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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Arabi Ayesk Ali | IRVANI JAVAD | Rowshan zamir Mohammad Ibrahim

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    2 (122)
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Throughout history the governance of prophets, saints and religious leaders of society has faced all kinds of a opposition from power seekers. but in the contemporary period especially after the victory of the Islamic revolution some dissidents have put the Republican government against the Divine government and believe that these two are two political systems and two types of government that have a different nature. By rejecting religious sovereignty they’ ve accepted the Republican government because in the Republican government the ruler considers himself responsible to the people in the accountability of the ruler for the sake of the people is obvious, but in the religious government, since he has wilayah over the people and believes that his government is Divine, he doesn’ t feel any responsibility toward the people and is not accountable to them. In other word, he’ s not on there their control and the people cannot control his power. This article considering some experiences and reviewing library resources and descriptive analytical method seeks to examine weather the nature of religious government is such that its rulers do not what is consider themselves accountable to the people and therefore religious government must be abandoned or when the government is a religious one it considers itself obliged to carry out the religious orders and most of the people have accepted it and consider themselves accountable to the people. Right is the second view and it’ s most important evidence, in addition to the manners of the wise, is the narrations and statements of great religious men.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (122)
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Any nature in which there is no true faith in God is ignorance. This descriptive and comparative study examines the common examples of ignorance during the Islaime of the holy prophet and modern ignorance. For this purpose first the contemporaneous ignorance of the time of the holy prophet peace be upon him with the use of reliable sources in the four forms of simultaneous denial of monotheism and Resurrection; denial of Resurrection; denial of prophet and denial of divine attributes were introduced and then adapted to the modern society’ s (materialism, capitalism; secularism; liberalism and feminism). Recognizing the common instances of ignorance with it’ s modern form is important to prevent Islamic societies from re-experiencing the consequences of ignorant life. The premise of this study is that modern society, when it gets far from believing in God, has in fact returned to the nature of ignorance. Islam has battled false traditions, but once again, ignorant believes have emerged under the guise of modernity. Few studies showed that any kind of denial of religion, whether it is denial of monotheism, resurrection, prophecy or denial of the attributes of God, is ignorance. The difference between these two ignoring nature is not in deviation from the line of true faith, in the excess or deficiency that takes place. Deviation appears once as excess and again as deficiency.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (122)
  • Pages: 

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In the decades after the Islamic Revolution of Iran, fashion and clothing, despite their historical background, faced economic logic on one hand and special social and political considerations on the other, which has made them face many challenges. Accordingly, social institutions decided to direct the identity and culture of the society through propagation and cultural activities. The purpose of this study is to answer the basic question to what extent clothing manufacturers as an influential social institution play a role in creating and maintaining the culture of Iranian-Islamic clothing in society? The method of this research is qualitative, descriptive-analytical and consists of two documentary and field techniques. The results show that with the acceleration of changes and developments in today's world, along with the development and increase of technologies related to fashion and clothing, many opportunities have been provided for related and influencing factors on clothing, including manufacturers, and they are able to direct the culture and identity of the society by changing the production methods and designs. Achieving a value-based process in the intervention of underlying factors is the final result of the research, based on which it is necessary to use all available potentials to change the culture of using Iranian-Islamic clothing.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (122)
  • Pages: 

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The Twelve-Step Anonymous Associations are one of the branches of therapeutic spiritualities, which are involved in attracting and spiritual treatment of people suffering from social diseases, including behavioral and consumption addiction, based on moral and spiritual principles. The purpose of this study is to critically examine four important traditions of the laws of these associations as four social principles. The present study with a descriptive-critical approach, while explaining the principle of unity, inclination, external issues and anonymity, tries to evaluate them with the method of critique of the intellectual system and underlying principles, so that first to extract social principles from traditions-which have a collective nature-act and divide them into two categories, sociable and elusive, then it tries to compare and ratio-measure them with the moral and social teachings of Islam in order to avoid confusing the seemingly desirable moral and spiritual themes of the association with authentic religious teachings. Then, with the help of a pathological view and the published texts of the association, it tries to reveal and analyze the pluralistic and anti-religious goals behind the association. The findings of this study indicate that these associations, although they are national social organizations, but the mentioned social principles are harmful and have oppositions with the social foundations of Islam.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (122)
  • Pages: 

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This article aims to identify the behavior of endowments in the context of conventional economics, psychology and behavioral economics to facilitate the management of quantitative and qualitative expansion of endowments. The study in this article has been done by descriptive-analytical method. In this research, it is shown that, firstly, the behavioral motives of waqf are due to divine and otherworldly motives. Behavioral motivations can also arise from needs such as physiological and security needs, needs related to belonging, the need to others' respect and love, and the need to realize oneself, which in turn is due to human psychological and social needs. All these needs can cause the waaqif to dedicate his property. According to economic analysis, endowment behaviors can also be associated with self-interest in the context of conventional economics. In the context of behavioral economics, endowment is justified by the motives of self-interest and Altruism, confrontation, preference for moral beliefs, fairness and preference for equality.

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Ahmadi Tabatabaei Seyyed Mohammad Reza | Musavinia Seyyed Mahdi

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (122)
  • Pages: 

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The Status of moral virtues in human social life has been highly regarded since the past and based on the history of the formation and evolution of social and civil ideas. In particular, the connection between ethics and politics has been discussed by various thinkers in the East and the West of the world, of which Sheikh Shahabuddin Suhrawardi is one. The present article, considering the influence of social contexts on ideas, has answered the question: "Considering the social contexts influencing Suhrawardi 's thought, what points does the relationship between ethics and politics reveal in his thought? " For this purpose, by examining the major theories related to the role of social contexts in thought, Skinner's combined method was used, which is one of the interpretive and qualitative methods, in which attention is paid to both of the text and context. These contexts, which include the influence of the Sheikh's mystical path, Iranshahri thought, Peripatetic philosophers and the teachings of Islam on Sheikh Ishraq, at the intersection between ethics and politics propositions including the rule of the Godly wise, morality over politics, the role of revelation in politics, light as an elixir of power and also creating a balance between courage and love, has been made.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (122)
  • Pages: 

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One of the most important discussions about sociology in recent decades is the discussion of the sociology of religion and the role of religion in society, which has been conflicted by Islamic thinkers and non-Islamic sociologists and has become a challenge among sociologists that should be assessed in their opinion. One of the Islamic thinkers in this field is Allameh Seyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabai. The purpose of writing this article is to study his views in this field. The research method in this article is a library method based on the views of Allameh Tabatabai. The results show that Allameh does not view religion as a worldly phenomenon and, unlike some Western thinkers, does not consider it to be of material and worldly origin, but considers the origin of religion to be divine. He believes that religion has positive functions and considers the functions of religion in terms of social, strengthening the cohesion of society, the spirit of righteousness and combating oppression in society, establishing social justice in society, the capacity for civilization, the spirit of hope and continuity of society with regard to religion and society.

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