Social vitality can be defined as satisfaction with life satisfaction and happiness in life, which are the main elements of well-being, so that this concept is now an important political goal for the government and cultural officials, along with other major goals. Such as economic growth or important issues such as development. On the other hand, the media have an effective role in the attitude and lifestyle of citizens, and by addressing the issues of interest to the audience, they can provide them with social vitality. In order to address this issue, this study was conducted to identify media strategies to increase social vitality based on themes and sports news. For this purpose, grounded theory method including three stages of open coding, axial and selective Strauss and Corbin was used. 24 in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted by theoretical sampling with relevant experts and in order to evaluate the validity of the extracted results, 10 professors were presented separately and their opinions were received for correction and adjustment. The central theme of the research was to increase the social vitality of citizens, which through sports media strategies can encourage citizens to participate in sports and help develop sports culture in society by informing sports news. Findings of research in the dimension of strategies were such as audience research in the field of sports enthusiasts, news policy, development of championship sports news, attention to sports economics and news management with a focus on the Olympics and world sports events.