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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

رضائیان محسن

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تا کنون در مجله دانشگاه، به ضرورت بررسی دقیق و موشکافانه متون مرتبط، به هنگام نگارش یک مقاله بارها اشاره نموده ایم. بنیاد دانش بشری، در واقع بر اساس چنین بررسی های دقیق و موشکافانه شکل می گیرد. در واقع، محققین ضمن مطالعه نقادانه تمامی متون مرتبط، به بهترین آنها در مقاله خود استناد نموده و سپس با ارائه یافته های جدید خود، برگ نوینی را به دانش بشری می افزایند. سؤالی که ممکن است در این زمینه مطرح گردد، این است که "به هنگام نگارش یک مقاله، چگونه می توان به منابع استناد نمود؟ "...

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Background and Objectives: In the past decades, due to population growth and industrial activities, important water resources around the world have been exposed to domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewater. One of the most important wastewater pollutants is linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LASs). This study aimed to investigate the concentration and health risk assessment of these compounds in the Abbasabad River in Hamadan. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in the spring of 2019 from the water sample of Abbasabad River in 17 stations. In this study, the optimized and modified method of methylene blue was used to measure the amount of LAS. After preparing the samples using the methylene blue method, the organic phase of the sample was separated and the LAS absorption was read using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 650 nm, and the LAS concentration was calculated using the obtained absorption and calibration curve. LAS health risk assessment was performed by calculating the risk quotient (RQ) index. Results: The results showed LAS concentration ranged from 0. 11 to 2. 65 mg/L with a mean of 1. 25 mg/L. Based on field observations, the entry of untreated wastewater into the Abbasabad River was the main cause of the high concentration of LAS. The results of the health risk assessment showed no risk in different age groups. Conclusion: The results show that at this level of LAS concentration in the Abbasabad River of Hamadan, there is no significant concern for human health. However, it is worthwhile to prevent the entry of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater into valuable water resources.

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Background and Objectives: Change in the lower extremity alignments in the frontal plane and muscle activation patterns during pedaling is associated with patellofemoral pain (PFP) and iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the effect of band loop on kinematic and electromyography of lower extremities during pedaling. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, Kinematic information of the lower extremity and the electromyographic activity of muscles of 30 male students (normal=15, Genuvarum (GV)=15) in the Movafaghian Clinic in Tehran were recorded during pedaling with and without band loop in 10 pedaling cycles of last 30 seconds. Independent t-test and paired t-test were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed a significant difference in the gluteus medius (Gmed) muscle activation (p=0. 001) and Gmed/tensor fasciae latae (TFL) activity ratio in both groups (normal p= 0. 042, GV p= 0. 045), onset of TFL (p=0. 007) and offset of Gmed activity (p=0. 018) in the normal group, and the onset of Gmed muscle (p=0. 048), offset of Gmed (p=0. 047) and mean knee abduction angle (p=0. 047) in the GV group. Also, the results showed a significant difference in TFL activation with and without the loop across the two groups (with loop p= 0. 001, without loop p= 0. 003) and the mean (p=0. 021) and maximum knee abduction angle (p=0. 027) without loop between the two groups. Conclusion: Pedaling with loop band can be an effective method to increase the function and activation of Gmed muscle while decreasing TFL, improving knee kinematics in the frontal plane and knee stability to prevent injury in the normal and GV groups.

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Background and Objectives: The extensive use of chemical drugs for the treatment and control of chronic and infectious diseases as well as colorectal cancer, has led to an increased demand for natural and safe drugs and preservatives. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the presence of functional groups of constituents, total phenol and flavonoids content, radical scavenging potential, and antimicrobial activity of Callistemon citrinus aqueous extract (CCE). Its interaction with common therapeutic antibiotics and cytotoxic effect on cell line HT29 was also evaluated. Materials and Methods: In this laboratory study, the presence of functional groups of chemical constituents of C. citrinus aqueous extract was evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Free radical scavenging activity, total phenol and flavonoids content, antimicrobial activity of C. citrinus aqueous extract and its interaction with chloramphenicol and gentamicin antibiotics, and the viability of cell line HT29 (through MTT [3-(4, 5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] test) under different concentrations of C. citrinus aqueous extract were investigated. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan’ s test. Results: The C. citrinus aqueous extract had a considerable antimicrobial effect on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria innocua. The free radicals scavenging effect of C. citrinus aqueous extract was in the range of 51. 33-71. 68%. The presence of C-C and OH groups of phenolic compounds of C. citrinus aqueous extract was confirmed by FTIR. After 24 hours, the different concentrations of C. citrinus aqueous extract reduced the growth of cell line HT29 compared to the control group (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The C. citrinus aqueous extract had antimicrobial activity, antioxidant potential and inhibitory effect on cell line HT29. Therefore, the use of C. citrinus aqueous extract could be suggested in pharmaceutical and food industries.

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Background and Objectives: Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. KAT2B (Lysine Acetyltransferase 2B) is a mitochondrial protein known as mitochondria clearing control organ by mitophagy. PRDX6 (Peroxiredoxin 6) is a key regulator of mitophagy and plays a critical role in maintaining mitochondrial ROS (Reactive oxygen species) homeostasis. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of swimming endurance training on expression of PRDX6 and KAT2B genes in male hippocampus model of Wistar rat after induction of Alzheimer's. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 18 rats were randomly divided into 3 groups including control, Alzheimer's and exercise-Alzheimer's groups. The Alzheimer's model was created by injecting beta 42-1 amyloid into the CA1 hippocampus region, and the training group rats participated in the swimming 30 min/day for a period of 3 weeks. In order to confirm the Alzheimer's model, thioflavin staining was used, and Real Time PCR method was used to determine the expression of the desired genes. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’ s post-hoc test was used for data analysis. Results: There was a significant difference between the amount of beta-amyloid plaques in the two groups of Alzheimer's and control (p<0. 001). Alzheimer's disease significantly reduced the expression of PRDX6 and KAT2B genes in the Alzheimer's rats hippocampus (p<0. 001), and also following the endurance exercise, the PRDX6 gene expression increased compared with the Alzheimer's group (p=0. 027). Conclusion: Endurance training can possibly maintain oxidative balance and improve mitochondrial hemostasis in Alzheimer's disease.

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Background and Objectives: Love trauma is a common phenomenon in students that causes various academic and psychological problems. The present study aimed to investigate the development of a model for predicting love trauma based on problem-solving styles with the mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the students of Mohaghegh Ardabili University. Materials and Methods: This study was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population included all the students of Mohaghegh Ardabili University in the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020, out of which, a sample of 200 students was selected via purposive sampling method and responded to Love Trauma (Rosse), Cognitive Flexibility (Dennis et al. ) and Problem Solving Styles (Cassidy et al. ) questionnaires. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: The results showed that love trauma was negatively associated with cognitive flexibility (r=-0. 51, p<0. 001) and problem-solving styles (r=-0. 64, p<0. 001). Moreover, cognitive flexibility was positively associated with problemsolving styles (r=0. 32, p<0. 001). Model fitness indicators also confirmed the effect of problem-solving styles on love trauma through the cognitive flexibility. Conclusion: According to the role of problem-solving styles and cognitive flexibility in the prediction of love trauma, it is recommended to hold training workshops based on reducing the symptoms of love trauma and teaching problemsolving strategies and emotion management.

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Background and Objectives: The appearance of complex issues with insufficient information has resulted in the consensus or unanimity spread. The consensus methods include the nominal group and the Delphi method. The Delphi method is a systematic process to predict and help making decision through survey rounds and information gathering and finally the group consensus. This method has been designed as a group communication process aiming at conducting accurate examinations and discussion of a particular issue in order to determine aims, political researches and future events prediction based on experts’ opinions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to gain a general understanding about methodology and its applications in designing different programs with due attention to the importance of this method in medical sciences research, including health. In this study, first the general structure of the Delphi study method (history, definitions, purposes and its application) is discussed. Afterwards, different types of Delphi method, including classical, policy, decision, numerical and historical methods (along with examples for better understanding of the subject) are discussed. In the following part, the main components of the Delphi method including recitation or repetition, experts, experts qualifications, number of experts involved in the study, controlled feedback, questionnaire, sampling method, participant anonymity, time, results analysis, and experts consensus are explained. Finally, the Delphi study process, which includes the first, second and third rounds, and studying the weaknesses and strengths, validity and reliability of the Delphi method, is studied.

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Background and Objectives: The use of nanotechnology is rapidly expanding in various fields, especially in the health and pharmaceutical fields. The purpose of this study was to produce biological Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and silver (Ag) nanoparticles (NPs) using extract of milk thistle seeds and to determine their antibacterial properties. Materials and Methods: In this laboratory study, biological NPs were synthesized using aqueous extract of milk thistle, and ZnO NPs were chemically synthesized as well. After investigating the structural properties, the antibacterial effects of the nanomaterials on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were studied at the concentrations of 0. 8, 0. 4, 0. 2, 0. 1, 0. 05 and 0 (control) mg/ml. Results: The size of the biologically synthesized ZnO/Ag NPs was determined (17. 5 nm), which was smaller than the chemical NPs (22 nm). Due to smaller size, it could have more bioactivity. Furthermore, the presence of organic compounds in the structure of NPs was confirmed. Both types of NPs showed dose-dependent antibacterial effects. Despite high sensitivity of bacteria to the biological NPs, this difference was statistically significant only at theconcentration of 0. 8 mg/ml (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The findings showed that biological NPs were more effective on the bacterial growth. This could be due to their smaller size and presence of active plant compounds in their structure.

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آموزش بهداشت "ترکیبی از تجربیات یادگیری شده است که با هدف تسهیل اتخاذ رفتارهای بهداشتی طراحی می شود، سازمان بهداشت جهانی، آموزش بهداشت را به عنوان "کلیه تجارب شخص که بر روی نگرش ها یا رفتارهای او در مورد سلامتی تأثیر می گذارند و بیشتر شامل جریانات و کوشش هایی است که موجب این تغییرات می گردد"، تعریف می نماید...

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