Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 759

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Background: Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is the most common complication of diabetes. In order to manage DN effectively, it is necessary to formulate an accurate diagnosis and monitor subjects regularlyObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the lily and Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments examination (SWME) for diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) screening.Methods: In this study, 150 patients with type 2 diabetes who have been referred to the Golestan Diabetes Clinic in 2010, were recruited and questioned about 13 subjective symptoms of DN. They were examined using two types of monofilaments (SWME and lily). EMG-NCV was performed as golden test. The Sensitivity and specificity of the SWME and lily were analyzed by descriptive tests.Findings: The most common subjective symptoms were paraesthesia of both feet, pain in feet, burning sensation and numbness in the extremities. The sensitivity of SWME was 35.9-48.7% at sites 1-3, whereas the sensitivity of lilly was 35.9-53.8%. The overall sensitivity and specificity of SWME and lilly at the sites 1 and 3 were 46.2% and 78.4%, respectively while they were 48.7% and 77.5% at the sites 1-3.Conclusion: Using monofilaments were found to be simple, cheap and suitable methods for detection of sensory neuropathy in clinical examinations. Hence, we recommend neuropathy screening in patients as soon as the diagnosis of diabetes.

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View 1062

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    1 (66)
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Background: Despite impressive strides in diagnosis and management over the past three decades, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) continues to be a major public health problem. Several studies have shown that white blood cell (WBC) count, affects the prognosis of patients with AMI.Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the association between WBC count and mortality rate in patients with AMI in first 7 days of the illness.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 610 patients with diagnosis of AMI from April 2008 to September 2009 at Shariati hospital in Tehran. The data were analyzed by Chi- square test.Findings: 66.9% of patients were male and 33.1% of them were female. The mean WBC count was 15200 per ml in the dead patients and was 11700 per ml in the survived patients. Total mortality rate in first seven days after AMI was 11.3%. Mortality rate in the group with WBC count under 6000 was 0%, in the group with WBC count between 6000 and 12000 was 8.3%, in the group with WBC count between 12000 and 20000 was 16.7% and among the last group with WBC count> 20000 was 20.7%. There was a significant association between mortality rate and WBC count (P<0.001). With regards to the gender and age, no significant association was seen between WBC count and mortality rate after AMI.Conclusion: According to the findings, WBC count appears to be a simple and important marker to determine the risk and prognosis of patients with AMI.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2754

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Background: Excessive noise is known as the most physical harmful factor in the industrial societies. There are several hearing protection methods against noise. Compliance with noise is attributed as one of the protection mechanisms of auditory system.Objective: This aim of this study was to determine the effect of different exposures time to compliance noise on rabbit’s hearing protection by Distortion Product OtoAcoustic Emissions (DPOAEs).Methods: This experimental study was carried out on 25 male three-months-old New Zealand white rabbits in five groups including group 1 as trauma group exposed to 105 dB SPL at 500-3000 Hz for 8 hours per day in ten days; groups 2, 3, and 4 as compliance noise groups with daily exposure to 80 dB SPL compliance noise at 500 to 3000 Hz for 1, 2 or 4 hours before exposure to 105 dB trauma noise in ten days and group 5 as control group. All rabbits were anesthetized for DPOAE measurement before any exposure and post-DPOAE measurement (16-20 hours following final exposure). Data were analyzed by ANOVA, TUKEY and DUNNET tests.Findings: Mean DPOAE response differences of right ear in groups 2, 3 and 4 (compliance groups) were much lower than group 1 (noise trauma group). No significant differences were observed between mean DPOAE response amplitudes at low and middle frequencies in right ear of groups 3 or 4 and control group. Differences between mean DPOAE response levels in trauma group compared to control group were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: Lack of significant differences between mean DPOAE responses of compliance and control groups suggests protective effect of compliance noise on hearing health before exposure to noise trauma.

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View 1141

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Background: Orexin-A and orexin-B are novel hypothalamic peptides which have a role in the regulation of feeding behaviour and pain modulation.Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of Orexin-A receptor antagonist (SB334867) on the analgesia produced by 12-14 h of food deprivation in rats.Methods: This experimental study was performed on 32 Male rats weighing 220-300gr in Qazvin University of Medical Science in 2010. Animals underwent stereotaxic surgery and a guide cannula was inserted into the lateral ventricle of their brain. One week after surgery, food was withdrawn 12-14 h prior to performing the formalin test, but water continued to be available ad labium. Formalin was injected subcutaneously into the dorsal surface of the right hindpaw and their pain behaviors observed and recorded for 90 minutes. SB334867 or vehicle (5 m l, icv) were injected 5 min before formalin injection. Data were analyzed by T-test and one way ANOVA.Findings: Formalin injection into the right foot caused pain responses in two phases; first phase and second phase were separated with an interphase in which pain behavior was decreased to single and transient responses. 12-14 h starvation reduced pain behavior (analgesia) but Orexin antagonist injection prevent from the reduction of pain behaviors caused by acute food deprivation.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the orexinergic system has a role in the modulation of the pain following food deprivation.

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View 774

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    1 (66)
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Background: Assessment of the length of root canal is the first and the most important step of a successful root canal therapy (RCT). Although radiography is the most common technique in working length determination, it is not the technique of choice due to its limitations. Electronic apex locator has been used to solve the problem.Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the in vitro accuracy of two electronic apex locators Raypex5 and Foramatron in determination of working length.Methods: This analytical study was performed in Qazvin dental school in 2005. 30 extracted single canal teeth were selected and the access cavity was prepared for them. The working length measured by two apex locators in dry and wet situation was compared to actual canal length that was determined under stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by paired t-test.Findings: The accuracy of Raypex5 working length determination was 86.7% and 76.7%, respectively, in dry and wet situation for a tolerance limit of 0-0.5 mm. The accuracy of Formatron working length determination was 73.4% and 63.4% and there was no statistically significant difference between the accuracy of the instruments.Conclusion: Although the accuracy of Raypex5 in working length determination was more than Foramatron, both of them are useful as an adjunct to radiography in working length measurement.

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View 659

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    1 (66)
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Background: Intimacy in marital relations has been conceptualized as a very important behavioral pattern that is made based on acceptance, satisfaction and love and this love is a way toward meaning full lifeObjective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of meaning-centered training on marital intimacy of women.Methods: This quasi experimental research was conducted on 24 women that referred to one of the healthy home of region 7 in Tehran and voluntarily participated in this research. The women were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. Measurement tool consisted of Marital Intimacy Scale that was completed as pre-test and post-test. The intervention group participated in 10 sessions of meaning-centered training. Data were analyzed by covariance analysis.Findings: After adjusting for pre-test scores, there were significant differences between subjects of two groups (F(1, 21)=36.922, P<0.05, Partial n2=0.637). The adjusted mean scores showed that after implementing the independent variable, marital intimacy in the intervention group was increased compared to the control group.Conclusion: With regard to results, having shared meaning in life can be used as a way to increase intimate relations between spouses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1313

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Background: Medical tourism is a fast growing industry that provides an environment where patients travel to receive medical services beyond their national borders.Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the readiness of teaching hospitals affiliated to Iran University of medical Sciences in attracting medical tourists based on Joint Commission International (JCI) Standards.Methods: This descriptive study was carried out in Hasheminejad, Rajaie, Rasul Akram and Motahhari hospitals in 2010. Data were collected by checklist of joint commission international standards (7 patient centered and 6 organization centered standards). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistic tests. Findings: The mean score of JCI standards was 64.3% (patient centered standards: 66%, organization centered standards: 62.6%). The maximum rate of consideration was related to medication management and use standards (75.5%) and the minimum rate of consideration was related to patient and family rights standards (54.9%).Conclusion: It seems that the selected hospitals have relative readiness to attract medical tourists. Hospitals Managers can focus on strengths to increase their capabilities in medical tourism industry and they should do their best to reduce the weaknesses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 836

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Background: Job satisfaction of employees in any organization, is accompanied by increasing efficiency and improving its productivity. Meanwhile, emergence of deviance behaviors due to job dissatisfaction can causing or aggravating the bad effects of decreaseing of job satisfaction such as turnover.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and intention to leave job by organizational and personal norm breaking behaviors in nurses of public hospitals of Yazd province.Methods: This analytical study was conducted on 292 nurses of public hospitals in Yazd province, 2010. Subjects were selected by simple random sampling method and Morgan table. Data were collected by the questionnaire and were analyzed by multivariate regression analysis.Findings: Nurses’ job satisfaction both directly and indirectly led to decrease in Turnover by decreased organizational and personal norm breaking behaviors. Male, married and less experienced nurses had more intention for organizational norm breaking behaviors and leaving job than others. Nobody had intention for interpersonal norm breaking behaviors.Conclusion: It seems that job dissatisfaction is the most important factor for Turnover in nurses. Since there is negative relationship between job satisfaction and Turnover, increasing in job satisfaction will result in decreasing norm breaking behaviors.

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Background: Where the staffs are capable and committed to the health organizations, not only absenteeism, delays, and displacement reduce but also the organizational and individual goals would be better achieved.Objective: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between quality of life (QOL) and quality of working life (QWL) in staffs of Baharan psychiatry hospital, Zahedan.Methods: In this analytical study, 55 staffs of Baharan psychiatry hospital of Zahedan in November 2010 were selected by stratified random sampling method. Measurement tools consist of demographic information, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) and Dargahi Quality of working life questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis.Findings: %43.6 of the staffs was dissatisfied of the QOL and %40 of them was dissatisfied of the QWL. There were positive correlation between QOL and QWL. (r=0.000, P=0.48) Among QOL variables, only the environment health had a significant relationship with changes of the QWL. (r=0.001, P=0.582).Conclusion: With regards to the relationship between QOL and QWL, easy and satisfactory access to recreational, sports and educational facilities and health services and revision in the payment system, training and human resources development and management style are necessary.

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View 947

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Background: Research is essential to change the dynamics of health care systems. Researches that are based on the system needs provide the process of reform and development.Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the health system researches (HSR) of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences from 2001 to 2009.Methods: In this descriptive study, 118 completed health system research projects of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences were assessed from 2001 to 2009. Data were collected by using a checklist includes: general information (subject, place and time of the project, job type and position of the executive director, project type and statement of problem), the planning and intervention information (Such as educational classes, workshops, production of educational booklets and pamphlets, etc.), intervention type (what kind of intervention took place), results of the intervention (What results were achieved after the implementation of interventions) and the publication of the results (to be applied and make changes in the system).Findings: The highest frequency of executive director was related to the administrative experts (36.44%) and faculty members (29.66%). Most projects (28.81%) have been implemented at the university. The most common subject (43.22%) was management issues and only about 53 cases (44.91%) have been planned for intervention. Projects were presented as final project reports (50.84%), application of the results (28.81%), published paper (16.94%), conference presentation (2.54%) and patents (0.84%). The results of 34 projects (28.81%) have been applied.Conclusion: There is a big gap between knowledge production and its application and such a delay can cause failure to use of this knowledge to improve the system.

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View 980

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Abdominal obesity is more dangerous than fat accumulation elsewhere in the body and can cause early death by increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, fatty liver and respiratory diseases. Prevalence of abdominal obesity is high among Iranian men and women. On the other hand, studies have shown that diet modification is needed for most Iranians. According to recent evidence, abdominal obesity may change in response to certain food items; therefore the diets can be offered to prevent and control abdominal obesity and its consequences. These diets may not be equally effective due to individual biological variations in people. With regards to the threatening outcome of abdominal obesity, identifying these food items is essential to modify dietary plans.

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View 1872

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Hydatid cyst disease is endemic in rural areas of Iran. Attention to the clinical symptoms and considering the diagnostic procedures are the key points in the diagnosis of hydatid cyst. Laparoscopic hydatid cystectomy is controversial in this regard. In this report, a patient with hepatic hydatid cyst is introduced and the importance of clinical findings, diagnostic procedures and laparoscopic surgical procedure are discussed.

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View 882

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The purpose of this interventional study was to determine the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in students with suspected mental disorder. After screening of all students entries October 2009 & February 2010 by the 28 items General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), 35 vulnerable students (25 girls and 10 boys) were selected by census method and ethics consideration. They were treated in 10 sessions include 45 minutes of the above mentioned method by the university counseling center psychologists. Subjects were evaluated after the intervention with the above mentioned test. Using paired t-test and independent t-test, comparison of the mean results of the overall scale and subscales before and after intervention showed significant differences (P<0.001). Given the effectiveness of individual interventions with a cognitive-behavioral approach in improving the students’ mental health, using this method is recommended in university counseling centers.

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View 736

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This retrospective study was performed to investigate the frequency of sexual-, senile-, and anatomic area-related distribution of odontogenic cysts and tumors in relationship with an impacted tooth during a seven-year period (2003-2010) using registered records in archives of oral pathology department of Babol dental school as well as re-examining the microscopic slides to confirm that the patients were accurately diagnosed as having odontogenic lesions. Dentigerous cyst was the most common lesion and also the most frequent odontogenic cyst, mostly occurred during the second decade. Unicystic ameloblastoma was the only odontogenic tumor diagnosed. The left side of the posterior mandible was involved by lesions more commonly and the third molar was the most frequent involved tooth.

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View 1031

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