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Objectives Investigating the elderly's lifestyle conditions is a challenging issue, due to various factors influencing lifestyle. The current study was developed to explore the construct and validity of the Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (HLQ) among the Iranian elderly who receive home care services. Methods & Materials This combinatory, sequential exploratory study was conducted for creating a lifestyle measuring tool among the elderly in Tehran City, Iran, in 2018. The research was performed in 4 steps including the following: studying semi-structured texts and interviews (the elderly & specialists); extracting fields and factors related to lifestyle; validity examination, and the final assessment on the target community (reliability). To check the validity, ratio tests were implemented by the expert's panel (n=20 in 8 different specialty fields related to the elderly's treatment). Besides, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was implemented to check the scale’ s reliability (n=40). SPSS was also used for the statistical analysis of the collected data. Results The agreed limit for the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was selected as 42% according to the specialist's number. Accordingly, out of 130 extracted questions, only 69 questions, CVR point was more than the agreed limit (CVR≥ 0. 42). Thus, the remained question's CVR point equaled 52. 5, by dividing it by the number of remained questions. CVI was calculated to be 0. 76 for the whole questionnaire. Moreover, CVI was more than the agreed limit for all the questions in 11 fields (CVI≥ 0. 76). Lifestyle’ s Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0. 979) was >0. 7. Conclusion The Elderly's Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire (EHLSQ) has appropriate reliability and validity for assessing lifestyle in the elderly. It can be used to evaluate lifestyle among the elderly in various studies.

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Objectives Today, psychological care for the elderly has received increasing attention due to potential threats posed by aging, loneliness, gradual decline in physical activity, increase of chronic diseases, social isolation, and physical and mental disabilities. The positive psychology approach to mental health seeks to promote the mental health of people by identifying and developing mental abilities and competences. The present study aimed to predict psychological well-being of the elderly based on the components of positive psychology including spirituality, gratitude to God, and perceived social support. Methods & Materials This is a descriptive correlational study conducted on 211 elderly people aged 60-70 years (109 males and 102 females) who were selected randomly. Data collection tools were a demographic form (surveying age, gender, education, marital status, and socioeconomic status), and Paloutzian and Ellisons’ Spirituality Well-Being Scale, short form of Ryff’ s Psychological Wellbeing Scale, Emmons and Crumpler’ s Gratitude to God Questionnaire, and Zimet’ s Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS software V. 22 by using descriptive (Mean and Standard Deviation), Pearson correlation test, and stepwise regression analysis. Results Mean and Standard Deviation of different study variables were reported as follows: Psychological well-being =7. 1± 10. 68; Spirituality =90. 22± 15. 36; Gratitude to God =14. 09± 2. 41; Social support from family members =21. 6± 4. 2; Social support from friends =16. 5± 5. 8; and Social support from significant others =20. 23± 5. The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that spirituality (F1, 209=62. 02, P=0. 001), social support from family members (F1, 208=11. 06, P=0. 001), and gratitude to God (F1, 207=4. 80, P=0. 001) could significantly explain 27% of the psychological well-being variance in the elderly. Conclusion Increased spirituality, gratitude to God, and perceived social support especially from family members can improve psychological well-being of the elderly. Hence, Strengthening and paying special attention to their spiritual needs and perceived social support as well as planning health care for them can help increase their psychological well-being.

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Objectives Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases among older people which is one the most important causes of disability and heavy socio-economic burden on the elderly and society. This study aimed to investigate the effect of melilotus officinalis oil on knee joint pain and stiffness among older adults with mild to moderate primary knee osteoarthritis. Methods & Materials This is a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial (registration code: IRCT2016082129461N1). Participants were 61 eligible older adults (35 females and 26 males with a mean age of 78± 7. 79 years) residing in one of the nursing homes in Tehran, Iran who had mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis clinically diagnosed by an orthopedic physician. Then they were assigned randomly into two groups of intervention and control received melilotus officinalis oil and diclofenac gel, respectively, using a randomization table based on balance block randomization. The data were collected using a demographic form and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) for evaluating knee joint pain and stiffness at baseline, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after the intervention. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS V. 23 software. Results There was no statistically significant different between the intervention and control groups in terms of sociodemographic variables (age, education, marital status, occupation, smoking, physical activity, chronic illness, and medication) at baseline. Knee pain (F1, 58=119. 07, P<0. 001) and joint stiffness (F 1, 58=19. 9, P<0. 001) reduced significantly in both groups, where the effect size was higher in the intervention group. No considerable side effect reported during the study. Conclusion Compared to diclofenac gel, melilotus officinalis oil can reduce knee joint pain and stiffness in older people with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is suggested for treatment of people with knee osteoarthritis. Further studies are recommended to investigate the mechanism of melilotus oficinalis oil in reducing knee pain and stiffness and determine its effective dosage.

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Objectives The increase in the aging population along with a variety of diseases and problems threatening their health and, on the other hand, socio-economic developments and changes in individual and family lifestyles, has increased the number of nursing homes. Considering the importance of the impact of living environment on various aspects of mental health, this study aimed to compare stress, anxiety and depression of the elderly living in nursing homes and those living at home. Methods & Materials This is a descriptive comparative study with a cross-sectional design conducted in 2017. Using a convenience sampling method, 436 elderly people in Tehran including 218 home dwellers and 218 nursing-home residents were selected. Participants were evaluated through interview by the short-form version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). Comparisons between the two groups were made using independent t-test in SPSS v. 20 software. Results Mean and standard deviation of the DASS-21 score in elderly residents of nursing homes (37. 75± 11. 34) was higher than in home dwellers (26. 68± 5. 64). There were statistically significant differences in stress, anxiety and depression between the two groups (P≤ 0. 05). Conclusion Stress, anxiety and depression in the elderly living in nursing homes are more than in those living at home. Family participation in providing welfare and mental health care, supporting with appropriate insurance coverage, establishing day care centers, and supporting family caregivers can be very helpful to enhance their mental health.

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Objectives Elderly lifestyle and factors such as physical activity, sleep quality, and nutritional patterns affect quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sleep quality and elderly lifestyle with an emphasis on physical activity. Methods & Materials A descriptive-analytic research method was used in which 130 elderly women aged 60-70 years old in Qazvin City in 1397 at the Sports and Health Consultation Center of Sports and Youth Department of Qazvin Province were selected by available sampling method. The nutritional analysis of the subjects was evaluated before the tests to control the effect of food intake on the results using N4 software. The sleep and physical activity recording device (Actiwatch-8) was used to collect data. Pearson correlation coefficient was used for data analysis. Results The results of the study showed that there was a significant relationship between physical activity with sleep duration (P=0. 04), awakening bouts (P=0. 038), actual sleep (P=0. 003) and time in bed (P=0. 035). Conclusion According to the results, the sleep patterns have a direct relationship with physical activity behavior; therefore, it is recommended to increase the duration of activity in order to improve the quality of sleep in the elderly.

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Objectives Physical disability to perform daily living activities is one of the major causes of depression in the elderly people. On the other hand, depression is associated with loss of interest in daily activities and lack of independence. The present study aimed to assess the relationship of depression with the ability to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) in older adults in Iran. Methods & Materials This cross-sectional study was performed on 148 elderly people aged ≥ 60 years who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. Data were collected by using ADL, IADL, and 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) questionnaires and were then presented by using descriptive statistics and analyzed by Chi-square test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and regression analysis. Results Participants were 86 female (58. 1%) and 62 male (41. 9%); 109 (73. 6%) aged 60-75 years, and the rest were older than 75 years; 71 (48%) had moderate or severe depression; 4(2. 7%) and 61(41. 2%) were dependent or in need of help performing ADL and IADL, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that depression has a significant negative correlation with ADL (r=-0. 304, P<0. 001) and IADL (r=-0. 193, P>0. 01); i. e. by increasing one of them, the depression decreases. Conclusion The ability of the elderly people to perform ADL and IADL can be a good predictor of depression in them. With early assessment of their health and ability by health teams and family members, it is possible to prevent the development of their disability and depression.

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Objectives Giving the growing population of the elderly, it is important to pay attention to their psychological health. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of self-compassion in predicting loneliness and self-efficacy in the elderly. Methods & Materials This is a descriptive correlational study. Study population consisted of all elderly residents of Gonbad Kavous County in Iran. Of these, 120 (70 women and 50 men) were selected using a convenience sampling technique. Data collection instruments were University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale of Russell et al. (1966), General Self-efficacy Scale of Scherer et al. (1982) and Self-Compassion Scale of Neff (2003). Data analysis was performed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. Results Loneliness had a significant negative relationship with self-compassion dimensions of self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness and its overall score, and a significant positive relationship with self-judgment, isolation and over-identification. Moreover, self-efficacy had a significant positive relationship with self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness and overall self-compassion score, and a negative significant relationship with self-judgment, isolation and over-identification (P≤ 0. 001). Self-kindness, self-judgment, common humanity, isolation, mindfulness and overall self-compassion score can predict 43% of loneliness variance and self-kindness, self-judgment, mindfulness, isolation and overall self-compassion score can predict 38% of self-efficacy variance. Conclusion Self-compassion have an effective role in reducing loneliness and increasing self-efficacy in the elderly.

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Objectives The present research was conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of Persian version of strength and cardiovascular endurance items of functional fitness assessment test in Iranian elderly. Methods & Materials The statistical sample consisted of 200 elderly (100 males and 100 females) with mean aged 68. 05± 5. 21 years old that were selected by random cluster sampling in Tehran city. The tools used included strength and cardiovascular endurance items of Functional Fitness Assessment test for adults over 60 years (FFAA). Content, structure and concurrent methods was used to evaluate validity. For evaluation of concurrent validity, the hand grip and treadmill tools were used. In order to assess the reliability, the temporal and internal consistency methods were used. Results The results showed that the content validity of strength and cardiovascular endurance items were confirmed (90%-95%). Results of construct validity showed that the Pearson correlation coefficient between age with strength and cardiovascular endurance items is meaningful significant (0. 71-0. 75). Results of Pearson correlation coefficient test showed that the correlation between strength and cardiovascular endurance items and laboratory tests related to each of them were obtained for high levels (0. 90-0. 96). Therefore, the correlation obtained indicates the concurrent validity of this test items. Also, results showed that the test-retest interclass correlation test with a one-week interval, indicate that the temporal stability is acceptable (0. 81-0. 85). Furthermore, the results of Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed that the internal consistency of each item was acceptable (α >0. 75). Conclusion Results indicate that the strength and cardiovascular endurance items in elderly sample are valid and reliable, and the Persian version of these items can be used to assess the functional fitness among Iranian elderly people.

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Objectives Improving balance and motor function in the elderly for preventing falling and its irreparable consequences has attracted the attention of many researchers in the field of aging. The purpose of the present is to investigate the effect of an exercise program based on Anticipatory Postural Adjustments (APAs) on postural control and motor function of the elderly. Methods & Materials In this experimental study conducted in 2017, the study population consists of 38 eligible male elderly people with a history of falls at least once in the last six months living in Isfahan, Iran in two groups: 18 in the test group (mean age =70. 4± 3. 2, mean height=65. 3± 6. 2 cm, mean weight= 65. 3± 4. 2 kg) and 15 in the control group (mean age =69. 6± 3. 1 years, mean height =167± 5. 5 cm, mean weight =67. 3± 6. 8). A foot-scan device was used to measure their postural control, and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test was taken to measure their motor function. Data were analyzed in SPSS v. 20 software using repeated measures ANOVA at the significance level of P≤ 0. 05. Results The exercise program significantly improved the mean postural control scores in anterior/posterior direction from 28. 1± 6. 2 to 20. 5± 2. 4 (F=8. 21, P≤ 0. 05), in medial/lateral direction from 17. 1± 1. 5 to 13. 2± 2. 9 (F=13. 4, P≤ 0. 05), and in overall from 312. 4± 21. 2 to 285. 8± 17. 5 (F=10. 02, P≤ 0. 05); It also improved the mean TUG test score from 13. 3± 2. 1 to 10. 1± 1. 0 (F=16. 02, P≤ 0. 05). The experimental group showed a better performance than the control group after exercise in TUG test and postural control parameters (P≤ 0. 05). Conclusion An 8-week exercise program focused on APAs can be effective in improving postural control and motor function of the elderly.

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Objectives Successful aging is a positive inner feeling and satisfaction with the past and present life experiences. Thus, the present study aimed to determine the predicting factors of successful aging in a sample of Iranian elderly. Methods & Materials This cross-sectional and descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 291 elderly in Qazvin City, Iran, in 2018. The study participants were selected using the two-stage cluster sampling method. Data collection was performed using the demographic characteristics checklist, the Successful Aging Scale, and Paloutzian and Ellison Spiritual Wellbeing Scale. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive tests (frequency, percentage, central & dispersion indices) and a hierarchical linear regression model. Results The study sample was 291 elderly with a Mean± SD age of 68. 3± 6. 7 years. The obtained results indicated that the spiritual health of 81. 1% of the explored elderly was strong; most of the examined elderly presented a good level of successful aging. Besides, spiritual health was a predictor of successful aging in the study participants. Regarding the aspects of spiritual health, existential health positively and significantly impacted successful aging (B=0. 65, P<0. 001). Furthermore, the obtained data revealed that the employed elderly (B: 4. 29), compared to housewives (B:-4. 25), those with high economic status, compared to those with a moderate (B:-3. 44) and low (B:-7. 332) economic level, and the elderly without a history of physical (B:-4. 55) and mental (B:-2. 54) conditions obtained significantly higher scores in successful aging. Conclusion The existential aspect of spiritual health is among the predictors of successful aging. Given the importance and sensitivity of the issues related to the elderly, by interventions focused on spiritual education, one can increase the quality of this period and enrich it.

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