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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: The implementation of Islamic dress code and behavior at universities is a part of the Islamic etiquette which reflects the cultural form and content of the Islamic society. The present study aimed to evaluate the awareness of the faculty members of these regulations and their drawbacks and strengths. For the purposes of the study, the faculty members were asked about the extent of the success in the implementation of those regulations at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out using a descriptive approach. The required data were collected through a questionnaire that included demographic information and 33 main questions about the subject. In total, 68 faculty members were selected from all the faculties. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 20) using Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: Based on the findings, 72. 1% of the professors were aware of the dress code and behavior regulations, while 55. 9% of them stated that they were not properly informed about these regulations. Moreover, 48. 5% of the professors adhered to these regulations and 17. 2%, 46. 6%, 31%, and 2. 5% of them considered these regulations highly, moderately, hardly, and very scarcely successful, respectively. Conclusion: The majority of the professors of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences had a positive attitude towards the implementation of Islamic dress code and behavior at the university and believed that it would maintain the expediency and dispose of the moral harms. Furthermore, they insisted on persuasive and informative attempts as precautionary policies.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common and debilitating diseases of the central nervous system which leads to neuronal (myelin) disruption (1). It is estimated that about two million people worldwide suffer from this disease (2, 3). In this regard, this study aimed to explore the relationship between spiritual well-being and the quality of life in the MS patients who referred to the Baghyatallah clinic. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 80 patients within the age range of 16-60 years who had referred to the Baghyatallah MS clinic during 2017. The required data were collected through the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, Academy of Medical Sciences Questionnaire, and Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). Moreover, the collected data were analyzed using independent t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. It should be noted that a p-value of less than 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Based on the findings, the mean age of the subjects was 9. 99± 35. 33 years and almost 70% of them were female. Furthermore, the results indicated that the mean scores of the physical and psychological aspects of the quality of life were 39. 76± 16. 20 and 48. 35± 13. 30, respectively. In addition, the spiritual health score was reported at 91. 79± 5. 30 based on the Academy of Medical Sciences Questionnaire. The results also showed that an increase in spiritual health led to a significant increase in physical (P=0. 002) and psychological (P=0. 017) aspects of well-being based on the Spiritual Well-Being Scale which, in turn, led to an improvement in the quality of life. Therefore, the findings from the Academy of Medical Sciences Questionnaire revealed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the spiritual well-being and quality of life of MS patients. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that there is a necessity to improve spiritual health as a factor that affects the quality of life of MS patients. This key finding could be useful and necessary in designing care-therapy programs for such patients in a country with the intellectual, cultural, and religious beliefs of Iran.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Aging period is a critical stage of life, and attention to the problems and needs of this life stage is a social concern. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between attachment to God and psychological hardiness and dead anxiety in retired elderly men. Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive-correlation study carried out in Roudsar in 2017. The research population consisted of 165 old men, out of whom 88 cases were selected based on Morgan's table. Data were collected by Templer's Death Anxiety Questionnaire, Beck and McDonald’ s Attachment to God questionnaire, and Ahvaz psychological hardiness questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using multivariable regression statistical methods and Pearson correlation. Results: As evidenced by the obtained results, there was a negative significant correlation between death anxiety and attachment to God (r=-0. 883, P<0. 01), including the relationship with God (r=-0. 852, P<0. 01), belief in God (r=-0. 816, P<0. 01), trust in God (r=-0. 834, P<0. 01), and attention to God (r=-0. 836, P<0. 01). In addition, a negative significant correlation was detected between psychological hardiness and death anxiety (r=-0. 851, P<0. 01). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, dead anxiety of retired elderly men showed a significant negative relationship with attachment to God and hardiness. Considering the significant relationship between attachment to God and psychological hardiness with dead anxiety, we recommend taking the necessary measures to promote the spirituality and resilience of elderly men to improve their mental health.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Due to the advertising of new technologies for the use of biochemical resources to enhance muscle mass, doping is interwoven with the development of the modernized organized sport. Different fields of study, such as history, sociology, and psychology investigate doping with their theoretical methods and frameworks. The present study aimed to investigate the psychological relationship between the level of religiosity and the doping susceptibility among the bodybuilding athletes in Ilam, Iran. Materials and Methods: The study population of this descriptivecorrelational study included all male athletes referring to bodybuilding gyms in Ilam, Iran, during 2018. In total, 120 athletes were selected using the available sampling method. The data were collected using a Santa Clara strength of religious faith questionnaire and doping susceptibility questionnaire. The data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 22) through the Pearson correlation coefficient to investigate the relationship between religious faith and doping susceptibility. Results: The results showed a significant negative relationship between religious beliefs and doping susceptibility (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The more deep-rooted religious beliefs are regarded as protective factors against the tendency towards doping behaviors in athletes. This issue could be considered an important outcome regarding the health of athletes.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Contentment is one of the moral virtues that has been considered in Islamic and Iranian sources; however, this virtue has been faded drastically these days. According to the literature, mental well-being and physical health are expected to have effects on contentment. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of an increase in contentment based on Iranian-Islamic sources on mental well-being and physical health. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with three groups using a pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. In total, 36 individuals were purposefully selected from seminary students in Qom and undergraduate students at Mazandaran University, Iran, and randomly divided into two experimental and one control groups. The two experimental groups received the protocol of an increase in the contentment using Iranian-Islamic content. All participants completed the Mental Well-Being Questionnaire (Mental Happiness Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale) and the Physical Health Sub-Scale of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF Questionnaire in three stages. Results: Results of analysis of variance with repeated measures showed an improvement in the mental well-being of both groups of students after intervention and follow-up, compared to the control group. However, unlike the seminary student group, the implementation of the contentment protocol did not increase the physical health of the university student group, compared to the control group. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that an improvement in positive human virtues, such as contentment and education of these virtues, could have a positive effect on the components of mental health, including mental well-being and physical health.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Spirituality and spiritual intelligence are important elements in individual and organizational life representing a set of capabilities, capacities, and spiritual sources. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of spiritual intelligence in the relationship between perfectionism and life expectancy among the administrators of Islamic Azad University, Mazandaran, Iran. Materials and Methods: The study population of this descriptivecorrelational study were all the administrators and deputies (n=542) of departments, faculties, and groups of Islamic Azad Universities of Mazandaran. A total of 225 participants were selected by random sampling method. The data were collected using Asadpour Perfectionism (2016), Schneider et al. Life Expectancy (1991), and Badie et al. Spiritual Intelligence (2010) questionnaires. The data were analyzed using onevariable regression tests and structural equations. Results: The obtained results of the present study showed the significant and direct effect of perfectionism variables on spiritual intelligence and spiritual intelligence on life expectancy. In addition, perfectionism through the mediating role of spiritual intelligence had an indirect effect on life expectancy. Furthermore, about 56% of the spiritual intelligence variance and 25% of the life expectancy variance were explained by perfectionism. Moreover, approximately 88% of the life expectancy variance was justified by spiritual intelligence. Conclusion: The education and improvement of spiritual intelligence, perfectionism, and life expectancy facilitate decision-making and enhance mental health.

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Religion and Health

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Achieving mental health is one of the most basic guidelines of religious teachings, and this will not be possible except with divine attitude. Physically-disabled individuals are one of the most important target groups that can achieve optimal mental attitudes through correct attitudes. Therefore, this research seeks to answer the question “ what are the attitudes, presented in religious teachings, for physically-disabled individuals to achieve mental health? ” In this research, verses and narratives about attitudes of physically-disabled people were extracted and analyzed through descriptive and analytical method. Religious attitudes toward improving mental health of physically-disabled people are as follows: 1. Physical weakness is one of the examples of divine exams, 2. Problems are relative; there may be more harm than low-grade disease, 3. God has considered many revenues to the physically-disabled people, 4. God is easy when judging physically-disabled individuals. 5. Physical disability is not a sign of sinfulness of a person, 6. Physical disabled has the chance in avoiding sins, 7. Physically-disabled people should not compare themselves with others. The best way to provide the right attitude to physically-disabled people is to have religious attitudes based on which: firstly, they have a positive attitude towards themselves and their god and set of being; secondly, they find this world a place in which they must struggle; thirdly, they enjoy their life by paying attention to their abilities without comparing themselves with others. Fourthly, they would be safe from possible psychological problems. Fifthly, they will be a very useful force for the community.

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Religion and Health

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Human cloning or human reproduction through nonsexual transplantation is an interdisciplinary issue that has been discussed by researchers from different dimensions, including theological dimension and perspective of science, religion, and health. Since some scientific discoveries, such as human simulation, are related to human beliefs, several religious scholars have shown special sensitivity to religious teachings and consider such discoveries to be contrary to the divine verses and religious beliefs; accordingly, in the case of human cloning, they banned it. Therefore, it is necessary to study and examine the argument of their violation and show that scientific discoveries may not only not weaken beliefs but also strengthen faith. As a result, there is a kind of interference in this sacred domain, based on God's special monotheistic viewpoint, which both disrupts and weakens the belief in God. The present study is a content analysis with the Evaluation of theological arguments on the prohibition of human cloning-regardless of the type of religion-and its evaluation to determine whether human cloning is of creation type, and human beings with this technology actually do the work of God and fail to worship God? According to the obtained results, it was revealed that God's creativity and cause in relation to the world and beings lay along the material causes and factors, not within it. In addition, this is only the God who creates, and scientific discoveries, including human cloning, not only undermine the belief in God but also strengthen it, indicative of the greatness of the Lord.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: The qualitative and quantitative study of scientific productions in different fields, as well as the review of the papers indexed in reliable citation indexes, has become a modern approach defined as scientometrics. The current research aimed to assess the position of scientific productions of researchers in the field of Quran and health in the Scopus database in terms of quantity and quality using scientometric techniques. Materials and Methods: This research was an applied descriptive study carried out as citation analysis. The research population includes scientific productions in the field of Quran and health in the Scopus database within 1989-2018. The data obtained from the study of production, prominence, and citation indices were analyzed in Excel software. Results: As evidenced by the obtained results, the scientific productions indexed in Scopus database in the field of Quran and health within1989-2018 had an average annual growth of 11. 4%. The highest percentage of scientific production prominence within 2016-2018 and the correlation coefficient between the production index and index of scientific productions prominence in the field of Quran and health was obtained at 0. 54. Scientific productions in the medical category account for 51% of the total scientific productions in the field of Quran and health. In terms of citation index, each document received an average of 5. 89% citations. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, researchers in this field have strived to study the undiscovered aspects. Nevertheless, different researchers are required to take more effective steps to identify the potential of this valuable resource in the field “ Quran and Health” .

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Euthanasia is one of the important topics in the philosophy of bioethics, the right to life of a sick person. The question arises whether the doctor can end his life with compassion, based on the request of a patient who is suffering from a severe illness and does not have the hope of recovering. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitude of medical students of Babol University of Medical Sciences Towards Death from symopathy. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 113 medical students of Babol University of Medical Sciences from2017 to 2018 were studied. The obtained data in this study were collected in the questionnaire containing 20 questions on euthanasia (AES). Data were analyzed by Chisquare statistical method using SPSS 18 software. Results: The results of this study showed that 35 (31%) of the respondents had a positive attitude and 78 (69%) had a negative attitude toward euthanasia. The mean of total attitude to euthanasia was 67. 45 ± 4. 84. Chi-square test showed that the relationship between the attitude of death from sympathy and age, gender, specialized period and specialized fields was not significant at the significance level of 0. 05. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that a high percentage of medical students had a negative attitude toward euthanasia, but a significant percentage also agreed that this issue. Regarding the dignity of pious jurisprudential and religious law, it is suggested to be aware of this issue in medical students' education courses and to carefully plan euthanasia phenomena in future educational plans for medical and nursing students.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Despite many valuable researches on religion and health, but the issue of mental health and the ways of presenting religious teachings still need to be studied. One of the possible results of using an improper method in teaching religious beliefs is its impact on psychological health. The aim in this paper is to deal with the role of ways of teaching religious beliefs on psychological health of Babolsar female high school students according to teachers` viewpoint. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-survey the study subjects were Babolsar girl high school teachers. In this project, we selected 100 teachers by random sampling method based on Morgan table. We collected data in a questionnaire that Cranach’ s alpha coefficient was estimated at 0. 911. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and regression tests, using SPSS 16 software. Results: research revealed that according to teachers’ ` viewpoint the methods of teaching religious beliefs (storytelling, reasoning, dramatic and allegorical methods) played a significant role on the mental health of Babolsar female high school students. The statistic disclosed that the ways of teaching has74percentage impact on students`sychological health. Conclusion: The result of the research displays that the promotion of religious teachings in a specific framework can be realized, which if not followed, cannot achieved its aims and may sometimes have opposite results. The test results also indicated the same conclusion.

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