We are conducting this study to evaluate the effective maternal factor in Low Birth Weight (LBW) infants. In this work mothers age, number of pregnancy, history of chronic diseases such as, hypertension, diabetes, or toxemia of pregnancy, drug using, mothers addiction and Cigarette smoking, education as an indication of socio -cultural and also infants sex, weight limits and gestational age that causes LBW were studied. This study is a cross -sectional type and is based on observation, questionnaire and reviewing hospitalized mothers’ files in Bou - Ali hospital for a period of one year (1996-1997).Statistically from 1700 birth during this time in Bou - Ali Hospital, 105 infant weighted 2500 grams or less, this means that 6.2% of cases were LBW, from which 57.2% were girls and the rest were boys. Most of the mothers were in the range of 20-24 years of age (34.3%) and the majority had gravidity of 2-5 (45-7%). The majority or LBW weighted 2000-2500 grams (60%) . 57.2% of LBW infants had gestational age less than 37 weeks and 48.2% were SGA and had gestational age more than 37 weeks. 55% of the LBW infants mothers had the history of diseases such as chronic hypertension (19%), toxcemia of pregnancy (16.%) and cigarette smoking (8.6%).Since the LBW is the major factor in infants mortality and morbidity, and since the majority if these factors are preventable, we are hoping with close cooperation between gynecologists and pediatricians and education of the mothers and young girls, to minimize the number of such incidences.