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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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As many countries suffer from similar problems, this research aims to analyze successful international experiences in order to reduce social deviance and crimes in run-down areas. In this research based on social deviance types, in excess of thirty articles on successful international experiences were analyzed and translated to Persian, case studies were chosen given their similarities to the social deviance and crimes in run-down areas of Iran. The analyzed case studies demonstrate that police can reduce social deviance and crimes through physical action and policing program strategies. Physical action strategies include environmental design, using CCTV, improving street lightening, and burglary reduction strategies. Policing programs include hot spot policing, social work and community policing, and formal & organized surveillance. Although Naja utilizes many of above approaches to counteract social deviances, this research demonstrates by combining various approaches in run-down areas police can significantly reduce social crimes. Street safety against burglary can be improved by applying environmental design, increasing CCTV surveillance, and enhancement of lightening in dark and unsafe streets. Plus, addicts and smugglers are forced out of neighborhoods through police patrol and hot spot policing programs. offenses, sexual harassment, and murder is reduced by improved CCTV surveillance.

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Darabi Shahrdad

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The establishment of safe community as one of the tasks of the government. In all societies, regardless of the political system, authorized citizens and criminal policy founders. The crime prevention strategy in democratic societies with an emphaasis on social prevention of crime has been looking for character building. changes in the social environment through economic policy, political and coltural. Therforethrough the creation of educational media, entertainment and promotion welfare in the community are trying to citizens and eliminate the factors causing crime. But the strategy of embaracing retributive ortotalitarian government resort to repressive and penal concept as the most convenient tool ignoor the legal and moral tenets and aim to form a society with the same thought and repressive approach will lead, as majority control in the field of crime prevention through criminal policy legislative, judicial and executive stringent ruling and the lack of recognation of civil society of community crime prevention in government and limited to repressive and inhuman approaches. This article explains Inetrnational Safe Community paradigm; Contrast of Control Development and Criminological Prevention.

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Because children and adolescents have their own biological characteristics and the causes of crime are different, they also demand their own criminal judicial proceedings. This special judicial proceedings is known from two dimensions with special judicial protocols and special judicial institutions. In this article, differential judicial protocols are discussed. These protocols, both in the pre-trial stage and in the trial and post-trial stage, are aimed at protecting the guilty child and try to minimize the negative consequences of formal criminal judicial proceedings against these people, and therefore, based upon the more gentle view, has made the children the subject of semi-criminal or non-criminal actions in the trial process. Lack of investigation by law enforcement officers, prohibition of detention, non-disclosure of proceedings, creation of personality files and such measures are solutions that the legislator has considered and ruled in this process.

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Nuclear disputes are a type of international dispute that arises from the non-fulfillment of the obligations of states under nuclear rights treaties. In accordance with the legal-political nature of nuclear disputes, as well as the need for the peaceful settlement of international disputes, this form of dispute can also be resolved with the help of the methods set forth in Article 33 of the Charter. Based on this, the main objectives of this study are to explain the role, importance and efficiency of negotiation in resolving such disputes. Also, while studying the negotiating capacity in resolving the nuclear dispute between Iran and the 5 + 1, we will also address the issue of whether the negotiation was a useful mechanism in securing Iran's interests resulting from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement. Obviously, negotiations will be useful in resolving nuclear disputes when, while observing the principles governing it, the level of power of the parties is such that the interests of the parties can be served in the negotiations. And secondly, in addition to the negotiators' level of strength and weakness of each side, they also have a correct understanding of the other side's goals in the negotiation.

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Children's use of social media due to lack of cyber literacy and certain mental characteristics will lead to the loss of their rights; Therefore, in criminal law, legislation against offended children on social networks requires compliance with the requirements that are recognized in the form of rights and discriminatory protections against their delinquency; According to the authors' review; The special rights that must be observed from the victimization of children in social networks include: the right to respect the dignity and privacy of children in social networks, the right to respect children's cyber ethics towards social network users and the right to information. The child has the right to social media, as well as the differentiated protections recognized in Iran's criminal law policy and international instruments in this regard: substantive and formal criminal protection (supporting role) Semantics on child abuse on social media, cybercrime, cybercrime of children as an example of global jurisdiction and the role of the FATA police, social support and clinical support. A comparative study of Iran's criminal law policy and international documents concludes that Iran's criminal criminal law is not differentiated against the protection of victims of child abuse on social media, and that a number of general protections do not take this into account. The type of victimization is considered, which is far from the specific approaches of international documents in this field.

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Countering terrorism with a military approach is no longer a priority for governments today, but focusing on preventive measures to cut off terrorist groups' funding is the most effective way to limit their power to conduct large-scale international operations. Given that the financing of terrorist organizations today has moved away from traditional and modern methods and has been based on postmodern methods by using modern knowledge and technology, so taking modern preventive measures in accordance with postmodern methods of money laundering and terrorist financing is a necessity. Accordingly, we will examine how it is possible to counter and prevent the financing of terrorism. In this regard, in addition to reviewing the international measures have taken so far, we will also address the actions of the European Union in this regard, in order to have a correct understanding of the process of countering and preventing the financing of terrorism, as well as to recognize the related performance and experiences.

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Police harassment is a complex and multifaceted issue. Here we look at the different types of police harassment and suggest how to sue in the future. It is widely acknowledged that the control of police brutality depends directly on the functioning of the government and the safety and health of its citizens in a democratic society. Abuse only affects the police, but it cannot cause the social order to continue to be represented by the police. Likewise, efforts to reduce police corruption include a large-scale campaign to restore government power and restore the image of the entire government, he said. Research and collection methods Information research is divided into two categories: library and field. In the present research, the descriptive-analytical method and the library of techniques are used and the type of research can be applied. And in this research, I came to the conclusion that the two components of situational prevention with the approach of using official control and surveillance and hidden camera installed for the police and criminal prevention by applying strict and intimidating policies and speeding up the process of investigating police charges can be reconsidered. Police prevented violence and behavior.

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زمینه و هدف: از مهم ترین علل ایجاد تهدیدها و چالش های صنعت حمل و نقل هوایی پس از حوادث 11 سپتامبر 2001، ارتکاب رفتارهای غیرقانونی علیه امنیت هواپیمایی کشوری است. در واقع حوادث مزبور موید نواقص حقوقی، فنی و حتی نظارتی در سطح بین المللی در قبال ارتکاب چنین رفتارهایی است. بنابراین، اتخاذ معیارهای قاطع برای مقابله با رفتارهای غیرقانونی علیه امنیت در صنعت حمل و نقل هوایی امری حیاتی به شمار می رود. وفق همین امر، با تصویب کنوانسیون پکن و پروتکل الحاقی آن طی سال 2010، بستری نوین را در قلمرو جامعه جهانی برای استحکام و ارتقای نظام حقوقی و نظارتی جهت پیشگیری و سرکوب رفتارهای غیرقانونی علیه امنیت هواپیمایی کشوری فراهم آورد. روش شناسی پژوهش: در این مقاله روش مطالعه از نظر هدف، توسعه ای و از حیث گردآوری داده ها، توصیفی و کتابخانه ای است. یافته ها: کنوانسیون 2010 پکن و پروتکل الحاقی، با التزام دولت های عضو به جرم انگاری تهدیدهای نوین و نوظهور برای امنیت ارتقای امنیت هواپیمایی کشوری از جمله استفاده از هواپیما به عنوان سلاح کشنده و یا استعمال این وسیله برای حمل ونقل سلاح های زیستی، شیمیایی و هسته ای، سازماندهی، هدایت و تامین مالی تروریسم به نحو مطلوبی، تبانی در ارتکاب جرم، تروریسم مجازی علیه تاسیسات هوانوردی بین المللی، مسیولیت حقوقی و کیفری نهادهای مالی و غیره، درصدد رفتارهای رویکردی کنشی در مواجهه با رفتارهای غیرقانونی علیه هواپیمایی کشوری است. نتیجه گیری: کنوانسیون و پروتکل الحاقی، مبین تلاش مشترک جامعه بین المللی برای پیشگیری و سرکوب رفتارهای غیرقانونی علیه هواپیمایی کشوری و محاکمه و مجازات مرتکبان است. به علاوه، کنوانسیون ضمن تأکید بر رعایت حقوق بشر و رفتار منصفانه با مرتکبان رفتارهای ناقض امنیت هوانوردی و التزام دولت ها به جرم انگاری حمل ونقل سلاح های زیستی، شیمیایی، هسته ای و مواد مربوطه، موجبات ارتقای همکاری مؤثر در رویارویی با تهدیدات ناشی از ارتکاب رفتارهای غیرقانونی در عرصه هوانوردی را فراهم نموده است.

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Field and aims: In today's world, ease of transfer has made it easy for crime to cross borders and become internal and transnational. On the one hand, with the membership of governments in the International Criminal Police Organization to prevent and deal with all kinds of organized crime, as well as prosecuting criminals, and on the other hand, countries' accession to international conventions can make the world insecure for criminals Internationally. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study compares the provisions of the Palermo Convention with Interpol missions in the fight against transnational organized crime and the insecurity of the world for criminals. Findings and Conclusion: Given the spread of borderless crime internationally, and the ease with which criminals can be transferred, what can reduce the threat posed by transnational organized crime is the accession of countries to international conventions and the membership of states in international organizations. Be. Because the bilateral commitment of governments to conventions and related international organizations paves the way for dealing with this phenomenon and develops bilateral and multilateral cooperation between states. The main goal of Interpol is to make the world insecure for criminals and, consequently, to prevent and combat crime. In addition to the various measures that governments use within their borders to combat and control such crimes, police cooperation at the international level can play an effective role in this regard. The results of the implementation of the provisions of the Palermo Convention and its three protocols with the tasks and missions of Interpol in practice show the fact that the existence of a convention such as the Palermo is a commitment of governments to each other and subsequently to an international organization with similar missions. The goals of the convention are necessary for the implementation of the convention and its departure from the theoretical state.

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