The rules and regulations related to the Contract Laws are developing progressively. It is so in many countries and communities. The “ Principles of European Contract Law” , the “ Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law” and the “ Draft Common Frame of Reference” are good examples in this respect. In Germany the reform of contract law, which had started in 1970, finally adapted after 30 years in 2001. In France the reform codified in particular a number of principles that have emerged in th e case law. After a decade of discussion, French Contract Law has finally been reformed by the way of an ordinance published on the 11th of February 2016 and came in to force on October 2016. The objectives of reform are notably the simplification for economic welfare, omitting the code clauses which are less effective, modernization and ultimately attractiveness of French Contract Law as wholly emerged in the case law by courts. Main aspects of reform are related to the extension of good faith to cover the negotiation and the conclusion of the contract, duty to inform, transparency, giving effect to unilateral promises to enter into a specified contract, revocation of promise, promise and option contract. The civil code of Iran is now 80 years old and many of its articles need to be amended. Iranian contract law is very similar to its French equivalent.