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Medical History

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Background and Aim: Ethics has a special Position in surgery. Patients' safety highlights this position as a top priority in WHO-defined Health service provider systems. Therefore, the first step in a medical error is to return the patient to the treatment process and not miss the opportunity to therapy. Reporting medical errors and being accountable to them, In addition to being a sign of commitment, responsibility and trustworthiness of physicians and medical organizations, it also provides patient rights. In the present study, we analyze the ethical and legal aspects of the knowledge of professors, residents and students about medical errors that occurred in the surgical department. Materials and Methods: This research is based on a case series descriptive method and citing authentic library documents and resources. Findings: Reporting medical errors improves the performance of treatment staff. According to the analysis, in response to 5 questions from the statistical community in question, all professors disclosed medical errors in cases that did not cause a serious complication for the patient. But in cases where the complication is serious and traceable, more than two-thirds of professors have stated that they have not reported it or that it is difficult for them to make a decision. Conclusion: A patient has the right to know about medical error disclosure and any intervention and therapeutic process must be performed with his or her consent on the basis of the principle of preserving the Physical integrity. As a committed individual, the physician has the duty to inform the patient if an error occurs during treatment for the patient. Error disclosure increases patient confidence in the physician and health system and reduces the likelihood of a lawsuit being filed against the hospital or physician and results in respect for the patient's citizenship rights.

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Medical History

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Background and Aim: Mongols, like other ethnic communities, have had principles in medicine and lifestyle which have been influenced by their living conditions and environment. Finding Mongolian rules is a little difficult, because the Mongols lived in many lands during their life history and have always been influenced by the traditions and rules of a new land and Mongolian principles have been changed. As a result, it can be said that their medical beliefs also had many changes and have taken a new form. The aim of this study is to review the most ancient beliefs in traditional medicine and therapies of Mongols, to review the development of their traditional medical knowledge and the current situation. Materials and Methods: In this research, historical books, articles and Internet resources about Traditional Mongolian medicine were searched with the key words of "Mongol" and "traditional medicine". Findings: In this research, the effect of the Mongol’ s religious beliefs on treatment and health beliefs were assessed. The principles of traditional Mongolian medicine and the way of changes in traditional medicine knowledge under the influence of the medical knowledge of other nations and some of their therapeutic manners were expressed. Conclusion: The most important factors affecting traditional Mongolian medicine were their religious beliefs which have been very mixed with witchcraft. Their traditional medical beliefs, practices have been gradually mixed with the traditions of other nations, such as "Tibet" and "India" and theories and techniques have been developed. Traditional medicine now has a valuable place among the Mongols and is used impressively.

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Medical History

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The logo of the World Health Organization is often used to symbolize a snake. The prevalence of this myth has led to the centuries-old snake being considered a source of pharmacy as a healing elixir and used by traditional pharmacists, physicians. Until the discovery of ancient Eastern civilizations over the past few centuries, the motifs found in these areas were thought to be the oldest source of current symbolism, and even considered Greek anecdote to be homage to Mesopotamia. After the unveiling of the nature of Jiroft, we came across motifs that preceded the Greek and Mesopotamian examples. The similarity of the earlier symbols with the found Jiroft's symbols in the creation of this living tree is a healing fluid in the cup and its relatively obscure role in interacting with the hero. However, some believe that this symbol is rooted in ancient Greek mythology. But the research hypothesis is that the snake myth is rooted in Jiroft. The purpose of this study is, first, to identify the sign foundations used in the World Health and Medical Organizations Index, and, on the other hand, to identify the origin of the mythological and ancient mythical, ancient constellations and snakes. Studies show through a descriptive-analytic method of library studies; this symbol is familiar not only in ancient Greece, but also in Mesopotamia, in the Bible and in ancient Iran, and used in literary, scholarly, artistic works. The constellation of the snake and the serpent have been associated. Studying the motifs obtained from Jiroft and comparing them with other Mesopotamian and Greek motifs and related texts, it becomes clear that the symbol in question is rooted in this civilization and that the myth associated with the snake is connected to stars, familiar to ancient Jiroftians. And have been mentioned in their myths.

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Medical History

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Background and Aim: The home is a place where people have been dwelling for that has been important in the past and over time, this importance has diminished. Medical measures are one of the things that can be observed in traditional Iranian homes. Materials and Methods: Traditional medicine is a science that has many written sources. In this regard, the book of Ibn Sina's ghanun has been focus of this research. In connection with the selection of home and city, with descriptive method was extracted from this source. What was found in medicine has been analyzed using geography science in Isfahan city. Given that Iran's traditional architecture is visual, there hasn't been found few written sources, case studies will help architects. Therefore five houses (Ghodsia, Haj Misur alMaleki, Haj Rasooli, Dr. Alam and Labaf) have been selected and evaluated for medical studies in Isfahan city. Findings: Whatever is found in this article is the importance of medicine in urban location, urban and home design in past science. Conclusion: Given that the traditional sciences have been holistic, this matter could be observed in architecture. So that one of the branches studied (medicine in architecture), the city and the house Necessary measures are provided with the appropriate weather conditions for each area. Until In addition to residing in home, they can restore human's physical and spiritual health.

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Medical History

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Hospitals in Bilad al-Sham/ Syria were the most important medical centers providing treatment to patients. Since fifth century (A. H), these hospitals were extensively established in many cities of Sham. These hospitals had well-systemized organizations administered by particular laws and various sections. The library based research shows that Each section had its own specialized physicians and personnel. Men’ s section was separated from women’ s section and each section had its own special servants and employees. Because of these structres, this area became the center of medicine of the Islamic Bilad through sixth and seventh century (A. H). This research seeks to examine the organizations of these hospitals in Bilad al-sham. The method of the research is descriptive-analytical and the way of gathering data is library base and according to historical texts.

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Medical History

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Background and Aim: Sidr belongs to the Rhamnaceae family that contains many genera and it grows in various parts of Iran and Middle East countries. In ancient medical and pharmaceutical texts and in the view of Iranian and Islamic scholars, Sidr has a special place. The traditions and hadiths as well as the Holy Quran refer to the Sidr plant and its therapeutic properties. In the field of pharmacy, the compounds present in this plant and its essential oils have been identified and used. Currently there are various products of Sidr in the form of spray and shampoo at the market. Materials and Methods: In this review study aimed at investigating the therapeutic and biological properties of this plant, in addition to the Holy Quran, hadiths and traditional medicine books, databases such as Ovid, ISI, Magiran, IranMedex, Scopus, ISC, PubMed and Google Scholar were also reviewed. Findings: Different parts of Sidr as skin, extract and fruit contain effective pharmaceutical compounds such as antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds that have a significant effect in preventing various cancers and infectious diseases. Conclusion: New scientific findings, in line with Quranic references and traditional medicine, prove the therapeutic effects of Sidr, which makes us think more and more about Islamic notifications and traditional medicine. It is recommended that further clinical studies confirm the therapeutic effects of Sidr in scientific papers.

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Medical History

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Background and Aim: Nowadays, nasal drug delivery (NDD) is much considered as an appropriate alternative method instead of oral and parenteral injection. These approaches were presented in Persian Medicine (PM) as an important way of drug administration especially for neurological disorders. The aim of this study is to introduce types of NDD from the viewpoint of PM for head and neck diseases in the period of Islamic civilization. Materials and Methods: The parts related to head and neck diseases were searched in the main PM reference books from the 3rd to the 13th century. Documents related to study keywords including Inkibab, Bakhur, Zaroor, Saoot, Shamoom, Shiaf, Atoos, Ghavali, Lakhlakhah, Nashoogh, Nafookh and their similarities were copied and studied line-by-line. The collected documents were categorized by timeframe, the method mentioned and type of disease. Ethical Considerations: Honesty and trustfulness were observed by referring texts to the refrences used. Findings: NDD forms including solids were classified into nasal insufflation (Nafookh, Atoos), splashes (Zarur) and dough (wax) includind suppository and wick, liquids were as nasal dibbling (Saoot) and liquid sniff formulations (Nashoogh) and gaseous forms were as fumigation (Bakhoor), vapor bath (Inkibab), inhalation (Lakhlakhah), aromatic agents (Shamoom, Ghavali). Saoot was used more than the other methods and the illness which most recommended was headache. Discussion and Conclusion: NDD were advised in PM for several diseases. This method with a lot of benefits like easy to use, often painless, affordable and high efficiency and some side effects such as nasal mucosal injury, limitation in drug transmission through the nose and no drug withdrawal after usage has high potential for future researches.

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Medical History

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Background and Aim: Avicenna, an Iranian well-known physician and philosopher, despite his relatively short life, had a significant impact on the sciences in his era and after himself. Due to the lack of comprehensive studies on Avicenna's views on psychiatry disorder, we decided to conduct this study. Materials and Methods: We used Pubmed, Google schoolar to review Avicenna's views on psychiatry in a comprehensive review of SID, Irandoc, Magiran databases. And various books on Iranian medical history reviewed. Also, all the volumes of Avicenna's Book of Law were studied and invistigated. Findings: Avicenna was the first physician to introduce the concept of hallucinations and delusions. He also describes extensively the Love disorder, which is actually the first medicine to address the symptoms and signs of adjustment disorder. He also mentions melancholic disorder and mania and considers mania to be a complicated type of melancholic disorder. Conclusion: In the field of psychosomati, he points to the close connection between the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal system. In the field of human personality, the four types of temperaments originating from Greek medicine, including bloody, phelegmatic, blackbile, choleric, are carefully described and elaborated.

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