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Richard Dawkins, emphasizing maximum scientism, argues for the conflict between science and religion. By proposing the improbable argument, he has viewed the existence of God as being of the least possiblity, and finally, inferred atheistic belief. In contrast, Alister McGrath dismissed Dawkins's maximum view of scientism as incorrect and, using critical realism and the psychology of perception, challenged his atheistic view. The point of leading research is to evaluate and measure this encounter. In this study, we have used analytical and library-based method and technique. The research shows that although the analysis of McGrath from a theistic point of view of the universe as an interpretive framework solves Dawkins' alleged conflict between science and religion, it still cannot be away from epistemological relativism. At the same time, some of his critiques on the proof of improbability are not without weakness.

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One of the most important theories of the evolution of sciences in the latest era is that given in “ The structure of scientific revolutions” of Thomas Kuhn. The author of the paper, having studied the history of Shiite hadith, has found the evolution of Shiite hadith schools (paradigms) very much in line with Kuhn model. In the following work, in a library-based method, the most important theories that have been proposed in recent times about the pattern of the evolution of science is Thomas Kohn's theory in the book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". The author with a study in the history of Shiite jurisprudential and hadith, reflecting and examining the necessary information collected by analytical-descriptive method, has shown that in each period of Shiite hadith periods, the school had an undisputed dominance ( the stage of being as a Paradigm / ordinary science); But over time, each of these schools faces a kind of crisis (stage of scientific crisis) and during this period, new ideas about the pattern of acceptance of narrations are considered (stage of scientific revolution), one of which finds general acceptance. As a result, a different school replaces the previous school of hadith (stage of paradigm shift).

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The research problem: humanities is a set of sciences that deal with human cognition and description, explanation and interpretation of individual and social phenomena, giving direction to human actions and interactions. The existing humanities, which are based on non-divine principles, have been less successful in bringing human beings to happiness, especially in Islamic societies; Therefore, the production of Islamic humanities, especially the humanities of the Qur'an, is essential. One of the serious issues in this regard is the linguistic capacity of the Qur'an to do so; We study this issue in a descriptive-analytical way. The research findings show that, firstly, the Qur'an is the revelation of God and all its statements are true, that is, its prophetic propositions are true and its normative propositions are related to human happiness. Second, the theories derived from it are universal. Therefore, the Qur'an has the linguistic capacity to produce the humanities according to its teachings.

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Kiani MohammadHossein

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Masaru Emoto, relying on experimental experiments, claims that human perception of oneself depends on one`s understanding of the changes in the water of the body and, on this base, the issue at hand lies in surveying the view and emoto`s way of study. The method used in the study is a critico-analytical one based on library resources. Thus, the research findings show that Imoto's view is not sufficiently coherent; For, first, matter as an unstable thing cannot be conscious, and consciousness may only occur except in the case of the immaterials; Second, Emoto, when expanding his judgment has been led to sophistry. Third, in explaining this theory, he has committed a confusion; For he does not pay attention to the fact that material phenomena have innumerable causes, the fact that the exclusivity of a phenomenon in a physical cause may lead to contradiction, and that the sign is other than the cause.

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Self-knowledge is the best way to reach the knowledge of God and achieve perfection and happiness. The purpose of this research is to explain and analyze what self-knowledge is and how to go through the stages of self-knowledge until reaching the status of monotheism of actions, attributes and essence. This research, with a descriptive and analytical approach and a library-based way of gathering, has been performed with the aim of extracting and analyzing the what of self-knowledge and its role in attaining the status of monotheism from Allameh Tabatabai's point of view. Man realizes through cognition and intuition of the soul that there is no action or attribute except for God. This is the attainment of the status of monotheism of actions, attributes and essence. One`s becoming close to the principle of truth is as great as its existence and the truth that has emerged in it, and God is the ultimate truth of every perfection. Introducing the knowledge of the soul to the audience, especially the young generation, is the best and closest way to acquire Divine knowledge and reach the core of the truths of the universe and achieve perfection.

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The tendency to the origin of existence and the desire for immortality have always been the concern of human beings. Divine religions consider faith as the only way to respond to these two issues. Undoubtedly, the different views of religions on the concept of faith have led to different interpretations. Thus, not only is the expression of the components of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam different, but also the interpretation of different Islamic sects of faith is different. Because of this, the efforts of experts to properly conceptualize this fact have paved the way for the emergence of different perspectives. The aim of the present study is to compare the stages of the evolution of faith from the perspective of Islam and Fowler. The research method and the technique for gathering data were descriptive and library-based. The findings showed that the Abrahamic religions, especially Islam in the verses of the Holy Quran, consider faith as a kind of strong heart relationship and psychologists consider it as an internal tendency to the origin of the universe that mental growth and evolution in human understanding can play a role in its evolution.

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Pouramini Mohammadbaqer

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Salafism as a school of belief and theology is rooted in the orientation of the companions of hadith and the invitation of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and in the last two centuries has relied specifically on the beliefs of Ibn Taymiyyah, presenting his thoughts as the main axis of Salafi thought, being lucky and unlucky in various cases. The claim of the study is that with an external and second-rate view of "Salafi speech", one can mention the epistemological identity of Salafi speech as a critic, and critique the principles and issues of this school of thought based on a logical structure. The method of research and collecting data is library and documentary-based, and the study of epistemological foundations, hermeneutic critique, explanation of shortcomings in the study of humanities and religious science in the Salafi school, the contradiction of Salafism with the principles of Salaf and the need to internalize the critique of Salafi speech are important findings of the study.

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Plantinga and Ayatollah Mesbah, as two theist sages, Christians and Muslims, with two different but rational approaches, have researched the issue of evil and argued against the view of the incompatibility of the existence of natural and moral evil. This issue has been investigated based on the descriptive-analytical method of library collection. According to the theory of human free will, Plantinga does not accept the claim that there is a logical contradiction between the problem of evil and the existence of God. Ayatollah Mesbah, while accepting the solutions of Muslim philosophers, such as the non-existence of the evil, the relativity of the evil, the transcendence of the evil, the domination of charity over the evil, has emphasized the goal-oriented strategy or perfection and happiness of all human actions. The findings show that although these two thinkers, in principle, believe in an absolute perfect God (omniscient, omnipotent and pure good), but differ in the method and type of confrontation with the theory of justice and Divine wisdom. At the same time, Ayatollah Mesbah's view responds to all natural and moral evils, but Plantinga's theory responds only to moral evils.

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One of the main foundations of modern thought is the concept of freedom. Although there is no common approach among modern thinkers in this regard, they all agree on the influence of classical liberalism, especially in the view of John Stuart Mill. Mill is one of the founding thinkers of modern liberalism, which, on the basis of utilitarianism, believes in the absolute freedom of the individual. His thought relies on the foundations of the modern age, such as subjectivism, pluralism, secularism, and humanism. These principles, with the theological approach of the modern age, lead to consequences such as anti-traditionalism, humanism, and so on. According to the principles of Islam, the idea of Mill and his intellectual foundations face serious challenges. He aims at freedom itself, which is a kind of view against the laws of life and degrades human transcendent morality and causes a kind of corruption and emptiness in society and the individual. In this research, with the descriptive-analytical method, first we propose the idea of Mill and then with the critical analytical method we critique his theory based on the intellectual system of Professor Mohammad Taqi Jafari.

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چکیده فارسی: ریچارد داوکینز با تاکید بر علم گرایی حداکثری، تعارض میان علم و دین را مطرح می نماید. وی با تقریر برهان نامحتملی وجود خدا را در کمترین احتمال ممکن قرار داده و در نهایت، باور الحادی را استنتاج نموده است. در مقابل، آلیستر مگ گراث نگاه حداکثری داوکینز به مقوله علم را ناصواب دانسته و با استفاده از رئالیسم انتقادی و روان شناسی ادراک، نگاه الحادی وی را به چالش می کشد. مسأله تحقیق پیش رو آن است که این مواجهه را ارزیابی نموده و به سنجش گذارد. در این ارزیابی به لحاظ گردآوری از روش کتابخانه ای اسنادی و به لحاظ مقام داوری از روش تحلیلی سود جسته ایم. دستاورد تحقیق نشان می دهد که اگرچه تحلیلِ مگ گراث از نگاه خداباورانه به عالم هستی به مثابه یک چهاچوب تفسیری، تعارضِ ادعایی داوکینز میان علم و دین را مرتفع می نماید، اما در عین حال نمی تواند خود را از دام نسبیت گرایی معرفت شناسانه برهاند. ضمن اینکه برخی اشکالات وی به برهان نامحتملی خالی از ضعف نیست. چکیده عربی: ریتشارد دوکینز من خلال التأکید على أبعد مدیات النزعة العلمیة، یطرح قضیة التعارض بین العلم والدین. وهو عن طریق الاتیان ببرهان عدم احتمال وجود الله یجعله فی أدنى احتمال ممکن، لیستنتج فی نهایة الأمر القول بالالحاد. وفی المقابل یرى آلیستر ماک غراث عدم صواب مقولة داوکینز فی الحد الاقصى من العلم، وبیستعین بالواقعیة الناقدة وعلم نفس الإدراک، لیضع نظرته الالحادیة أمام معترک التحدی. المسألة التی یتناولها هذا التحقیق هی تقییم هذه المواجهة ووضعها على المحک لمعرفة مدى اعتبارها. فی هذا التقییم جُمعت المعلومات باسلوب مکتبی وتوثیقی، وأما من حیث التقییم فقد اعتُمد المنهج التحلیلی. یُستدل من معطیات التحقیق على أنه على الرغم من أن تحلیل ماک غراث من حیث النظرة التوحیدیة الى عالم الوجود بمثابة اطار تفسیری، فهی تزیل التعارض الذی یدعیه دوکینز بین العلم والدین، غیر أنه فی الوقت ذاته لا یمکنه التخلص من فخ النسبیة المعرفیة. کما أن بعض اشکالاته على برهان عدم الاحتمالیة لا یخلو من ضعف.

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The leading article, after explaining the human will and stating its existential truth, distinguishes between the human will and the will of God. It tries to explain and study the process of human will`s influencing on human actions and civilized society by examining Quranic verses and using descriptive-analytical method with a library-based techniqe. The research findings show that the will of God is the source of all human actions and the will of man follows the will of God. According to Islamic teachings, God's will has a great role in the functioning of human civilization as well as in the efficiency of other human factors and the use of natural factors, and its main influence is based on the following: “ ruling state of Divine Will” , “ Divine Guardian-Accepting” , "supporting self-making, other-making and empowerment", "Changing the individual and collective destiny of human beings" and "Recognizing the elements involved in civilization".

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