Plantinga and Ayatollah Mesbah, as two theist sages, Christians and Muslims, with two different but rational approaches, have researched the issue of evil and argued against the view of the incompatibility of the existence of natural and moral evil. This issue has been investigated based on the descriptive-analytical method of library collection. According to the theory of human free will, Plantinga does not accept the claim that there is a logical contradiction between the problem of evil and the existence of God. Ayatollah Mesbah, while accepting the solutions of Muslim philosophers, such as the non-existence of the evil, the relativity of the evil, the transcendence of the evil, the domination of charity over the evil, has emphasized the goal-oriented strategy or perfection and happiness of all human actions. The findings show that although these two thinkers, in principle, believe in an absolute perfect God (omniscient, omnipotent and pure good), but differ in the method and type of confrontation with the theory of justice and Divine wisdom. At the same time, Ayatollah Mesbah's view responds to all natural and moral evils, but Plantinga's theory responds only to moral evils.