The main purpose of this study was to design a curriculum model for teaching experimental science in primary school based on Gardner's multiple intelligence theory. The research method is qualitative content analysis, which includes the following steps: the definition of the analysis unit, the data reduction, the use of deductive categorization system, the reformulation of the classification system and a deductive coding scheme based on the data and their qualitative reporting. The research area in this study includes all available books and articles on teaching experimental science, Gardner's multiple intelligence theory, and primary school. The data were analyzed during three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. The initial and final models were formed included the dimensions of need, goals, content, retention-learning methods, teacher's role, evaluation, space, materials and resources, school factors, tacit learning and program results and outcomes. In this regard, based on the conceptual model presented, the need has influenced on goals and the content has been influenced by the needs and objectives. Content affects the role of teacher, retention-learning methods and evaluation. Strategies have also been influenced by processes that include space, materials and resources, and conditions involving school factors and tacit learning of students.