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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

KAMALI MOHSEN | fariba reza



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Aim & background: Maintenance of light weapons is one of the constant concerns of commanders and officials of the police force, and many activities are carried out in this regard every year, It costs a lot of money, and most importantly the optimal execution of NAJA missions directly depends on the proper implementation of this important activity. Method: This research is of applied type which has been done by survey method. Data collection was done by questionnaire from commanders, deputies of logistics and also Maintenance managers of law enforcement. The statistical sample of the study includes 80 experts whom have been selected by random sampling. Analysis of the findings was performed using SPSS software and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical tests and single sampling t and Friedman tests. Findings: The research findings showed that the current system of NAJA light weapons maintenance are damaged in the "degree", "salary and benefits", "health and safety", "motivation", "parts", "computer required for maintenance affairs", "Empiricism and documentation", "organizational culture", "staffing", "using effective people" and "motivating" components.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: the work nature of an air maintenance organizations is in such a way that they always face the occurrence of accidents and the necessity of carrying out a proper risk assessment. One of these is the process of maintenance and repair in these organizations, but as it is evident from the definition of risk, it is always associated with uncertainty. Accordingly, it should be noted that performing risk assessment measures should be consistent with the principles that can cover this uncertainty. method: in this research, identification and prioritization of risk factors for aircraft operating process in maintenance of the organization is studied. For this purpose, after the design of a multi-stage fuzzy inference system, basic criteria and sub-criteria were selected by Air Field experts using the brainstorming technique, including product realization, infrastructures, technology, operational processes and human resource. Finding: this implementation causes the identification of five general indicators and seventeen sub-indicators of influencing risk factors in this industry, it showed that the most effectiveness in the risk area includes technical and operational processes (98. 35) and the lowest effectiveness is in the field of products realization (66. 32). Conclusion: using fuzzy expert system modeled in this study, which by changing the input and observing the output easily can determine the importance of them and try to address the problems and present corrective and preventive actions in the field of safety engineering and operational and technical risk analysis of the organization at each stage of work processes.

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Aim and Background: Opinion on the stimulations of the battle process and the impact of operational discipline on operational success and its approaches; And the valuable experiences of the Islamic system during the time of the Holy Defense and the recent battles from the operational discipline impact with the movement approach on strategic, operational and tactical success. the writing wants to compute operational discipline movements indicators and determine their role in operations success using exploratory studies on existing resources. Method: The research method is an exploratory mixture and is applied in terms of purpose. After reviewing and criticizing the resources and relying on the views of experts, a model with 20 indicators of operational discipline movements on the success of operations was developed. After determining the validity with a coefficient of 0. 88 The researcher-made questionnaire was judged by 44 observers. Results: Based on the results, considering that the average of twenty indicators is higher than the average, operational discipline movements can be defined from the above indicators. The highest average is related to "movements scheduling and planning" with a rank of 4. 79 and the lowest average is related to the "local resources" index with a score of 4. 09. Findings: Considering that in T-test and Friedman test, the mean of the indices is 4. 40 and the significance level confirms that the indicators of the dimension of operational discipline movements have a high impact on the success of military-police operations.

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Aim & Background: The goal of this research is evaluating the important factors in the optimal strategy selection among the suggested strategies on basis of the mentioned factors and by Considering the Risk level of equipment in 4th south PARS refinery. Method: The first phase of this research was performed using structural equations modeling and the second phase using hierarchical analysis method. research statistical society, maintenance experts and managers number of 4th south PARS refinery is 75. For the research performance, In the first phase a questionnaire was distributed among the sample group with population of 60 and the importance of studied factors was evaluated using structural equations. After the confirmation of these factors, the different levels of equipment risk was specified. In the next phase by distributing the pairwise comparisons of factors and criteria questionnaires between 15 experts in the statistical society, the weight of each criterion in every risk level and importance factor of each strategy in every criterion was specified and according to it optimal maintenance strategy in the different risk levels was determined. Findings: Importance of studied criteria in a desired maintenance strategy is confirmed and it is concluded that in the equipment with high risk containing toxin preventive maintenance, and in the equipment with high risk which doesn't contain toxin, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and in the equipment with average and low risk Corrective Maintenance is the best maintenance strategy. Conclusion: As more of the studied company's equipment is in the average risk area it can be concluded that for 84% of company's equipment Corrective Maintenance should be used. For rest of the equipment considering that it is toxic or non-toxic, preventive maintenance or Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) will be suitable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Purpose: Vehicles are considered as one of the most demanded equipment in a defense organization, if they are not serviced in a timely and efficient manner, they are considered as a threat to that organization. On the other hand, due to the significant increase in data related to maintenance of these devices in the organization under study, in this study, data mining technique has been used to increase the data conversion into information rate and knowledge discovery in order to prevent cease of missions. The purpose of this paper is to present the architecture of classifying the data generated from the reference and breakdowns of passenger cars of the studied organization and to predict the distances between their breakdowns through data mining method in order to plan their maintenance and repairs. Methods: Based on this, the required data for a sample including 150 light vehicles were extracted. In this research, year of construction of the car, distance traveled and cause of failure as input variables and the intervals between failures as output variables were defined. Findings: Based on data mining principles and using SPSSModeler software, vehicles were grouped based on the distances between breakdowns (km) with the C&R tree algorithm. Conclusion: according to the outputs analysis, the maintenance and repair group of the studied organization should adjust the service and inspection plan of the vehicles based on the grouping done in the research and by considering the suggestions provided.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: Today, in this competitive market, brand is an imperceivable precious asset which plays an important role. The brand help the customers to decrease their perceived dangers in acquiring services and help companies and businesses to attain a stable performance. The aim of the study is to examine comparatively the impact of the country of origin brand on the customer's intention to purchase in the food industry with the mediating role of brand preference and brand value among the ten best-selling foreign food brands active in the Iranian market. Method: Regarding the purpose, the research is an applied research, and in terms of nature, it is a descriptive-survey one. The statistical population of this research is the customers of foreign food brands in Tehran. Since the exact number of customers of foreign food brands is not available, so the studied statistical community is accounted unlimited, and concerning the Cochran's formula, for the unlimited community, the sample number is 384 people. In the study, the questionnaire was distributed with simple random sampling method. Results: The results showed that the cognitive and feeling image of the origin country has a significant impact on food brand preference. The cognitive and feeling image of the origin country has direct and positive effect on brand value. At last, direct effects of brand preference and brand value on the intention to buy food is confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim & background: Public awareness, corporate employees, as well as the implementation of government regulations, force organizations to use organizational environmental methods such as green supply chain management, green human resource management and green innovation. Therefore, this study aims to provide empirical evidence that green supply chain management practices, green human resource management and green innovation practices to encourage organizations to implement these methods significantly improve environmental performance. Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and survey in terms of how to collect information. The statistical population consists of senior, middle and operational managers aware of the subject matter based on their organizational position in units such as marketing, sales, product development and research and development of small and medium-sized companies in Markazi province; statistical sample size for Structural equations in SAMPLE POWER software were determined 321 people. The questionnaire was randomly distributed among 321 managers of small and medium enterprises in Markazi province and 288 completed returned questionnaires were covered by PLS. To answer the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling technique and partial least squares method have been used. Collection of research data through surveys by Singh et al. (2020) questionnaire for the variables of green transformational leadership and green innovation, Obaidat et al. (2020) questionnaire for the variables of environmental orientation and green human resource management, Saman et al. (2019) for the variable Green supply chain management and environmental. Findings: Adoption of green human resource management and other environmental practices such as green supply chain management and green innovation by business organizations can reduce environmental pressures, government laws and regulations, as well as people (including customers, suppliers, buyers and communities) and attain greener activities. In fact, green human resource management practices are critical to the successful implementation of environmental management systems. The concept of green innovation enhances the implementation of green supply chain management with new approaches and ideas to manufacturers. Similarly, green innovation may strengthen the implementation of environmental management, especially green supply chain management to meet the environmental needs of organizations. Result: The results show that green human resource management has a positive effect on green innovation of small and medium enterprises, but green innovation could not play a positive mediating role between green human resource management and environmental performance. The next result of the present study is that green supply chain management has a positive effect on green innovation and environmental performance. The results also provide evidence of the mediating effect of green human resource management on the relationships between green transformational leadership support and the internal environment orientation and environmental performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yooli jan | voo sohan



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It is necessary for TPL firms to understand the source of power and the relationship between buyers and suppliers so that they can improve logistics performance and customer satisfaction. This paper uses a meta-analysis to assess the effect of power on the relationships and customer satisfaction in a logistics triadic relationship. A meta-analysis is useful to systemically synthesize the research findings from the existing literature. The causal relationships between power, relationship and customer satisfaction from the SCM and logistics literature are statistically assessed. Based on the review and analysis, the framework may provide significant implications for supply chain relationships in logistics. This may be the first attempt to analyze the impact of power on the relationship and customer satisfaction in a logistics triad through a meta-analysis. The results of this study will provide useful research information that other researchers can use.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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