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Ostovar Sangari Koorosh

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AbstractOne of the issues raised after the establishment of the Administrative Court of Justice was who can appear as a plaintiff in the Administrative Court of Justice and whether state agencies can appear as a plaintiff in the Administrative Court of Justice. According to the rulings No. 37, 38 and 39 of the Court of Administrative Justice in 1368, state agencies can in no way be present in the branches of the Court of Administrative Justice as a plaintiff. This decision was approved by the General Assembly of the Supreme Court in No. 602 in 1374, but the question was raised that what is the task of the state apparatus in relation to matters within the jurisdiction of the Court of Administrative Justice? In 2007, the General Assembly of the Supreme Court, Decision No. 699, tried to somehow open this deadlock and find a solution to this problem. However, these votes of the General Assembly of the Supreme Court created other problems, hence the vote of unity. Procedure No. 792 was issued in July 2016 and has somehow annulled votes No. 602 and 699. The author believes that vote 972 is a positive development in the separation of powers of the Court of Administrative Justice and public courts.

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Behavioral economics is a branch of economics that seeks to modify the hypotheses of neoclassical economics using the findings of other sciences, especially psychology. This article examines from the perspective of behavioral economics what factors can be effective in criminals' decision to commit a crime. To this end, some cognitive biases and exploratory rules, each of which is somehow related to gathering information to commit a crime and assessing the certainty and severity of punishments are explained and their implications for policy-making are noted. Of course, it should be noted that many of the issues that will be addressed have not been specifically tested in the decisions of criminals, but they are discoveries and cognitive biases that exist in general and among many human beings. Given that the application of findings obtained in a context other than the commission of a crime may have results that are not directly applicable in the context of the commission of the crime, it seems that conducting empirical research to assess these cases in the decision to commit a crime in particular can increase the accuracy of these findings. As will be stated in the article, sometimes due to the existence of some biases and exploratory rules, it is not possible to believe in the economic analysis of criminal behavior that increasing the severity and certainty of punishments reduces crime and sometimes other factors are needed to increase the severity and certainty of the punishments should be considered. It seems that considering these cases can help to increase the effectiveness of policies against crimes and be useful in explaining cases where policies against crimes have not been effective or less effective.

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The general principles and rules of public economic law indicate how the government intervenes in the economy and its evolution towards redefining the regulatory role of the government. Studying the indicators of judicial supervision in the field of economic regulation of the government requires reviewing the procedure of the General Assembly of the Court of Administrative Justice and extracting the mentioned principles. The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study is to reach the conclusion that the principles accepted by the Court of Administrative Justice in this area and how they are crystallized in the practice of this institution. The findings of this study show that the principle of protection of private property, the principle of freedom of trade and industry, the principle of equality, the principle of competition and the principle of proportionality are among the principles that are explicitly and implicitly documented based on their legal principles in Iranian law. The annulment of government regulations by the General Assembly of the Court of Administrative Justice falls within the scope of public economic law.

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One of the issues that has been included in the Islamic Penal Code in 2013 with the opinion of the Guardian Council is the issue of Religious Ta'zir. Religious Ta'zir have many ambiguities and questions Because its nature and examples have not been explained by the legislator. One of the questions is: Are the punishments prescribed in the Shari'a for the Religious Ta'zir a Shari'a decree or a governmental decree? or does the rule that says: in ta'zir, as the ruler deems it appropriate, include the Religious Ta'zir? This article wants to answer this question analytically and descriptively. Looking at the jurisprudential standards, it seems-against the opinion of the legislator-the rule that says: in ta'zir, as the ruler deems it appropriate, include the Religious Ta'zir. so the penalties imposed are government decrees. Because it is a general rule and the characteristics of a government decree are consistent with the rule and the words of the jurists and the words of the narrators are different.

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The application of preventive measures against activities involving the occurrence of criminal and harmful results in the public interest, in accordance with Article 114 of the Criminal procedure code, faces fundamental challenges in three categories: legislative, judicial, and executive. The purpose of this study is to provide solutions and express the necessities for overcoming these challenges. The approach of this research is qualitative-exploratory. The article concludes that the admission of an immediate trial and an interim injunction in criminal matters, the provision of an approving Supervision by the prosecutor, the inclusion of precautionary measures, and the need for periodic review can compensate for the Deficienciesof a fair trial. Determining criteria instead of defining concepts, risk assessment based on prerequisites, identifying the principle of good faith, adhering to the criteria of fitness and necessity, balancing preventive measures, and economic development are among the solutions and necessities that are provided to address other challenges. Also, in order to enrich the results, in some cases, the experience of other criminal systems has been used.

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Duress as one of the obstacles to criminal Liability is mentioned in Article 151 of the Islamic Penal Code. According to this article, in ta'zir, the duressor is sentenced to the punishment of the perpetrator. In Hodoud and Qesas, they are sentenced according to the relevant regulations. Although this article refers the duressor's sentence to the relevant regulations, but nowhere in the Islamic Penal Code is this presumption mentioned and in fact the law is silent in this regard. The main question of this research is what is the punishment of a duressor in Hodoud (for example, duress another to drink intoxicants)? In this article, we will analyze lawyers' opinions and jurists' fatwas in this regard with an analytical-interpretive method. The results of the research indicate that due to the silence of the legislator in this regard and also the lack of an explicit jurisprudential text or fatwa in this regard, different approaches to punish the duressor will be conceivable. Finally, it can be consider as a accessory and be punished by article 127 of the Islamic Penal Code.

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In order for an act to be recognized as a crime, its necessary explicitly to be mentioned criminalization and punishment in a legal article so that the people's task is clear. However, sometimes the legislature uses criminal referral for certain reasons and to determine the punishment, refers to the punishment of another crime. This method of determining punishment, although in Ta’ azirats, due to government requirements, it is somewhat acceptable, but in remittance to the punishment of Haad hesitates persons, that is the subject of this article. In this regard, this article with a descriptive-analytical method, has examined possibility of referraling some actions with the intention of overthrowing the regime or confronting the government to Haad punishment and in the end this result was achieved that criminal referral to Haad punishment is some extent against the grounds of criminalization of Haad crimes, criminal law principles and jurisprudential rules. Therefore, it is necessary, separately, the legislature should anticipate these acts in the form of Ta’ azirats offenses.

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The certainty and clarity of the criminal law is one of the requirements of the principle of legality and requires the definition of the crime with maximum clarity and accuracy by the legislature. However, the open texture criminalization and the widespread and criminal-administrative of the actus reus implies a shift away from adhering to the requirements of the principle of legality. Relying on a descriptive-analytical method, the present study seeks to answer the questions that what are the contexts of degradation of the principle of legality and the tendency of legislators to legislative ambiguity and the sharing of law and administrative-executive approvals in explaining the components of crime? Findings show that today, Influenced by the ideas of the negation of absolutism such as postmodernism and pragmatism, criminal law moves toward relativism, flexibility, and socialization. . Also, new developments such as the expansion of the realm of criminal law in the light of the emergence of crimes outside the core of criminal law, such as preventive and technical crimes, with features like uncertainty and specialization and technicality, It has paved the way for the swamping and the regulation of criminal law. A change that is increasingly leading to Legislative parallelism and violations of the transparency and certainty of the law, as well as a fair warning to citizens. Finally, in order to strike a balance between the dynamics of criminal law and the rule of law, observance of criteria such as the definition of terms (legislative terminology) in the text of the law in order to determine the policy of administrative officials and Also, determining the validity period of delegating the authority to define crime to administrative-executive texts can be effective in reducing the challenges of flexibility and becoming a legal pillar. regulation of the legal element. .

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Mohaghegh Maryam Sadat

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The hadith “ Al-Talaq bi-ya-di man ʿ akhadha bi-al saḳ )” , renown as “ Hadith Nabawi” (that contains the words that Prophet Muhammad spoke himself), “ Jurisprudential Criterion” or “ Jurisprudential Rule” is one of the most important reasons cited by those scholars who believe that the right to terminate the marriage contract is exclusively granted to men. Have been considerably influenced by Islamic rules and Shiʿ a scholars, Iranian case law also reflects the abovementioned approach on divorce so that a number of supreme court decisions refer to “ al-Talaq” , as an authority that attributes the right of ending marriage contract entirely to the husbands. Now, given the significance of “ al-Talaq” , main questions are that; how compelling is the narrative of aforementioned hadith? is its evidential and substantive background sufficiently strong to make it as a ruling authority? Studying valuable amount of historical resources shows that for pioneering Shiʿ a jurists who had lived immediately after the Islamic legislation era, the right to terminate marriage contract was not an exclusive power for husbands. Additionally, revising “ al-Talaq” by means of chronology, Hadithology, semantics and jurisprudential principles demonstrate that “ al-Talaq” is based on insufficient and weak evidence. Also, the context of this hadith cannot be adduced as an authority for men’ s exclusive right of divorce in Iranian and Islamic courts.

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According to the Aarhus Convention, the realization of environmental democracy is based on the three elements of access to information, participation in making decisions and access to court in environmental matters. Given that environmental damage also leads to human harm, some states, in order to achieve environmental democracy, have established environmental judicial and quasi-judicial authorities in their domestic system to provide the right of access to the courts in environmental issues. Due to the high but fragile biodiversity and environmental threats in Iran such as the existence of endangered plant and animal species, environmental pollution, dust, desertification, etc., the lack of such an institution is felt in the country's legal system. The present article descriptively-analytically examines the documents, international jurisprudence and authorities in the domestic law of some states and then assesses the status of the Iranian legal system And in response to the question of which model of environmental courts is more appropriate for Iran, it is concluded that according to the history of specialized courts in the Iranian legal system, the establishment of a special environmental court In the Iranian legal system can provide the grounds for the realization of environmental democracy and consequently sustainable development.

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Husband who do not perform certain duties such as payment or sexual relations, cause marital maladjustment and ultimately causes the wife to be dammaged. Despite the attention to this subject in Qur'an, traditions and Shia jurisprudence, it is not well known in Iran's laws and jurisprudence. when a husband does not perform his duties while he has ability to do so, there is a disobedience. Refuse to pay or to have sex, abusing sexuality, being indifferent etctra are examples of disobedience. In current laws financial obligations have been guaranteed by effective performance and even punishment, but there is no guarantee for effective implementation of non-financial obligations such as having sex. On the other hand, on the basis of the current rules, it can be considered that the husband's disobedience leads to distress and constriction of his wife. And on the other hand, this is the violation of the general obligation of Good companionship, so judges for Preventing uncertainty and suspension of wife, can issue divorce, even without proof the distress and constriction. It is also possible to take a more fundamental step by identifying the disobedience in Iranian law, specifying the examples and guaranteeing its implementation.

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Moghaddam Issa

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According to the undue enrichment rule, a person is not entitled to be enriched by another detriment without a Legal cause. The first issue that arises is the existence and scope of the rule in commercial law due to the differences in this field in Iranian law. Another issue is that due to the adherence of business issues to certain principles and standards, is there a difference between trade and non-trade in terms of nature and basis and undue enrichment? The analysis of these cases is necessary to enable the correct identification of instances of undue enrichment in business matters. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the library method has been used to collect research data. The most important result is that there should be no doubt about its existence in commercial law, because there are cases that only comply with this rule. Also, the rule in commercial law has a complementary and secondary aspect and it should not be applied in a way that disrupts the structure of the legal system. In terms of nature, although there is no difference between undue enrichment in trade with others, but in terms of how to enrich it, there are differences in the cases that must be considered in order to achieve it. The basis of the rule in commercial law, in addition to the aspect of compensation from the damaged party, there is also the protection of the macro interest of commerce. Moreover, a lawsuit for undue enrichment in commercial affairs is a civil lawsuit and its conditions must be met according to the evidence of a civil lawsuit, so it is beyond the jurisdiction of commercial courts. Nevertheless, it is better to include these matters in the relevant regulations in the jurisdiction of these courts.

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Determining the liability basis of professionals (such as doctors, lawyers and engeeniers), is one of the most important matters in different legal systems. The problem regarding determing the liability of these people is, on one hand, the differences exist between service providng and product manufacturing which makes it difficult to provide a general principle regarding civil liability for all of them. On the other hand, their clients, due to lack of science and skill, could not prove professionals’ fault. The social responsibility of these people, make determing the basis of their liability, more harsh. Although in both French and Common law legal systems, the main theory regarding the professionals’ liability is based on fault, there is some solutions to impose strict liability in some cases in order to protect their clients. Knowing this solutions and ocalizing them, will lead us to the general principle of professionals’ liability under Iranian legal system. In order to sloved the aforementioned problem in Iranian legal system and for the porpuse of balancing between professionals’ liability and social responsibility (mossion), in case service providing ends in goods manufacturing, such as architect and pharmesict, “ Etlaf” and “ Tasbib” shall be considered as the basis of the liability. In case of mere service providing, where there is a breach of an “ obligation by result” , no-fault liability and where there is a breach of an “ obligation by means” , fault base liability seems suitable. Any loss to third parties is included in the latter one.

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The litigation process contains rules and conditions set by the legislature and the litigants must abide by these rules to end the legal dispute and thus end the legal dispute. However, these rules are the means of exercising the right and therefore must be interpreted in such a way as not to prevent the court from entering into the nature of the dispute and, consequently, the chapter on hostility. In this regard, one of the effects of accepting this analysis is to prevent re-litigation by amendment and correcting the shortcomings of the litigation. This will save time and money for the litigants and increase trust in the litigation system. On this basis, the principle of restoration of the proceedings has been mentioned in order to create and accept a general rule according to which the court, together with the litigants, should place the principle on the remediation of the defects of the proceedings and as a result move towards completion. However, the scope and conditions related to the implementation of the principle of judicial restoration are important issues that are mentioned in this article.

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In recent years, the necessity of the accountability of public institutions has become a key issue under the influence of New Public Management (NPM). The basic principle is that being responsible and possessing power makes the person accountable. Accordingly, the judiciary, as well as other public institutions, must be held accountable for its performance at various levels, in particular, the procedures, decision-making process and implementation of decisions. However, accountability in the judicial system has always been faced many opposite views to guarantee judicial independence and other considerations such as sensitivity and specific function of the judiciary. In this paper, with emphasizing the necessity of creating a balance between the two competing values, namely 'independence' and 'accountability', the available capacities of the Iranian legal system are examined specifically regarding the accountability of the judiciary to the legislature and its members. The research method is descriptive-analytical and by utilizing library resources, this article while explaining why the judiciary is accountable to parliament, attempts to analyze and critique opposite views in this regard. The results of this study show that although the accountability of the judiciary has some differences and limitations compared to other institutions, undoubtedly judicial independence never means impunity or exemption from accountability. The examination of the available capacities in the constitution, including the right of parliament members to express comment and investigate, as well as the mechanism for dealing with complaints and reports submitted to the commission of the ninety principle, illustrates the fact that can be achieved to a degree of accountability of the judiciary to the parliament-especially with regard to judicial processes-while guarantee and respecting the judicial independence.

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Cryptocurrencies are a decentralized form of digital currency which are presented with new technology identify the nature of cryptocurrencies are closely related to recognizing the technical structure of each of its types. Therefore, offering a unit nature in spite of various types are not possible and it is objectionable. Cryptocurrencies or species of intangible property or in case of extending of this concept to intangible property, it's considered as property which have customary and juridical pecuniary. Although cryptocurrencies theoretically and fundamentally have the functions of money but under monetary law as a currency need to identified by governments. Some types of currency codes such as national cryptocurrencies which created by countries they have this identification but other type, as long as they aren’ t recognized in laws, doesn't considered as money and they are just digital assets. Some types of currency codes mean tokens that issued in the first coin presentation are matched with conception of securities. In this regard, several resolutions have been issued as yet but majority of them are incomplete and out of bounds. Therefore, its essential for the country's legislative authorities to enter this field and prepare a comprehensive law.

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