. In this regard, "diversity of place" includes all social and economic mixes, combinations and structures, unique places, different income levels, races, genders, morals, households size, lifestyles and non-residential activities. If a mixed land-use is going to be complex enough to maintain security, public interaction, and the interactive user, it should have multiple diverse components. Though cities can naturally be considered as the natural creation of economic varieties for business, it does not mean that cities create diversity spontaneously. Objectives: Although there are several models to assess diversity, using these models individually cannot assess the "Diversity" in Mixed land use zones, accurately owing to their low indicators. Thus, the current study aims to introduce the "place diversity model". Methodology: A combination of natural science and Delphi methods as well as average statistical, scattered point diagram with failure point criterion, Kendall coordination coefficient and Shannon entropy are used to reach the main aim of the current study. Results: The final model was presented in 12 indicators that the index of "Degree of mixed land use index" is most important with an index weight of 0. 31 and the least significant indicator is "gender composition index" with an index weight of 0. 014. Conclusion: In this study, a new model of "diversity of place" is introduced to evaluate the Mixed land-use zone and the impact factor and priority of its indicators are also determined.

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Background: Environmental quality is what represents the environment and helps it to be perceived. As one of the most critical and fundamental implications of quality of life, Environmental quality embraces welfare and well-being feelings, comfort, and individuals' satisfaction of spatial-physical, socio-economical, environmental, and symbolic factors. Health, as a complex structure, can contribute to the adaptation of an individual to its surroundings. Hence, mental health depends on having a positive sense of well-being, successful adaptation and appropriate and desirable behaviors of the surrounding environment, which are influenced by the environmental quality. Objectives: The current study aims to extract the effective components in the creation of a high-quality residential area as well as study the relationship between the physical environment and mental health of residents. Methodology: Two questionnaires of mental health (28GHQ) and researcher-made questionnaire are used to evaluate the role of environmental quality in improving mental health. Residents of the Sang-e-Siyah neighborhood of Shiraz were considered as the statistical society, and the sample size was estimated using Cochran formula. Cronbach's alpha coefficient determined the reliability of the questionnaire, and statistical data analysis was conducted by SPSS and LISREL software. Results: Results indicate that environmental quality improvement per unit contributes to the increase of mental health by 0. 91. Also, there is a significant relationship between the quality of the physical environment and social capital (social cohesion, trust, and security), green space, access to services, landscape (continuity and adaptability), form and function (diversity and vitality) components at 99 and 95% confidence levels. Social cohesion has the highest correlation with environmental quality. Conclusion: Social cohesion and trust in the neighborhood can have a more significant impact on mental health promotion. Finally, suggestions are provided in the contexts of physical, social-cultural, meaningfulness and readability, flexibility and eventfulness, socializability, vitality and diversity, memory, and security to improve the status quo,

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Background: The achievement of sustainable development in whose shadow, social welfare and economic development would appear, requires the creation of appropriate infrastructures which transportation network is one of the most important and efficient ones; therefore, sustainable transport strategy can be considered as one of the most significant issues in the field of sustainable development. Hence, considering approaches which lead transportation to environmental, economic and social sustainability seems necessary, which is one of the transport integration approaches. In this regard, Kerman province has not reached its real status owing to the lack of proper planning in the transportation sector. Consequently, there is a need to predispose the context to provide proper planning and change the existing planning style. Objectives: The current paper, which is exploratory-descriptive-prescriptive aims to prepare and assess the strategies of Regional Transport Integrated Development in Kerman province. Methodology: Through using the documentary method, the required information is gathered by referring to the existing texts, textbooks, documents, papers. Also, field methods such as questionnaires and interview are used to complete the data. The statistical society is Kerman province transportation experts, planners and managers who some of them were interviewed as sample society. The current study provides some strategies using the Delphi model and SWOT technique to improve the current conditions of region transportation integrity. Then, strategies are prioritized using the Network Analysis process (ANP). Results: Results indicate that Proactive Strategies are well-suited for Kerman province. Therefore, Proactive strategies were analyzed using ANP model, and their final priority indicates that Organizational-managerial integration is more significant than other integrations. Conclusion: Indeed, management integrity has made it an integral part of decision making, and it predisposes the context to the realization of other types of integration in the transportation sector.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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