Nondestructive testing has a special status as one of the main safety components in nuclear power plants. Given the importance of safety and integrity of nuclear power plant circuits, especially the primary circuit equipment and pipelines, the application of a series of Nondestructive tests can be assured improved performance of these equipment. It should not be forgotten that timely inspections can prevent very disastrous national, regional and global events. For example, the LOCA, or the loss of coolant accident, which is the first failure of the primary circuit prevented. The first circuit equipment, such as the generator, steam generator, pressurizer, pumps and main circuit pipes, are based on a general inspection plan during operation periodically and regularly under Nondestructive testing. Based on the above-mentioned equipment, the steam generator has a special position. This equipment as the first and second circuit boundary plays a critical and complex role in the power plant's operation. There are approximately 11, 000 U-shaped tubes for heat exchange between the first and second circuits, which confirms the importance of controlling these levels. The presence of pores in this number of tubes and the heat exchanger level can have many environmental and economic problems. Therefore, accurate and efficient Nondestructive checks and inspections on this equipment can solve many problems